well guess we found out the cuplrit(s) of the sabotage, sad/upsettinghttp://puu.sh/tB7lw/40d9b11c32.jpg …
@MethodDarrie so a member of method sabotaged a competing guild, posted on a guild group chat AND informed an officer what he was doing... -
@GuiltyasVM@MethodDarrie but nobody in method knew what was going. K -
@GuiltyasVM i didn't say that nobody knew afterwards. i said it wasn't a conspiracy where the guild planned this. -
@MethodDarrie nope, just a guild member posting in a group chat and getting aproval from an officer kek,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KiIP_KDQmXs …
@MethodDarrie@GuiltyasVM and so the chrispotter 'lol'? pls explain - さらに表示