A philosophy webcomic about the inevitable anguish of living a brief life in an absurd world. Also Jokes


Office Realpolitik

As a middle manager, is it better to be feared or loved? Well, as it turns out, it doesn't really matter because you are a meaningless cog in a giant corporate machine.
As a middle manager, is it better to be feared or loved? Well, as it turns out, it doesn't really matter because you are a meaningless cog in a giant corporate machine.
Didn't get the joke?

"Realpolitik" is a style of politics that is amoral, considering only the circumstances, and maintaining and expanding power. It is often connected with the works of Machiavelli, who wrote a treatise on how rulers could maintain and expand power, disregarding the moral aspects of what to do with that power. The woman is drawn loosely on Catherine the Great, who came to power through extraordinary cunning and understanding of politics.

Make sure the check out the Partially Examined Life Calendar, with art drawn by me
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