Women complain, men take action to make change
When women want something done they complain, manipulate and try to convince someone else to do it for them. Most of the time it's to a man. Women use victim mentality to get what they want. They use their sexuality to get what they want. They use men's sexuality to get what they want.
Men have to use their intelligence, their will, their drive, and their abilities to get what they want. If men don't do this or are unable to do this they fail at getting what they want.
That's why victim mentality is stronger than ever now days. That's why you hear about male privilege now days. Because most people including men choose to make excuses rather than do the work or put the time in to reach their goals. Women don't want to do this. They never had to their whole lives.
Now that you see feminism and the push for equality, women have to be like men more than ever. They have to put the time and effort in. Women don't want to. They want their cake and to eat it to. They want to be treated like they put in the time and effort without having done any of that.
Regardless of whether they get that women will still get what they want by crying, complaining, and manipulating men. They will never stop doing that. Men will never stop working hard to get what they want. We do this because it is in our nature. This is how we survived from the Stone Age.