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- The Big List of Shit Trump Did
- | Just a compilation of stupid shit Trump has done or |
- | said. I started recording this on the 20th of January,|
- | the day he officially became POTUS. |
- ______________________________________________________________________________________________
- ____Date__|______________________Action______________________________________|___Link_________
- 20/1/2017 | Removal of the White House's webpage on climate change. |
- __________|__________________________________________________________________|_________________
- 21/1/2017 | Withdrawal from Trans Pacific Partnership |
- __________|__________________________________________________________________|_________________
- 24/1/2017 | Reinstates "Global Gag Rule" (Anti abortion measure) |
- __________|__________________________________________________________________|_________________
- 26/1/2017 | Advocates for torture |
- __________|__________________________________________________________________|_________________
- 28/1/2017 | Banned 7 nationalities from entering US (90 day ban) |
- __________|__________________________________________________________________|_________________
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