@wikileaks Wait what? I thought you were DJTs best friend. What happened?
@rahulsood@wikileaks you'll notice they didn't leak them... just pretended to care. -
@mr_zbrown@wikileaks fair point.
@wikileaks Disagree completely -
@michaelbeatty3@wikileaks HELL#TrumpSupporters don't give a rats ass about damn tax returns....#Trump is taking a $1 salary... -
@tnrockymom Trump supporters don't care about ANYTHING. They're imbeciles.@michaelbeatty3@wikileaks -
@flocktard@tnrockymom@michaelbeatty3@wikileaks Spoken by a true#Liberal who gets off on#Anarchy. Fear mongering, rioting, destruction.
@wikileaks I dont care about his tax returns. Trump didn't write the tax laws. Get over it. -
@rosiebudpisces That's not the point, you birdbrain.@wikileaks -
Trump will return country to citizens. All 4 Wiki but dont jump gun and hinder him B4 he starts.
@flocktard@rosiebudpisces@wikileaks -
@RYDERAVE You keep telling yourself that. It's meaningless twaddle.@rosiebudpisces@wikileaks
@wikileaks No it's not, lol. We don't give a shit about his taxes. Stop trying to appear "neutral." -
@JCerkNeville@wikileaks What if there's something horrible in there? -
@ShineonJMB@wikileaks You do understand they are just tax returns, right? -
@JCerkNeville@wikileaks yeah but everything in it will be investigated under a fine tooth comb; WHAT IF it leads to something horrific? -
@ShineonJMB@JCerkNeville@wikileaks I'm fairly confident that the IRS already has scrutinized Trump's taxes w/a fine toothed comb. -
@malcolmjaggers@JCerkNeville@wikileaks But journalists haven't... IRS won't investigate drug connections or child trafficking etc etc - さらに表示
@wikileaks No it's not! Not even CLOSE! Bwahahaha -
@nicolinr97@wikileaks Because Trump won. He IS the@POTUS & there is NOTHING in his tax returns that would ever change that -
@ErinBSullivan@wikileaks@POTUS so no suspicion of continuing foreign gifts could trigger an investigation?