@HistOpinion I´d like to see the same poll a few years later. You would´t happen to know where to find that?
@V_Brueggemann FWIW, 50% of respondents in a Gallup poll of ’56 said they’d take in Hungarian refugees. Cold War changed things. -
@HistOpinion Sure, but what about Jewish Refugees towards the end of the war ? -
@V_Brueggemann A quick search doesn't turn up polls on J refugees coming to US, but Americans widely supported allowing them into Palestine. -
@HistOpinion@V_Brueggemann "Americans widely supported allowing them into Palestine" just sounds like NIMBY-Humanitarianism. - さらに表示
@polexa@cryptopix@hardsci@HistOpinion Source is referenced in the attachment: Fortune Magazine, July 1938. -
@WuShocks@polexa@cryptopix@hardsci & reprinted in Hadley Cantril’s _Public Opinion, 1935-1946_. - さらに表示
@HistOpinion@sserve Not quite analogous - 1938 was based in large part on anti-Semitism. They didn't need to worry about terrorism. -
@JeffSiegel40@HistOpinion@sserve 90 people are being shot to death every day in USA - who needs terrorists? -
@Visitkarte@HistOpinion@sserve Let's not confuse two very serious but very different problems. -
@JeffSiegel40@HistOpinion@sserve How is it different? Does it hurt less to be shot and killed by a mass shooter than by a terrorist? -
@Visitkarte@HistOpinion@sserve The causes of urban violence and terrorism are completely different. Only similarity is the bullets. -
@JeffSiegel40 Keep telling yourself that. The only real difference is xenophobia. It's nearly universally young, frustrated, violent men. -
@Visitkarte I didn't say the perpetrators weren't young, violent men. We agree. But do we need to import more of them? -
@JeffSiegel40@Visitkarte No, but I don't think they will leave you alone even if you close your borders :)
@HistOpinion “History doesn’t repeat itself but it often rhymes”#SyrianRefugees