@caleb_crain @mattdpearce @nytimes "illegal" immigrants have already broken the law!!
@herbs19@caleb_crain@mattdpearce@nytimes this doesn't apply only to immigrants without documents. Applies to all immigrants incl legal.
@caleb_crain@russbengtson@nytimes Does that include a woman that worked as a model without a green card in the United States? -
@Spurs_McNulla@caleb_crain@russbengtson@nytimes And would include Trump's Scottish mother who lied on 1940 census abt being citizen - さらに表示
@caleb_crain@LurigDramaCDall@nytimes That's straight out of the Hitler handbook. -
@caleb_crain@mattdpearce@nytimes am I supposed to be outraged -
@Benrayco@caleb_crain@mattdpearce@nytimes Not if you don't care about the Constitution.
@caleb_crain@KnudsonMolla@nytimes due process... -
@caleb_crain@mattdpearce yep setting US back so many years. So much for progress. Not going to eliminate crime btw