/r/drama is a shitshow of austistics thinking anything not right leaning is postable "drama" where users jerk each other off and ping the people in the linked threads in the attempts to get a rise out of them which somehow validates their opinions
Drama: any incident, scene, gaffe, rumor, opinion, or disagreement that is blown entirely out of proportion.
Do your part to keep our community healthy by blowing everything out of proportion and making literally everything as dramatic as possible.
r/Drama caters to drama in all forms such as: Real life, videos, photos, gossip, rumors, news sites, Reddit, and BeyondTM. There isn't a drama we won't touch, and we want it all.
What we want
Come chat with us!
Via web:
Via client:
irc.snoonet.org - #drama - port 6667 (if using SSL: 6697)
Guide to our CSS macros
How 2 Party Parrot
Name |
Emoji |
How to Make |
Party Parrot: |
[](#partyparrot) |
Conga Parrot: |
[](#congaparrot) |
Aussie Parrot |
[](#aussieparrot) |
Shuffle Parrot |
[](#shuffleparrot) |
related subreddits:
Off-site drama whoring websites:
A couple things to remember:
You are encouraged to post drama you are involved in.
Site-wide guidelines are strictly enforced in this community.
Drama occurring in /r/Drama is to be posted to SRD
Comments and submissions that do not violate site-wide guidelines are allowed, and left to the community to self-moderate via voting.
No Dox.
This is a mod playground.
If your post is not super boring, and does not break Reddit's Magical Rules, it will not be removed.
[–]IAmAN00bie[S] [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)