Donald Trump's Press Office Confuses Britain's Prime Minister With Porn Star

No, the president is not meeting with a former adult actress in the Oval Office today.

01/27/2017 05:48 am ET

The “special relationship” between President Donald Trump and British Prime Minister Theresa May has gotten off to an awkward start.

In a White House memo detailing the duo’s Oval Office meeting and joint press conference on Friday, staffers from the Office of the Press Secretary repeatedly spelled her name wrong. Instead of writing “Theresa” with an “h,” they wrote “Teresa.” In doing so, they confused May with the former British adult actress and model Teresa May of (almost) the same name.

The White House

The mistake was later corrected but not before screen grabs of the errors went viral.

The 60-year-old British lawmaker served as Home Secretary for six years until July 2016, when the Conservative Party selected her as its leader following the United Kingdom’s Brexit vote to leave the European Union.

The erotic model with a similar name is around a decade younger and has appeared in movies such as “Petticoat Passions Vol. 1” and “Lesbian Student Nurses.”

The White House

May (the politician) is expected to call on Trump to renew the “special relationship” between the two countries during what will be his first meeting with a world leader since he entered the White House.

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