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Comedy Central writer @Mr_McStevie keeps it classy by calling a 10-year-old boy a "date-rapist-to-be". (
indexes が 3分前 投稿
Hillary deleted subpoenaed evidence. This has been established. This is a felony crime. The FBI knows it, the media knows it, the public knows it. It is not a matter of if she is guilty, it is a matter of why she isn't being tried and convicted (
BREAKING: Trump to sign orders as early as today to renegotiate NAFTA and pull out of TPP (
Brit Hume confirms crowd size was larger than MSM is reporting (
4chan knows the deal. (
Trump will be in the news for the next 8 years, so here's a reference list of who not to trust. (
[DEPLORABLE] Woman who took part in torturing a man for 15-20 days and was sentenced to 25 years in prison was a key speaker at the Anti-Trump 'Womens March'. The MSM is praising her as a feminist hero. (
PETITION - Department of Justice: Arrest Madonna for Making Threats Against the White House (
FINALLY, a protester with a cohesive message. (
I searched arsonist, and she didn't show up, can we fix that? (
Supermarket operator Kroger to fill 10,000 permanent posts in USA (
Spread this like wildfire. She burned a woman's hair just for wearing Trump gear. (
Burqas are One Size Fits All. This is True Liberation. #HAES #ShariaForAmerica (
The people of Earth stand with Macedonia against evil. Your planet needs YOU, enlist in the meme war today! (
Whiny Schumer blames crowd, not his speech, for inauguration boos (
"Man" goes to women's march... hits a woman... marches away (PATHETIC!) (
indexes が 4分前 投稿
This is how you trigger a feminist. Throw their stupidity back at them. (
And they Wonder why we have an Electoral College (
The last straw for me: "Intelligent" liberal have the brain to do a comprehensive analysis of 1984 but is too stupid to understand media propaganda (
3rd Wave Feminism vs Reality (
Comedy Central writer taking more low shots at Barron Trump, it'd be a shame if this was overlooked. "They go low, we go high". (
BREAKING: Republican Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida says he'll support Rex Tillerson's nomination for secretary of state. (
Trump needs to initiate re-instating the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which was the law against domestic propaganda. The law that Hillary Clinton's State department got abolished. (
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