TIL Betty White is a huge animal lover who would have become a zookeeper had she not gone into acting. She rejected a role in "As Good As It Gets" because of an animal cruelty scene, she visits local zoos when traveling, and she's been a long-term board member and generous donor to the L.A. Zoo. (mentalfloss.com)
Captain-Janeway が /r/todayilearned に 投稿
How did the Red Army react when it discovered concentration camps?Discussion/Question (self.history)
Fevercrumb1848 が /r/history に 投稿
Although there exists a near-unanimous scientific consensus on the reality of human-caused climate change, the general public has become increasingly polarized; however, a new study finds that public attitudes about climate change can be effectively “inoculated” against influential misinformation.Psychology (ibtimes.com)
avogadros_number が /r/science に 投稿