Impeach Donald J. Trump

Donald Trump has won the 2016 presidential election, and is now making appointments which raise concern in many quarters. Citizens are asking how our nation can move ahead and flourish helmed by a man who is seen as openly homophobic, racist, xenophobic and sexist.

The President of the United States is arguably the most powerful individual in the world; If this person lacks integrity and emotional balance, global stability and human rights will suffer.

If you agree this man should not be leading our free nation, stand with us! By signing this petition you are requesting the immediate impeachment of Donald Trump, removing all opportunity for his control of the executive branch of our government.

We need every one of you! Please read our petition letter below and please share.


THIS IS THE PEOPLES PETITION. Accepting contributors! 
Send updates and letter edits to


T-SHIRTS - Visit for our anti Trump & "Not My President!" t-shirts - which will help us spread this idea and allow us to fund awareness campaigns.



The People against Trump, and 13clocks

  • U.S. Congress
  • U.S. House of Representatives
  • The People of The United States

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