Richard Spencer on the Sucker-Punch and the Need to Go Hardcore ASAP
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 21, 2017
Daily Stormer
January 21, 2017
Richard Spencer here speaks to Red Ice about the sucker punch he received yesterday during the inauguration in DC.
It sucks that this video will be played forever, sort of maybe, but it actually doesn’t make him look bad. He doesn’t get knocked out or even knocked down, which is pretty pathetic. I mean, this faggot have a 100% open shot on the side of Spencer’s head, and he couldn’t even put him on the ground.
Total fag.
The upshot is big though. This is a high-profile act of random violence. People are going to see it and say “oh well, this well-dressed gentleman with the interesting haircut is just being polite with journalists and he gets smashed in the side of the head by a random guy in a mask on the street of the capital – maybe we should think about preventing such things?”
And from our side, people are going to recognize that it is time to get serious. We need to stop playing games and/or being gentlemanly and we need to recognize that we are in a war. And I think now, we will.
These faggots want to go to war with us.
They just published
an article in The Nation – yes, srsly, The Nation
– about how it is time to begin using violence non-stop against anyone who disagrees with them (the Alt-Right specifically).
Seriously, go read the article.
Published in The Nation. Openly endorsing political street violence for the specific purpose of shutting down free speech of enemies.
These Jews are becoming unhinged.
But they believe that:
- We will not become violent in response, because of faggy “principles,” and
- Police will continue to protect them, standing by and watching them gang attack us
I don’t think either of those things are true, and I think if they want to go to war, we should appease them.
It is time to form gangs.
White gangs.
You need to get a group of close friends who are ride or die and bond with them as men bond. You need to get in shape and learn to fight, learn to use firearms and other weapons.
This will also get you laid, which would probably be good for you.
But look – we’re entering a new period in our movement, where we are going to be out on the street regularly.
We need to be ready. We need small local groups of well-disciplined men which can merge seamlessly with other groups for national events and function as an army.
This isn’t a game.
If the recent dox-drops taught us anything, it’s that this isn’t a game.
And it’s time to get serious.