@BlizzardCSEU_EN by the way, the are constantly trying to zone in and delay us (every time they can such as a relog), please ban already
@Slootbag@Revelations45@BlizzardCSEU_EN Ban the guy for life please. Is this the way the community is now? What happened to fun? -
@Ravynaeous@Slootbag@Revelations45@BlizzardCSEU_EN ban 'em and anyone they shared the ID with. Should be easy to track. -
@ketsays@Slootbag@Revelations45@BlizzardCSEU_EN It IS against the TOS as it violates the EULA agreement.https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/Blizzards-Code-of-Conduct … -
@Ravynaeous@Slootbag@Revelations45@BlizzardCSEU_EN@BlizzardCS My experience is that blizz doesn't take action when this happens. -
@ketsays@Slootbag@Revelations45@BlizzardCSEU_EN@BlizzardCS Hence why I making it clear this violates their own TOS and EULAs. -
@Ravynaeous raging isnt good for your skin -
@Icetrone I'm too sick to rage right now. Lol - さらに表示
@Slootbag@Revelations45@BlizzardCSEU_EN why are you locking serenity's raid?@IzabelaONE - さらに表示