>those emails LMAO
>>365547898>INB4 booty blasted gooberg8tors throw a tantrum because the fbi called them out
>>365547898Tell me more about how GummyGrabbers don't harass folk.
>movement started over some nobody ditching her boyfriend and christians getting offended, and not the Gerstmann firingyeah I never gave GG any attention despite being a life-long gamer. They were hypocrites and liars trying to use gaming to push their agenda when most of them don't play games.
>>365547954>Such a child that he cant even say gamergate and resorts to babytalkPathetic
>>365548020So do SJWs, so...
>FBI comes knocking on your door>Asks you if you were ever called a fag
>>365548117Here's an ass blasted gummygator now! I'm sure your mother is proud, fight the good fight against the ebil sjws grrrrr.
No idea what GG even was, came and went and I ignored itIm just a woman hater for 30 years now, nothing has changed or will change
>>365547898Sad virgins attack woman for having opinions, and it somehow became a movement for other sad virgins.This kind of discussion was banned from this website long ago. Begone now, or I will report you and have the mods ban you.
Lmao are these real? Murrikan """"""intelligence""""""
>>365548261Taxpayer dollars at work.
So what's the verdict? Can someone summarize this shit fit me?
>>365548108The most amusing part of the whole thing was people doggedly insisting that they were making a difference and that reporting Phil Fish and all those people to the FBI on all that made-up bullshit was definitely going to change the industry genuinely took me by surprise how convinced of their own bullshit they were.
>>365548684As far as I can tell there is no "verdict," as the name of the account implies it's just records of stuff people sent to the FBI about it.
GamerGate destroyed this board
>>365548684goobergators are a bunch of virgen manchildren that sent death threats to a ton of different people because they disagreed with them.
>>365548684It was all bullshit, they ultimately determined that all the whiny tumblerinas getting threats and shit was either trolling or antiGGers making it up for attention and that this whole investigation was a waste of time and resources.
>>365549185>Making it upYeah no honey, you didn't read the report.
>>365549185Do you have an image summarizing that that I can spread around?
>>365548108What about people who were annoyed by both?
>>365547972>agents wasted time typing this
Sealed pursuant to court order = underage b& having their juvenile records not available to the public.
>>365548684"Investigation closed due to lack of leads"
>>365549431>a court stenographer wasted their time typing this
>>365549416This is from the court case where moot testified.Fuck off, faggot.
but her emails thosurely those are more important
>>365547972Seems legit.Just like Donald Trump watching Hentai in a movie theater with hookers.
>>365548682goobers are dangerous and unhinged, take dylann roof and elliot rogers for example
>>365549634Why was he in court?
>>365549735Child Porn or something. I forget.
>>365549572>You moralfags need to at least try to fap to some cp at least once before you die. Because there is no other feel like it.>MCMICHAEL claimed this post was a joke.
>>365549735Someone from here broke into Sarah Palin's e-mail.
How is this videogames
>>365549756Moot had child porn?
>>365549735moot had to go to court several times; basically whenever a legit nutjob who posted on 4chan acted up and then posted back here about what their crimes, he'd get dragged out of his basement.
>>365548108>>365548848>>365548967ITT: tumblr astroturfing hard
ask someone who joined /v/ when gamergate started anything
>>365549854His website did
>>365549735Because you needed to fuck off somewhere else or lurk more, newfag.
>>365549735He had to go to explain what all these threats coming from his site meant. He doesn't actually HAVE to go, but it's a hassle to try and avoid it
>>365548261This a cartoon world we're living in
>>365549416>"caps" meaning screenshotsI don't remember ever hearing that before. Maybe it was before my time.
>>365548337>tfw already won
>>365549943lurk more newshit
>>365547972>>365548261>american """security"""here in Britain we don't have these problems because our population isn't idiotic manchildren
>>365549943Why don't you leave?
>>365549882ITT: /pol/ astroturfing hardfrigg off /r/the_donald fag.
>>365550063"Screencap this"?
>>365548108>being a life-long gameryou have to go baaaaaaaaaaack
>>365550063you've never heard of screencap (screen captures)? its a modern thing
>>365550074Yeah, because extreme islam isnt a problem in Britain.
Is that pdf file really 4.8GB?
>>365550105>frigg offStop posting whore.
>>365548108>yeah I never gave GG any attention It shows
>>365550123>>365550165Sure, but I've never heard someone just refering to screencaps as "caps".
>>365550105Woah. Easy on the homophobic slurs.
>>365550074>Britainenjoy going to war with the EU just so they can take their shitty country back
>>365550074Enjoying your rapeugees?
>>365549572>Oakland MichiganWHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK THAT'S WHERE I LIVE
>>365550074And instead you're getting assraped by mudslimes and rapefugees.I wouldn't try to act the moral high ground if I were you, britbong.
>>365549943Honestly: what the fuck is Gamergate anyway? I have been here for the better part of a decade and at some point people said "ever since gamergate... yadda yadda yadda". Apparently there was some big pseudo movement happening right here that I didn't really notice? I mean, there have been plenty of things people pointed to when saying why /v/ went to shit over the years, but gamergate to me always was the most ominous.
>>365549861they bothered him so much that he just decided to give the fed a fast pass to the servers.ever notice how 4chan "froze" for several hours?that's when the feds used to come in to take a look at the boards when some retard announced a school shooting or posted cp
>>365549990It says they're speaking but all their mouths are closed, do they just jiggle their fat so the sound waves imitate human speech?
>>365550196>goobergate doesn't harass peo-
>>365547972>hacking group known as 4chan
>>365549328>Yeah no honey,see>>365550141
>>3655502526 1 P E R C E N T 1PERCENT
>>365549735sarah palin email hack
>>365550340>feels harrassed when being called a whoreI guess that one hit close to home.
Gamergate was a mistake.pic related.
>>365549572I wouldn't say wasted.Sitcom writers get paid more for less.
>>365550292A thing that happened
How powerful is gamergate /v/? It even has ties with the FBI!
>>365548684Actual threats were on same level as back when Oprah reported that Anonymous had over 9000 penises that they were using to rape children.FBI realized this and closed the investigation.
>>365550292There was a whole stickied general before it was shut down my man
>>365549416>Now, could you tell us more about "dubs"?
>>365549572based mad thadd
>>365550581Into the trash your hard drive goes XD
>>365550467Skipping a lot of the meme magic and Kek stuff there, but otherwise a solid summary.
>>365550581>we been paying three different people to document and investigate Gamergate for no reason whatsoeverThis is too good.
>>365550601Really? I was pretty active here when it was supposedly going on and I barely noticed any of that.
>>365548108you're just mad because, all these years, none of your fat lesbian friends got raped by someone that was related to gamergate, and you didn't get to whine about it on twitter. it's ok, though, you have eight (8) years to whine about trump, i hope you're a busy little bee.
>>365547972>>365548337These are funny but I'm reading the file right now, there are some legit threats in there that sound like they come from some very angry individuals.
>>365550589>Oprah reported that Anonymous had over 9000 penisesHoly shit I just remembered that. 07-09 Internet was the best. But 16 was good too due to meme magic.
Gamergate started as a good idea and an opportunity to expose and take a shot at sjws. But as always you niggers had to turn it into a meme. GG died whith the whole Vivian James monstrosity. Also Gamergate is a stupid name and you niggers shouldn't have pretended it was about "ethics" when it was about sjws shitting the medium from the start.
>someone at the FBI had to spend their time investigating fucking gamergate
>>365550581>paying people to document GamerGate
>>365550581Brianna will be able to ask the fbi why it sided with misogynistic losers over innocent people when she wins her senate bid.
>>365550303Stop saying dumb shit. You don't need to freeze the servers to do that.
>>365550581If they were all signed by Mr.Winged Faggot Extraordinaire I can understand the FBI's reasoning desu
>>365548532t. hambeast
>>365550581gamergate is now reaching folklore status. It's an unseen monster, in the vain of the witches or the reptilians, but for feminists
>>365550581Well when Wu/Chu 2024 sweeps into the White House, maybe they'll find THE REAL INVESTIGATIONS THE FBI IS HIDING
>>365550841the sheman sure is : the guy who got paid to do it was smarter
>>365550292>Apparently there was some big pseudo movement happening right here that I didn't really noticeliterally impossible to miss. you must have taken a year off or have really good filters set up
>>365547898>I reported the suposedly hacking of the Phil Fish to the FBI>they actually investigated itIs this real life?
>>365550292It started as a reaction to a FEMALE indie developer cheating on her boyfriend and she apparently slept with 5 people (all game journalists) according to him. Some people really got mad about this and created a group called 5guys. It was about the same time Feminist Frequency started a kickstarter about sexism in games. It combined into a massive hate campaign they would say was about ethics in game journalism.they were kicked off the site and later supposedly left 4chan to die in October 2014
>>365550105Ah yes, trolling.sage
>>365550257Go visit him, Anon!
>>365550581>we been paying three different people to document and investigate Gamergate
>>365548261>AmericansFeels good being Swedish, we don't have those same problems.
>>365550292Once upon a time we could make threads shitting on Kotaku and having a good laugh. Then some nobody gets favorable coverage on her participation in a game jam and her shitty game from her friends and her then-boyfriend spazzes out and releases a massive expose on how she cheated on him. People get upset and then all her journalist friends get triggered and write the same article 20+ times in one day when they could have just ignored it and people would have forgotten in a week. Then a bunch of people decided to lie about the entire thing and claim that there was a concerted misogynistic hate campaign against key women in video games. I wish we could go back to the way things were before.
>>365550763At least you avoided the shitstorm. I was only here for two months before that happened and I got sucked into the whole thing. It was purified cancer. In my defense I was around 15-14 at the time.
>>365550860on /b/ you do, nigga
>>365551131>SwedishAnon, pls!
I still laugh that all these people who GG targeted went from nobodies to people with huge followings and are now making tons of dosh of patreon and speaking at events. it also made developers double down super hard on being more progressive/politically correct. Gamergate did the exact opposite of what it intended
>>365551069No, the tropes v women shit was well before this.
>>365550581Don't forget 6/7 m8
>>365550581>the fbi investigated into these pscopaths but it would be a politcal nightmare to publish a report about how fucked up all these trannies and shit are and know the other side doesn't really care.>the psycopaths still try and create an outrage over the report even though it left out all the hilarious shit about brian
>>365550292Basicaly :Girl dev fucked 5 guys from jury of some indie best game contest to win. Her boyfriend found out and sperged.Feminist started to defend her, while some anons dropped spaghetti It resulted in such memes as: Five guys Mysogyny Gamers are ded Brian wu Anita sarkeesian, cute jewish feminist that get fat lately ;_;
>>365547972too good
>>365551069This is completely a lie. The five guys epidemic shed some light on blatant nepotism going on behind the scenes in the indie gaming scene (something /v/ had long suspected) so we jumped on it and went to see how far the rabbit hole went.Turns out it went so far that to this day you're here hiding behind an anonymous identity trying to deny it!So all in all, an amazing butthurt generator really.
>>365551128When people call in bomb threats it usually get investigated
>>365550685>check 'em
>>365547972>hacking group known as 4chanJust because you leave something shitty like your contact email or something about you that can be searched with google doesn't make us ebin hackers
>>365551341I still don't see why /v/ got so fucking mad that some gamejam judges where giving awards to their who gives a shit?
>>365550882i thought chu got redpilled after the whole thing ended?i've never typed the word redpilled before and i hope i never do again
>>365549572>.. /cp/cpEvery time.
>>365548261Is this the new DLC for La Noire?
I know people are laughing at the FBI for taking this "seriously" but they pretty much have to take any bomb threat seriously and write up silly-sounding reports like this.
>>365548261>"No? But you look like one">Crying_Wojak.jpg
>>365549882I don't understand, are you a) denying that people were saying that shit?in which case a quick search through the archives will educate youor are you b) saying that Fish was, in fact, taken down by the FBI? in which case fucking lol
we did it brehs ecks dee
>all these false flagging sjw sleepers cells that got activated for this thread
>>365551069>It was about the same time Feminist Frequency started a kickstarter about sexism in games.No no no. Anita's Kickstarter was years earlier, this point she was already way behind on episode production.And to GamerGame's credit, at one point they did actually find evidence of collusion and fraud, like the IGF thing.But I doubt the initial Zoe thing was about sleeping for positive coverage of the game. The deal with that was that these people are just too fucking stupid to realize that you shouldn't party with and fuck people who you should have professional relationship with.Similarly to back when one Kotaku writer was renting a room from some indie developers she was writing about at the time, and nobody involved thought it was a problem, these people are just that fucking stupid.
>>365551128What else would he do with all that MAD FORTUNE his game made?
>>365551282Then again Trump became president and young Trump supporters were announced to be single dudes in their 20s that jack off to anime and the left is having a meltdown.Politics won across the spectrum, and video games lost.
>>365551451You just don't cheat on your boyfriend with five different guys anonThat's fucked up
>>365550835Well the irony is that GG did turn out to be right in the end. SJWs have now spread all over the video game industry to the point that every game now has a libtard propaganda in it and token minorities so they can be "diverse".
>>365550238the screen part didn't confuse the feds, the cap part did
It sucks how they won and Kotaku no longer exists.
>GamerGate was just an harassment campaign Fucking kek how silly do those people feel now.
GamerGate is a vague idea that a lot of people latch on to for different reasons. Some of them have (or had) legitimately good points and goals, but most of them are morons who want an excuse to bitch about things other people said which they don't like for really stupid reasons. Just like feminism.For every person upset about video game journalism being an unprofessional amateurish cesspit, you have ten memelords who just want an excuse to complain about "muh joos", "muh SJW's" and "muh niggers".
>>365550581This is fucking pathetic and hilarious at the same time. I don't get why /v/ hates goobergate so much when it brought this much comedy.
>>365551451both cheating and conflicts of interest are wrong
>>365551260What, are you jealous of our superior health care and education system? Our low crime rate and ingenuity? It's alright, you can admit it.
Gamergate was a hate group against shitty developers regardless of their gender.
>>365551779Seriously. People are so upset by nobodies like Wu and her cult that they can't sit her and take in the world's greatest comedy show.
>>365551792Then why did so many gamergaters vote trump?
Why should i care about gaming journalism again?
>>365551382That's not what Wu's tweet is about.
>>365551131No we have nigger and mudslime problems, far worse.
>>365550463Anybody got this version with "Anime is now real" text?
>>365551924some games are not getting localized because bad press.
>>365551131how is life under sharia law?
>>365551918What makes you say that they did?
>>365551829>Our low crime rateCome on anon, don't be stupid. Malmö is literal warzone filled with roaming niggers.
>>365551779Because /v/ is a leftist thread. They'll deny it, but they know it has become the long arm of the left.There is no reason not to get behind gamergate, since feminist and sjws are a huge cancer to anything they touch.
>>365551924Because they control like 5% of the gamers.
>>365551069im embarrassed that i can tell what a loose grasp you have on gamergate.
>>365550581>we been paying three different people to document and investigate GamergateHoly fucking christ this is some good shit.
>>365551876Maybe you can ask for his porn stash.
>mfw GamerGate>mfw the nonsense the FBI had to investigate>mfw Trump>mfw media reporting on Pepe and Hillary still having a page on her site about him>mfw media reporting on Shia's stream and calling CIA cosplayers an alt-right white supremacist meme>mfw Slate reporting on "dog whistle racism" like Moon Man being appropriated by racists
>>365548261>Sir, have you ever been called a faggot?>Answer me truthfully or there will be consequencesWell /v/, have you ever been called a faggot?
>>365551882Well people still get upset that Japanese borderline porn games are censored to sell in Germany and Australia then blame the bloggers.
is crippledchan still alive? does anyone even use it aside from CP?
>>365551882>She's running for Congress in 2018Comedy gold.
>>365551829we all envy you so much
>>365550581>The FBI discarded Wu's claims partially due to previous "warnings" that people were planning a sarin gas attack at PAX
>>365550074Your population is all mudslimes
>>365551131I wouldn't be talking, Sweden.
I can't wait for Miss Wu to become the next Madam President and shut down this shithole.
>>365549572>Also located on the flash drive was a copy of McMichael's resumeEvery time I see this there's another piece of pure gold I didn't notice before.
>>365551918You're a delusional retard.
>>365547898Where did it all go wrong?
>>365551779Because, like half of the things /v/ hates, it's just being contrarian to get (you)s
So apparently gamers are a minority group that has been suppressed by the society and needs to call for their rights.Keep going, you are doing great.
>>365551124Wtf I love niggers now!
>>365550248>going to war with the EUWith what army? The French?