@VicenteFoxQue @realDonaldTrump He is NOT respecting us. But at least he has the decency to eat some tic tacos before assaulting a woman.pic.twitter.com/CxNgc6jlUQ
@VicenteFoxQue I typed "tic tacs" and autocorrect turned it into "tictacos". My bad. Though that's what Trump would prob eat in Mx. - さらに表示
@VicenteFoxQue@realDonaldTrump call his bluff. He's a weak, angry fool. Americans will stand with Mexico -
@mothership@VicenteFoxQue@realDonaldTrump no the hell we won't lmao -
@F0gell sorry, I meant the informed American majority with enough sense to know this is economic suicide. Enjoy your sad life -
@mothership@F0gell I thought you just voted for him and he won fairly in-line with your voting system? -
@sirgrumpygit an electoral election victory influenced by foreign meddling. Only 46% of Americans voted for him and 14% already regret it -
@mothership facts or sour grapes? -
@sirgrumpygit facts sir. Hillary was a terrible candidate and voters were complacent. Americans are better than this. I promise -
@mothership@sirgrumpygit Hillary was not a terrible candidate..She is smart, strong and experienced. A lot better than this monster! # - さらに表示
@VicenteFoxQue@__EqualRights__@realDonaldTrump VIncente Fox for POTUS! -
@Chooglin1@VicenteFoxQue@__EqualRights__@realDonaldTrump Charlie sheen for potus! -
@Katehere@Chooglin1@ElizabethClore@doorman1972@VicenteFoxQue@__EqualRights__@realDonaldTrump Vincente is the Real MVP!