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Why do you hate western cosplayers?

Evidence the racist westerners who claim our Anime characters based on them are retarded 1#

One of the most retarded logics and reasons the racist westerners keep using when claiming our Anime/Asian characters based on them is by keep saying "Anime characters have yellow hair and blue eyes", retarded because hair color and eyes color are not what make someone's race recognized because what used to identify someone's race is the person's facial & body form just like what used to identify peoples as who is who in general. In other words, hair colors and eyes colors will never affect someone's appearance and to prove that we speak the truth then just see this evidences :

In case you don't know the Asian cosplayer on the 1st and 2nd pic is the same Asian while the racist western cosplayer on the 1st and 2nd pic is also the same racist westerner. As you can see for yourself, even after changing the color of her hair and eyes from the 1st pic into the 2nd pic the Asian cosplayer still look as Asian, where :
- Her big narrow set Asian eyes are not changed into small deep set westerner eyes.
- Her small Asian nose are not changed into big long westerner nose.
- Her round Asian face are not changed into square westerner face.
- Her sharp Asian jaw are not changed into square westerner jaw.
- Her smallish Asian body form are not changed into big wide westerner body form.
The same thing goes for the racist western cosplayer you see where she still look as westerner. The evidences you see is just 2 of the countless evidences like that which even you yourself can prove by try changing the color of your hair and eyes into other colors, we are aware that what we told you to try yourself are sound dumb to almost anyone who have common sense but those racist westerners are just too retarded to have any common sense so what we said are just aimed at them.

The best evidence to prove that we speak the truth is our Anime/Asian characters who's hair colors and eyes colors change in our Anime, one of them is Shana from our Anime Shakugan No Shana :

The racist westerners are actually also saying the same retarded thing about our Anime/Asian characters who's hair and eyes colors change in our Anime, such as "look how your Anime characters hair color change into yellow and eyes color change into blue, you Asians must badly hate yourself and want to be westerners". Again as you can see, the retarded things they said actually the best evidence which prove that we Asians always make our Anime/Asian characters based on us Asians no matter what hair colors and eyes colors our Anime/Asian characters have, but too bad for those racist westerners because they are too retarded to realize that what they said are actually what proves them wrong. Just like our Asian cosplayer and the racist western cosplayer you see, our Anime characters facial & body form still stay the same no matter when their hair colors change into yellow or their eyes color change into blue. Our Anime fans are also agree with this which proven by they still prefer us Asians to Cosplay our Anime characters including our Anime characters who have yellow hair and blue eyes, you can see the evidences of this fact in here.

Know that by default our Anime/Asian characters facial & body form are based on us Asians because the big majority of our Anime story setting take place in our own Asian countries, this mean that as long as our Anime/Asian characters facial & body form you see are still look like our typical Anime/Asian characters facial & body form then that means they are based on us Asians no matter what colors their hair and eyes are. For a more clearer explanation of what and how our typical Anime/Asian characters facial & body form are look like then you can see simply see that on our Anime characters you see in here, their facial & body is how almost all of our Anime/Asian characters facial & body form are look like which :
- Become as the default facial & body form of our Anime/Asian characters.
- The main reason why peoples world wide can tell what is Anime and what is cartoon right away even without seeing the credits.
- The main reason why we Asians the only one who look good or right when cosplaying our Anime/Asian characters.

There are only 2 reasons why we Asians make our Anime characters with yellow hair and blue eyes, but before that first we have to inform anyone who don't know that the numbers of our Anime characters who have yellow hair and blue eyes are a super small minority who don't even reach 1% from the total numbers of our Anime characters. The big majority of our Anime characters have black hair and eyes, also when not having black color for hair and eyes our Anime characters are not automatically have yellow color for hair or blue color for eyes but any other colors such as red, green, orange, etc which further prove our Anime characters who have yellow hair and blue eyes are mean to be based on westerners. As for the 2 reasons, the first reasons is to show the magic element of our Anime characters in our magic genre Anime such as red for fire, green for nature, yellow for thunder, blue for water, etc.

The 2nd reason is to make it easier to identify our Anime characters so that it will be easier to identify who is who in our Anime due to us Asians making their facial & body form typically look the same, typically look the same because that is the facial & body form we Asians find attractive which made it possible for our Anime to continue to exist and grow to this day This 2nd reason are proven by the fact that :
- The color yellow and blue are not the only colors we Asians use for our Anime characters hair and eyes but also red, green, orange, etc any other colors.
- Almost all of our Anime characters who have non black hair and eyes are only the main characters while the sub characters such as citizens, schoolmates, etc have black hair and eyes. The reason for this fact is very obvious because the main characters are those who mostly appear or mostly seen rather than the sub characters, so the main characters need to have unique characteristics to make it easier to differentize them from other characters especially from other main characters of the same Anime other than their hair and costume styles. You can see one of the many examples of this fact on the picture below :

The picture you see is from our Anime K-On where the main characters and sub characters are mixed together, as you can see there is only 1 character there who have yellow hair which is Tsumugi [ the 15th girl from the left ] who is one of the main characters in our Anime K-On. The other characters mostly have black and black variation as their hair colors, about the brown color is still one of the natural hair color for peoples with black hair where their hair turn brown due to too much sun's heat.

The conclusion is the racist westerners must accept the fact that we Asians are not a bunch of idiots who will be idiotic enough to make our Anime/Asian characters based on other race that will only benefit other race. Those racist westerners must also learn to be proud of their own cartoon/western characters by stop trying to associate our Anime/Asian characters with themselves or with their cartoon/western characters in order to get credit from our Anime superiority over their cartoon.