(1=c2)=Everything (c2=c squared. keyboard limitation)
Define with Quantity: (E=mc2)= (as in "relativity equals") E=1 M=1 c2=potential infinity
Describe with quality:
Immaterial Quantities Potentially Infinitely function Material Quantities into Infinite Complexity realized as Permittable Existence.
E=All Energy. Must be on the left side of the equals symbol.
M=All Mass. Must be on the right side of the equals symbol.
c2=(relativity functioning calculus functioning algebra functioning multiplication functioning arithmetic functioning numbers) squared
Substitute Einstein's alphabetical variables for quantities: 1=1(infinity) [1(infinity)]=[(number)number=multiplication]
Multiplication=Producing duplicates of a whole unit. For instance, when multiplying the number two one may not arrive at a conclusion from which one could not divide from two to create a whole number.
One equals infinitely more than One in precise quantities of One.
One=Arithmetic 1+1=2(c2) Arithmetic equals infinitely more than Arithmetic in precise quantities of functions of Arithmetic.
Example: One isn't just 1=1. One is also 2=2, or One quantifed as two parts. This is how numbers organize into arithmetic, by becoming infinitely subdividable. This is the most basic definition of the Function of Relativity as a building block of existence.
Arithmetic=Multiplication 1x2=2(c4) (x=multiplication purely in this example) Multiplication equals infinitely more than Multiplication in precise quantities of functions of Multiplication.
Example: One isn't just infinite subdivisions of 1=1. One is also 1+1=2, a number truly greater than One. One subdivides as a fundamental whole unit. 1x2=2, a quantity greater than One is created by infinite subdivisions of arithmetic organized to utilize infinite subdivision to subdivide a whole unit. Multiplication is doing arithmetic with arithmetic optimally.
Multiplication=Algebra x=1 y=1 x+y=2(c2)xy Algebra equals infinitely more than Algebra in precise quantities of functions of Algebra
Example: One is not just 1x2=2. One is also (1x2)y+(1x2)z=4(y+z). Algebra is the ability to multiply multiplication optimally.
To quantify, do calculus and multiply a whole number equaling two on the right side of the equals sign by potential infinity. I never learned the mathematical operation of calculus and therefore am incapable of describing this phenomenon of reality as quantity, or math.
Example: Algebra gets organized into a basic calculus expression which performs algebra optimizing algrebraic principles.
Calculus equals infinitely more than Calculus in precise quantities of functions of Calculus
Example: Calculus gets organized into a basic relativistic expression which performs calculus optimizing the principles of calculus.
Calculus=Relativity E=mc2 or 1=1(potentially infinite subdivision)
Relativity is the arithmetic of infinity.
Relativity equals potentially infinitely more than Relativity in precise quantities of functions of Relativity.
Relativity=Potential Infinity 1=c2
Infinity equals potentially infinitely more than infinity in precise quantities of infinity.
Quantify Everything:
(1=c2)=Numerical Potential Infinity
Qualify Variables into English grammar (1=c2)=Everything
Numerical Potential Infinity=Everything
Qualify Everything:
Potential Infinity=qualitatively functioning quantities
(qualitatively functioning quantities)=thought
Everything=that which permits existence
That which permits existence=Existence
Thought becomes Existence
This is just a useful lingustic qualification. A scientist precisely qualifies, "Organizations of Energy Potentially Infinitely Convert into Infinitely Subdividible Organizations of Mass, through some Unquantifiable Process."
This is a total and complete Theory of Everything produced by my consciousness's ability to quantitatively reason Einstein's quantitative descriptions of reality into an understanding that e=mc2 is by definition a process in which potentially infinite energy may become infinitely complex mass. This permits the universe to exist. This permits evolution within biology. This permits consiousness. This permits existence.
Energy is Converted into Mass(Times the Speed of Light Squared)
Energy, noun, an immaterial organization.
Mass, noun, a material organization.
Is Converted, verb, an action which produces a result.
Times, a mathematical function which may not be described by grammatical function. It is the process of duplicating whole units of infinitely subdivible numbers (it's a function of arithmetic).
The Speed of Light Squared, noun, a quantity described as potential infinity.
My theory: Into, preposition, Quantum Mechanics
This is how human consciousness works, fundamentally:
Creativity Utilizes Logic (noun verb noun)
Convert language into economic terminology:
Therefore: A Creator makes a function from materials
Introduce axiom: Materials are intrinsically worthless
Introduce axiom: Functions are intrinsically valuable
Introduce axiom: Creators are intrinsically necessary
Value=Functions which creators give materials
The human consciousness "collects truths observed from its environment." This is human logic defined in the most philosophically efficient language possible. Example: The consciousness collects a pool of materials such as mathematics which are intrinsically worthless.
Therefore, any arrangement of logic in the human consciousness created must possess a function, or a utility, initiated by creativity, in order to possess value. Example: The consciousness organizes a pool of mathematical materials into a function to be practically utilized.
The creator qualifies as an "impetus which functions a material." This is creativity, defined in the most philosophically efficient language possible. Example: To create value from mathematical materials, it is necessary that a creative impetus functions them. Subexample: A human creatively organizes arithmetic into algebra.
Apply to economics:
In order to produce value, realized as wealth, in a human organization, human creators must make functions out of materials.
Define Technology: An arrangement of materials which has been functioned by a human creator.
Therefore, a society optimized to produce the greatest wealth should efficiently optimize human creators who function physical or energy materials into technology. This would be, by philosophical definition, the most intelligent economic organization possible.
Apply to politics:
In order to produce value, realized as a stable social organization, human creators must make social contracts out of language.
Therefore, a society optimized to produce the most stable social organization should efficiently optimize human creators who arrange language into a political system whose value is realized by the greatest stability. This would be, by philosophical definition, the most intelligent approach to political organization possible.
Apply to music:
In order to produce value, realized as enjoyable music, human creators utilize sound waves.
Therefore, a musician optimized to produce the greatest musical value should increase as much as possible the efficiency, or facility, with which creativity function sound waves as an enjoyable commodity for humans. This would be, by philosophical definition, the most intelligent approach to musical activity possible.
Apply theory to visual art:
In order to produce value, realized as enjoyable visual art, human creators utilize the electromagnetic spectrum.
Therefore, a visual artist optimized to produce the greatest visual artistic value should increase as much as possible the efficiency, or facility, with which creativity functions the electromagnetic spectrum as an enjoyable commodity for humans. This would be, by philosophical definition, the most intelligent approach to visual artistry.
Apply theory to science:
In order to produce value, realized as the quantifiable interpretation of one's environment, human creators utilize mathematics.
Therefore, a scientist optimized to produce the greatest scientific value should increase as much as possible the efficiency, or facility, with which creativity functions mathematics to interpret one's environment. This would be, by philosophical definition, the most intelligent approach to scientific discovery.
Apply theory to mathematics:
In order to produce value, realized the ability to quantify, human creators utilize creativity.
Therefore, a mathematician optimized to produce the greatest mathematical value should increase as much as possible the efficiency, or facility, with which creativity functions creativity to quantify. This would be, by philosophical definition, the most intelligent approach to mathematical discovery.
Apply theory to biology:
In order to produce value, realized as organized matter which may adapt to its environment by qualitatively functioning quantities, a creative impetus functions atoms.
Therefore, a biological system optimized to produce the greatest evolutionary value should increase as much as possible the efficiency, or facility, with which a creative impetus functions atoms to adapt to its environment. This would be, by philosophical definition, the most intelligent approach to creating organized matter which may adapt to its environment by qualitatively functioning logic.
Apply theory to the universe:
In order to produce value, realized as functionable existence, a creative impetus functioned parameters of fundamental forces from logic.
Therefore, a universe optimized to produce the greatest value of functionable existence should increase as much as possible the efficiency, or facility, with which a creative impetus functions parameters of fundamental forces from logic. This would be by definition the most intelligent approach to creating a functionable universe.
Apply theory to a multiverse:
In order to produce value, realized as infinite perpetuity, a creative impetus functions universes which create universes.
Therefore, a multiverse optimized to produce the greatest value of infinite perpetuity should increase as much as possible the efficiency, or facility, with which a creative impetus functions universes to create universes. This would be by definition, the most intelligent approach to creating a multiverse.
Apply to creativity:
In order to produce value, realized as increased ability to function, a creative impetus functions greater creativity.
Therefore, a creative impetus optimized to produce greater creativity should increase as much as possible the efficiency, or facility, with which a creative impetus functions. This would be, by philosophical definition, the most intelligent approach to creating greater creativity.
Apply theory to a function:
In order to produce value, realized as the ability to convert a creative impetus into logic, a creative impetus functions.
Therefore, a creative impetus optimized to produce a function should increase as much as possible the efficiency, or facility, with which a creative impetus converts a creative impetus into logic. This would be, by philosophical definition, the most intelligent approach to creating function.
Apply theory to logic:
In order to produce value, realized as the ability to quantify, a creative impetus qualified function.
Therefore, a creative impetus optimized to produce logic should increase as much as possible the efficiency, or facility, with which a creative impetus qualifies function. This would be, by philosophical definition, the most intelligent approach to creating logic.
All logic is intrinsically worthless.
All functions are intrinsically valuable.
A creative impetus is necessary.
By definition, the universe is the consciousness of a functional relationship between the qualitative and the quantitative. A scientific expression would be to say it is a force which is utilizing hyper-creative processing to function advanced logic capital into fundamental parameters which permit the universe to exist. A philosophical expression would be to say it is creativity using logic.
The Fundamental Building Blocks of All Existence:
Qualities Function Quantities
The Qualitative Functions the Quantitative
The quantitative structures upon which existence becomes literal are functioned by qualitative thought.
The math I post being removed is instrinsically anti-thetical to philosophy.
This is what I do: Eureka! I have an idea! (submit for peer examination)
This is what they do: I don't feel like doing basic arithmetic (math) and thinking about it like its organzed identically with the process of feeling, thinking, being itself. (philosophy) It's hard to think creatively while quantifying.
Because I proved that those two things inseparable because of you. Do the math. Left brain uses right brain. Energy Uses Mass and makes more out of than went in, literally quantifiably infinitely.
E=mc2 Logical Monotheist: Energy May Infinitely Convert Into Infintely Complex Matter, using Quantum Mechanics. Creative Monotheist: Something did it. Me: Words Use Numbers
If you apply basic grammatical principles to relativity you may function it into a true infinity quantity, enabling infinite energy which enables infinitely complex matter which leads to you.
Do math or be unadaptable matter.
You (noun) Function (verb) Math (noun)
Do you really not get it?
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