Alex Jones Says Infowars Has Been Invited To Trump’s White House Press Briefings

Jones, A Conspiracy Theorist And Trump Ally, Is A Sandy Hook And 9/11 Truther


From a January 25 video posted to Alex Jones' YouTube account:

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ALEX JONES: He keeps saying CNN is fake, and I'm not going to any of your fake news. What's CNN doing in the front row, when [White House press secretary Sean] Spicer keeps going to them? And then the reporter yesterday goes, “Oh, maybe Trump wasn’t even elected. That’s why you say there’s fraud.” So they're like little kids up there. These aren't real journalists. Meanwhile, it's just crazy, you should see Breitbart and Drudge, and also just reporters that are known to tell the truth from mainstream, whatever, promoted and put up at the front of those briefings, to bring up real questions, not just a battle where they're just attacking with fricking lies.

Here's the deal, I know I get White House credentials, we've already been offered them, we're going to get them, but I've just got to spend the money to send somebody there. I want to make sure it's even worth it. I don't want to just sit there up there like "I'm in the media, look our people are there." People don't understand this paradigm, we're devolving in a good way, power from the federal government back to the people, back from the centralized MSM [mainstream media] to the people, just like Trump said in his speech. 

But there is investigative journalism, or people to interview in DC. Might be good to put a few reporters there, it's just all a money issue. That's why it's important for people who are watching us to know, you are our sponsors. You're the reason we're able to do this. You're the reason we're able to have the crew and do what we do and change the world. 


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Posted In
The Presidency & White House, Media Structures & Regulations
Alex Jones
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