@PrisonPlanet @JamesOKeefeIII my god wtf is wrong w people. This is the unites states of America people
@TheCraftbyTia@PrisonPlanet@JamesOKeefeIII Accept the diversity. Nothing to see here. -
@AloysiusVistan@PrisonPlanet@JamesOKeefeIII this is barbaric behavior!! -
@TheCraftbyTia@PrisonPlanet@JamesOKeefeIII I just hope those country motorcyclists unload some American ire -
@TheCraftbyTia@AloysiusVistan@PrisonPlanet@JamesOKeefeIII Don't worry, there's gonna be more than just motorcyclist. Trust me.
@PrisonPlanet But! Wait, there's more...@EdwardMcfcpic.twitter.com/s7rg8SxsBB -
@RogueDazed@PrisonPlanet lol lol bet he won't do it, cut it off I mean! Lol -
@EdwardMcfc I kinda hope he does it& near enough to the event to be in violation of...
@PrisonPlanetpic.twitter.com/dPyoFDjZz5 -
@RogueDazed@PrisonPlanet if he does, then he can be someone's bitch? Lol -
@EdwardMcfc Oh what a day it's going to be@PrisonPlanetpic.twitter.com/fKcjyxH92I -
@RogueDazed@EdwardMcfc@PrisonPlanet why leftist snowflakes so madpic.twitter.com/1SpjbDPqky -
@PrisonPlanet TOLERANT LIBERALS ...#DEMOCRAAAAPS !!!pic.twitter.com/rGo2rv9ayS - さらに表示
@PrisonPlanet Don't forget Soros funding all these groups. -
@Orthodoxia7@iamjenwillett@Scr1nRusher@PrisonPlanet Soros denied being a Jew & stole millions $$$$$ from those who died in the Holocaust. -
@OhToBeMarie@Orthodoxia7@iamjenwillett@Scr1nRusher@PrisonPlanet He said working for Nazis was best time of his life!! -
@Orthodoxia7@OhToBeMarie@iamjenwillett@Scr1nRusher@PrisonPlanet Where$$ concerned some ppl have no morals.