@piersmorgan oh, possum. Sorry your masculinity is so fragile. Are you ok? Do your balls jus fall off when a woman doesn't smile at you?
@upulie@piersmorgan You just proved his point. -
@nofearcrf450@piersmorgan his balls fall off if you don't smile at him? -
@upulie@nofearcrf450@piersmorgan No. He doesn't have any balls -
@PaulBayliss9@nofearcrf450@piersmorgan how can anyone be emasculated by a political position? -
@upulie@PaulBayliss9@nofearcrf450@piersmorgan These accounts are great.. anonymously wasting time and effort while making it look like they're legion when they're notpic.twitter.com/x0An2mKb9s -
@smenor@upulie@PaulBayliss9@nofearcrf450@piersmorgan ok, your proving his point, attack my profile now snowflake -
@VonWareWolfe724@upulie@PaulBayliss9@nofearcrf450@piersmorgan That's easy enough - you stand so far behind your convictions that you're hiding behind a fake name and bogus picture - さらに表示
@piersmorgan piers, strong men stand up for women, and the more women have a seat at the table, the more power/success we all have. -
@matthewjdowd@piersmorgan you're so pathetic... women can stand up for themselves we don't need "strong men" white knighting for us -
@jensets@piersmorgan no one said you needed it. I just said men who do are strong. -
@matthewjdowd we need ALL people to demand equal rights for everyone. I appreciate your support and tip my hat to you sir. -
@jazzalea thank you. - さらに表示
@piersmorgan Just for once, be a gentleman and not a dick head. -
@AlexisRodney@piersmorgan that's a classy woman right there -
@markybfast bye mark
@piersmorgan let's have a White History Month too, so racist that there isn't one, bet that's because of feminists too -
@fishplums@piersmorgan every month is white history month in western education -
@Elise_Possibly@piersmorgan surely not, I've never heard of it -
@fishplums@Elise_Possibly@piersmorgan U never heard of it cause ur ears r so full of right wing bullshit & lies-try skepticism & less ego -
@mrcoldfingerz@Elise_Possibly@piersmorgan dude read my feed, honestly. this fact-checking is not beyond you -
@fishplums@Elise_Possibly@piersmorgan Dude, understand that if that was sarcasm people might not get it & read it literally -
@mrcoldfingerz@Elise_Possibly@piersmorgan "if"? literally just told you it was -
@fishplums@Elise_Possibly@piersmorgan Good for u for being right-ur fucking ego feeling better now? Sarcasm can easily b misinterpreted - さらに表示