@wikileaks newsflash Trump trolls.. prepare to take flak for DECADES now.. this is what unbiased journalism means, they all get hit
@LewDaney@wikileaks settle down baby snowflake, go have skme cocoa puffs -
@Saz7016@wikileaks boring zzzzz..
@wikileaks@NatSecGeek so Trump works with the FBI to crack down on the mafia infiltration of Casino Business....so what's wrong? -
@HBogies10@wikileaks@NatSecGeek So he took down mafia twice. Last time was when he won the presidency.
@wikileaks So, are you guys just pissed that Trump hasn't pardoned Assange? -
@PreppyAltRight@wikileaks Yea this is weird and comes off as petty. Although I do hope assange is pardoned -
@Aristotle_Code@PreppyAltRight@wikileaks just saying IMO exposing Trump for what most hv already known will only weaken chances of pardon -
@MoniqueRosales@PreppyAltRight@wikileaks Yea. And makes them look worse. After claiming they had nothing on Trump
@wikileaks There is something fishy going on. Assange told Hannity they had no so called "dirt" that wasnt public but now this stuff?? -
@DayDklear1@wikileaks He also said send leaks if you have them.. so maybe somebody did? -
@ChateauRuby@wikileaks If anybody had ANYTHING It would have been out out there I guarantee you that -
@DayDklear1@ChateauRuby@wikileaks This isn't from Wikileaks, they're just sharing it. -
@ruthvenmoon@DayDklear1@wikileaks I noticed.. wikileaks site works for me.. this doesn't.. -
@ruthvenmoon@DayDklear1@wikileaks Hey .. Wait.. before you start retweeting that.. I mean the wikileaks site works when I use it.
@wikileaks@NatSecGeek can we wait on the Trump stuff until after#pizzagate is figured out, please? -
@ModernApostate@wikileaks@NatSecGeek pizzagate is being investigated by homeland security.... -
@Storm6022@wikileaks@NatSecGeek Yes, but my point still stands.
@wikileaks@NatSecGeek Guys settle down. Wikileaks was never pro Trump. They are bipartisan. -
@dwarflings@wikileaks@NatSecGeek no, they are NON partisan.