I have a good friend, lets call him Roger.
Roger is a fucking Genius. i mean literal genius, knows like 5000 chinese characters, an asian history legend, with a prestigious teaching job and his father was the founder a very very very famous worldwide charitable organization. just a great man, a true friend of mine. couldn't love this guy anymore.....
.....well he had issues with drugs when he was older and after "going through alot" with his GF ended up getting married. the wife is also a relatively cool woman, but she's a woman. I see his life now and it looks sad, wasted potential locked down by a kid and wife.
here is a genius guy, oh by the way he's a total Chad in looks 9/10 in looks, but is super intellectual and doesn't focus on women so rarely Chad's out.
...now when i first met them the wife was also very close to me. and would always tell me about her problems. it was one of the most poignant events that changed me into a real MGTOW...
so basically they are from California and into polyamorous lifestyles. it became clear after knowing them for a bit though that he had very little interest in fucking around, just wanted a happy wife and to read his books.
now what I saw just broke my heart. so here is this amazing HOT Handsome dude, full of money, talent and incredible brilliance and he allowed his women to fuck other guys. now this worked out well at first and they did their polyamorous thing. but what do you think happened, can you guess? i'm sure experienced MGTOW guys can.
.....well she met a guy and "fell in love". she would complain to me over and over again about how sad she was, basically she started fucking this other guy so much she wouldn't come home, the husband Roger realized she was falling in love with another man and grew a backbone and said, you can fuck other guys whatever, but i'm your husband and i don't want you loving another man, you can love him but you'll lose me. well of course she chose Roger, Roger is a fucking catch, a 9/10 guy with money and is faithful and doesn't act out on his Chad handsomeness. when i met her it was right after she was forced away from her other guy. all she would talk about is how its so sad she can't be with this guy cause she loves him so much, she couldn't process what to do with her life because she wanted both these guys. The other dude also seemed cool, Chad strong man type but who also really loved her.
every conversation i'd say, you can't have your cake and eat it too, you need to appreciate what you have. she never did, all she does is think about other men and leach off her rich husband. she'll never leave him because she's like 5 years older than him and although asian and ok looking is hitting her wall as we speak. I still think of that total fucking self centered logic.
I would even say to her, so what if Roger totally was in love with another women, would it be ok for him to date her too as you're fucking this other guy you "love". of which course she said no way, i wouldn't allow that. also the guy she was fucking instead of Roger also said the same thing, i want to date others cause you won't leave your husband for me or show me any real maturity, and she flipped the fuck out and was like how could he like another women, this from a woman fucking a guy instead of her great caring husband. she was 35 at this time by the way. AWALT....they are all grown babies. don't let their maturity in other parts of life fool you.
just a personal story i wanted to share that popped into my head as to women nature and real MGTOW motivation for my life. I miss Roger, and hope he is doing well. when i see him he seems in a lot of pain, handing his now dead fathers estate, just worrying about money and working all the time to make money while his wife still dates others and whose only income is being a bartender where she can meet new guys. sigh.
[–]penisassociate 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)