Ex-Bush speechwriter: Trump is worse than slave-holding presidents
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A speechwriter for former President George W. Bush on Friday called President-elect Donald TrumpDonald TrumpObama tweets his final goodbyes Trump Jr: Victory has ‘humbled’ my father Obamas to create 'Obama Foundation' after White House MORE “the worst human being ever to enter the presidency” just hours before Trump's inauguration.

“The worst human being ever to enter the presidency, and I include all the slaveholders,” tweeted David Frum, a former Bush speechwriter who now writes for The Atlantic.

Frum this week published a piece in The Atlantic headlined "An Inaugural Celebration That Rings Hollow" in which he wrote that the lesson of Trump's inauguration "is that the system has failed."

Frum served as a speechwriter for former President Bush from 2000 to 2002.

Bush will attend Trump’s inauguration Friday morning with his wife, former First Lady Laura Bush.

Bush’s parents, former President George H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush, were both hospitalized Wednesday and will not attend Trump’s inauguration ceremony.

During the GOP presidential primary, Trump frequently tore into Jeb Bush — George W. Bush's brother — and occasionally attacked both former presidents Bush as well.