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Denuvo games aren't worth full price

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  3. Denuvo games aren't worth full price

User Info: randomoaf

2 hours ago#1
I had a huge internet outage yesterday (from 2 afternoon to 12am midnight) and I couldn't play Resident Evil 7. I didn't even have a chance to activate online and then go to Steam's offline to keep the game playable. I had no idea the outage was coming. It just happened.

I realized right there that denuvo games are not worth very much. My experience as a customer is impacted and that removes value from the game since I could not play it. It's not that the games are worthless (to some people it is, I still don't think so b/c I enjoy the games).

Thank goodness I didn't pay the full 59.99+tax. I paid 41 after fees but in retrospect, that's still too high for a denuvo game. I'd say the sweet spot is 20-30. Ideally 10-15 but it takes a long time before it hits that price.
ya ya ya I'm Lorde ya ya

User Info: protools1983

2 hours ago#2
Well f*** me, I agree completely with a randomoaf topic.
Glorious 4K Master Race

User Info: Killah Priest

Killah Priest
2 hours ago#3
its the world we live in.

solution is to just get intoxicated and enjoy the real world until its all back.
The Infamous...
like 10 minutes ago.
(edited 2 hours ago)

User Info: monkmith

1 hour ago#4
while i fully agree, i came here to see how long it takes before people start b****ing about piracy.
People die when they are killed.
Among horse, Red Hare. Among men, Lu Bu.

User Info: Ultimate_Noob

1 hour ago#5
Killah Priest posted...
solution is to just get intoxicated and enjoy the real world until its all back.

I'm pretty sure you get intoxicated to escape the real world.
.. Because it's the Rapture way of life!

User Info: Killah Priest

Killah Priest
1 hour ago#6
some people do, others do it to take the edge off.

also for some philosophy s***, if the "real" world now is tech, internet, cell phones, does "escaping" it even mean the same thing it did 20 years ago.
The Infamous...
like 10 minutes ago.
(edited 1 hour ago)

User Info: SinisterSlay

19 minutes ago#7
TC if you pirate the game, you won't have these issues. The pirated version is far superior to the paid version.

I am not sure why companies don't see why that's a stupid truth.
He who stumbles around in darkness with a stick is blind. But he who... sticks out in darkness... is... fluorescent! - Brother Silence

User Info: Crysiania

18 minutes ago#8
monkmith posted...
while i fully agree, i came here to see how long it takes before people start b****ing about piracy.

If people didn't steal, drm wouldn't exist !:O
  1. Boards
  2. PC
  3. Denuvo games aren't worth full price

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