Letter: Trump's bluster can't hide his unpopularity
Last weekend, we heard a phrase that speaks volumes about the current administration: "alternative facts." This phrase defines every aspect of Donald Trump.
Everything is a false front; everything is a lie purported to be the truth.
Trump rose to political prominence by proclaiming that former President Barack Obama was born in Kenya and was not qualified to lead. Trump has shown through his actions that he himself is unqualified to lead. He was elected using fake news and Russian interference. Thus, the most blatant "alternative fact" is his mandate to lead.
President Trump is a loser. He lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million. He tweeted saying that all the protesters on the day after his inauguration should have voted. They did, and not for him: interestingly enough, Trump lost by about the same number of people who marched in protest against him.
Nor was it illegals, as he stated, who cost him the popular vote. The majority of the population did not vote for him, do not stand by him and will oppose him at every turn.
His "alternative facts" will not change what is true. We are the vocal majority, and we are not going anywhere.
Trump's supporters call us snowflakes. One snowflake can be ignored, but beware the avalanche that is coming.
Franklin Wirsing
East Grand Forks