@MethodDarrie@Slootbag@puushme lol dont try cover it up tbh chris even lol'ed they knew what they were doing -
@damenslater@Slootbag nobody will be covering anything up. what happened, happened. jade didn't act as method. he had his own agenda. -
@MethodDarrie sorry, would love to believe it wasn't known/allowed but... think before posting if it can be debunkedhttp://imgur.com/CSxSanq -
@Slootbag@MethodDarrie@imgur what is this fake shit? -
@Methodsco@Slootbag this is shopped ted -
@MethodDarrie@Methodsco if you say so i believe (no sarcasm), just addressing what is given -
@Slootbag i wouldn't lie to you. would. not. - さらに表示
@Slootbag zzzzzzzzzzzzz -
@PreachGaming hold me in your loving arms
@Speeker28@Slootbag@Dillas5s@puushme It means they're in by now. -
@GoosetheGrey@Slootbag@Dillas5s@puushme well that's good then, bunch of children ruin everyone's hard work and they think it's funny
@ExcelPriest@Slootbag@puushme let's meme this up, lighten things up a bit ;)pic.twitter.com/dLu6EbpFmx
@Slootbag@BlizzardCSEU_EN if that is truly real which it appears to be, I really hope there ARE consequences for their actions. -
@Slootbag@BlizzardCSEU_EN These guys can't do this thinking they're untouchable. it's going to send a really bad message to the community. -
@Ravynaeous@Slootbag@BlizzardCSEU_EN Seems to me has to be real, Obviously someone trusted someone over there to trade items. Bad times. -
@cabbageOpt@Slootbag@BlizzardCSEU_EN it doesn't matter who did it. What matters is the need for consequences for their actions. -
@Ravynaeous@Slootbag@BlizzardCSEU_EN Lasting Consequences for all involved ..yes -
@cabbageOpt@Slootbag@BlizzardCSEU_EN it's right in the Eula. Harsh punishment for anything that degrades the game for other players.