well guess we found out the cuplrit(s) of the sabotage, sad/upsettinghttp://puu.sh/tB7lw/40d9b11c32.jpg …
@MethodDarrie sorry, would love to believe it wasn't known/allowed but... think before posting if it can be debunkedhttp://imgur.com/CSxSanq -
@Slootbag@MethodDarrie@imgur what is this fake shit? -
@Methodsco@Slootbag this is shopped ted -
@MethodDarrie@Methodsco if you say so i believe (no sarcasm), just addressing what is given -
@Slootbag i wouldn't lie to you. would. not. -
@MethodDarrie i know and that's why i very honestly/openly believed you and@Methodsco, nothing else to say, it'll all be dealt with np - さらに表示
@MethodDarrie@damenslater@Slootbag A member of the guild did a thing that an officer knew about & did nothing to stop. Amused acknowledgement might as well have been approval -
@kaernunnos@damenslater@Slootbag you aren't wrong. some removals/actions have already taken place, others will be looked at after race. -
@MethodDarrie@kaernunnos@Slootbag lol there shouldnt be a race method cheated thats bs -
@damenslater@kaernunnos@Slootbag let's keep some perspective its 7/10 not 9/10, we have days of raiding left. the race is still on. -
@MethodDarrie@kaernunnos@Slootbag still cheating no ? -
@damenslater@kaernunnos@Slootbag idk how many ways you want me to say that it happened, and it sucks. - さらに表示
@MethodDarrie@Slootbag@Methodgg what is your statement about ChrisPotter then and time of his msg -
@maibe_Not@Slootbag@Methodgg potter is an adult and can make his own statements, i'm not going to try and speak for him. - さらに表示
@MethodDarrie@Slootbag yup, that's why potter lol'd and nobody stepped in when serenity reported their problems via twitter to blizz -
@MethodDarrie@Slootbag and also ofcourse you have to say he wasnt acting as method because that would be bad for method -
@MethodDarrie@Slootbag and chris lolling at it at 11.29 why didnt he tell any member of serenity ??? :thinking: