True fact: Personal grooming regimen strictly dictated by Andrew Breitbart himself
True fact: Personal grooming regimen strictly dictated by Andrew Breitbart himself

President Trump’s chief toady Steve Bannon decided to give the New York Times a phone call Thursday to let them know how they could be a much better newspaper: Become more like Dead Breitbart’s emporium for Trump-licking and also shut up, because the media suck so hard, man. You know who the real enemy in America is? It’s the media! Attacking the media is certainly a new tack for a Republican administration to take, but Team Trump is known for being innovative.

“The media should be embarrassed and humiliated and keep its mouth shut and just listen for a while,” Mr. Bannon said in an interview on Wednesday.

“I want you to quote this,” Mr. Bannon added. “The media here is the opposition party. They don’t understand this country. They still do not understand why Donald Trump is the president of the United States.”

The media said they were right sad about hurting Mr. Trump’s feelings, and would try harder to do a better job at pleasing the president, if only he’d be a little clearer about what America is, who lives there, and how he would like to be covered. Would he like a cookie, perhaps? As to why Donald Trump is the president of the United States, we’ll go out on a limb and suggest it may have had something to do with winning three swing states by under 80,000 votes. And possibly massive voter suppression by Republicans.

Bannon also explained that, at the very least, the media should show some humility for being so very wrong all the time:

“The elite media got it dead wrong, 100 percent dead wrong,” Mr. Bannon said of the election, calling it “a humiliating defeat that they will never wash away, that will always be there.”

“The mainstream media has not fired or terminated anyone associated with following our campaign,” Mr. Bannon said. “Look at the Twitter feeds of those people: They were outright activists of the Clinton campaign.” (He did not name specific reporters or editors.)

“That’s why you have no power,” he added. “You were humiliated.”

Beverly Hills surgeon explains at home fix for crepey skin around the arms, legs, and stomach.

The media then stared in disbelief at Bannon and muttered, under their breath, that if he’d fired Breitbart “reporters” every time they were wrong, the place would be deader than But they’d definitely take that warning about not distorting the facts under advisement, as soon as they could stop giggling. Also, what the hell was that on his chin?

Bannon had called the Times to tell the paper what a fine job Sean Spicer is doing as White House press secretary, and to explain it’s perfectly normal for a press secretary to lie and yell at reporters about what they should be writing. After all, Donald Trump won, so he gets to say what reality is, doesn’t he?

Asked if he was concerned that Mr. Spicer had lost credibility with the news media, Mr. Bannon chortled. “Are you kidding me?” he said. “We think that’s a badge of honor. ‘Questioning his integrity’ — are you kidding me? The media has zero integrity, zero intelligence, and no hard work.”

“You’re the opposition party,” he said. “Not the Democratic Party. You’re the opposition party. The media’s the opposition party.”

It was awfully nice of Mr. Bannon to clear that up, and to make clear he understands the role of a free press in a thriving democracy: Be nice to the president, or you’re gonna get it. Bannon was especially careful to attack the “elite media,” and singled out the New York Times and Washington Post for criticism.

“The paper of record for our beloved republic, The New York Times, should be absolutely ashamed and humiliated,” Mr. Bannon said. “They got it 100 percent wrong.”

Bannon added he’d been reading the New York Times for most of his adult life, which certainly gives credence to his claim that the paper warps minds.

We would say more about just how wrong we think Mr. Bannon is, but since he told us media types to shut up, it seems discourteous to say anything more about the loathsome racist fuckweasel or his bizarre fascist obsession with dividing Americans into the good guys and the enemies.

[New York Times]

Hell.No. Hats
  • Fritz Toch

    The only good nazi…

    • o’look Skwerl!

      still should be punched in the face.

  • Msgr_MΩment

    May we get off his lawn yet?

  • kareemachan

    Looking at that gut – aside from making me queasy – makes me wonder how far off a heart attack it.

    • Lara

      I’ve been wondering that about Trump. How long can having to get up and work a 16-hour day every single day last for him?

    • Mr. Blobfish

      Who will have a rage-induced stroken first? Bannon or Trump?

  • Michael R
    • onedollarjuana


      • Michael R

        “Dr. Who” episode “The Face of Evil Part 4” ( 1977 )

  • Longstreet63

    This is bound to work.

  • Tom Krueger

    Once the media SHUTS UP, things will become more CIVIL, Trump will become more EFFECTIVE and Kelly and Sean will no longer have to use ALTERNATIVE FACTS. OK, now back to playing “Hide the Beer Barrel”…my guess is Babysitter Bannon’s got it under his untucked shirt…

  • Lamb Urgini

    As found on the internets :

    ” Bannon looks like the dude in every zombie movie

    that gets infected and doesn’t tell anyone. “

    • coozledad

      Late stage syphilis is an eyesore.


    While nom-nommming The Royal Trump Taint be sure to keep your pinkies raised.

  • ltmcdies

    so that Constitution thing is….A)not applicable to Bannon and Trump B)Never actually been read by Bannon and Trump

    Go Fuck Yourselves, boys

  • Msgr_MΩment

    Sometimes you just gots to grab the Gray Lady by the Obits.


    On the other hand, I think I am going to enjoy the next four years of driving this fuckweasel nuts.

    • Good_Gawd_Yall

      He’s already nuts. Do you have an alternate superpower?

  • Michael R

    Look , Steve Bannon used to be a human

    • Shan

      No, that was just when his human skin still fit him properly and hadn’t started decomposing yet.

  • Truck Fump
  • Beowoof14

    One hopes that Steve is drinking a quart of whiskey everyday to steel up his nerves for his important fucking of America. Not that, that behavior could be detrimental to his health.

  • lucidamente

    Sounds like somebody needs a few Russian pee hookers.

    • ResistanceFictionista blondeiq

      Even pee hookers have standards.

  • RC

    rusty chainsaw

  • Michael R

    They love free speech and the constitution , except when they don’t .

  • dslindc
  • memzilla Ω

    This picture is like a snapshot of the exact moment she tells him no, I won’t fuck you, and he thinks that more words will convince her otherwise.

  • ResistanceFictionista blondeiq

    Once again I am forced to confront my moral position that punching anyone in the face is an immoral act.

  • Martini Ambassador

    LOL. Another wingnut hypocrite snowflake. Can dish it out, can’t take it, whines incessantly about the unfairness of it all.

  • Bill D. Burger

    Etiquette Expert Steve (‘Miss Manners’) Bannon Tells Media To Be Nice To President, Just Like Breitbart Was Under Obama

  • mrFawkes

    I believe Orwell wrote about a book about a crude, misogynistic, authoritarian pig.

    • Wild Cat

      Nah. Patricia Highsmith wasn’t a thing back then, really.

  • mPEEg

    … and afterwards did Bannon tell them it was only raining?

  • Wild Cat

    When Coulter squeezes his dick, she gets a margarita.

    • janecita


    • Good_Gawd_Yall

      HEY! Give a gal a warning next time. I was eating breakfast.

    • Latverian Diplomat

      Peggy Noonan will squeeze it for a shot of grain alcohol.

  • BloviateMe

    The thing that really strikes me about the right wing is just how happy and well adjusted they are. Their love for life just oozes from them.

    • janecita

      Just like pus.

  • Crystalclear12
    • anwisok

      Very meta.

  • anwisok

    “The media has zero integrity.” And this is what worries me – so many people utterly reject the fact based reporting of the MSM, while wholeheartedly accepting whatever unproven allegations WND/Blightfart/Infowhores claims. How do you turn that around? Can you?

  • Lizzietish81

    You mean the same media that lavished attention on Trump while doing everything they could to make his opponent look like an evil witch from a Disney film?

  • mPEEg

    Mr. Bannon added. “The media here is the opposition party.

    You hit it on the head, Dok. Now that campaign-mode is over, Team Trump doesnt’ really know how to go about the business of actually leading, so it’s necessary to invent an ongoing ENEMY to rail against. Apparently waging war on unemployment, or tackling infrastructure or shaking a stick at our highways and road repairs etc isn’t enough.

    • BloviateMe

      Right? If only the media would officially ratify his yuuge and great executive orders.

  • Opiwan

    I recommend nicknaming Bannon “Uncle Fucker” and then we run a Kickstarter to have a chorus of children follow him around singing his theme song from the South Park movie for the next 3.98 years.

  • TheGrandWaz00
  • UncleTravelingMatt

    “You have no power. I demand that you use your lack of power to influence people the way I want you to.”


  • Latverian Diplomat

    “I meant to say Jew York Times. But I chickened out, because like all true bullies, I’m a coward at heart.”
    — Steve Bannon

    • Lance Thrustwell

      It cracked me up when Al Franken called it that one time.

  • coozledad

    And just in time for holocaust remembrance day. You know, Bannon, Nazis are a fucking minority, regardless of whether they hold the government. We can literally bury you fucks in an avalanche of multicutural flesh. You’d better shut the fuck up because when you have to take a stand at a tribunal your every word will be a nail in that great big fucking box.

  • Hutch

    Is that a cleaned up Steve, third on the left, in this picture?

    He fits right in beautifully!

  • Good_Gawd_Yall
    • Jeffocaster in the desert

      What a great post to see while enjoying my first hot cup of coffee this AM!!!!

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