Nineteen year old Brit and “avid meninst” Ryan Williams is not pleased with the stop the tampon tax movement in his homeland, and has no problem saying so. When he learned that the tax was being axed, the numbnut ranted on social media saying that tampons are a “luxury item” and that “women just need to learn to control their bladders. If they are going to bleed then they should wait until they get to the toilet. It’s all about self-control.”
In typical social media form, Ryan has been receiving support, but has also rightfully been slammed for his ignorance and asinine pov, with many pointing out that he clearly skipped biology lessons. While he claims biology isn’t relevant, he has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for some “biology lessons to be able to understand more about women’s periods, why they get so aggressive and why they’re so lazy as to hold their bladder.”
Well, we’ve found something even better than a biology lesson… it’s called The Period Game, a board game that teaches you “how to go with the flow.”
Designers Daniela Gilsanz and Ryan Murphy developed the award-winning concept while students at the Rhode Island School of Design. “The Period Game strives to turn a typically uneasy situation into a fun, positive, learning experience,” they explain on their website. “The act of playing creates an open and engaging environment where players can learn and say words like ‘period’ and ‘tampon’ without the usual discomfort and taboos found in society.”
Here’s how it works… Players learn about gameplay and their body through two instruction packets. One serves as the games instructions, and the other answers questions about the games “nuanced references.”
Each player gets a game piece, choosing from a super tampon, a slim tampon, a menstrual cup, pad or a pair of underwear. The game begins with each player turning one of the two ovaries, which releases a marble onto the tray. “If you get a red marble, you’ve got your period. A clear marble… better luck next time. Depending on where your marble takes you, play a protection card, preparation card or go to the nurse’s office. Make it around the board before anyone else to win. Either way, you’re a pro at handling your period.”
Created with prepubescent girls in mind, we think this game would be a perfect fit for anyone who needs to learn how a menstruating body works. Maybe the folks at The Period Game will consider sending Ryan Williams a much needed gift.
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