(He later clarifies that he's referring to *just* 2 million people. Again, not sure how that'd happen by 1pm, but okay.)
Oh, and also, he has until January 27th to fulfill his promise of eliminating all crime in the city of Chicago.http://www.chicagobusiness.com/article/20160823/BLOGS02/160829962/getting-tough-will-end-chicagos-crime-wave-in-one-week-says-trump …
Which is bold given that the first thing he's doing after being sworn in is ... taking a long weekend. http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/314498-trump-monday-will-be-day-one-of-administration …
But it's not like he'd lie to people just to get votes by promising unrealistic results when he doesn't actually have a plan for anything.
@ParkerMolloy Political story of 2016, signed Someone having to live through Brexit -
Dude, I'd give anything to *just* be going through Brexit. I have to go through a fascist Presidency.
@RobMcGregor35@ParkerMolloy -
Then again, UK's party system is currently even more of a mess than ours. So I dunno.
@RobMcGregor35@ParkerMolloy - さらに表示
@ParkerMolloy@realDonaldTrump he was being sarcastic, it was a joke, that's not what he said, this is fake news. -
@joobleblob@ParkerMolloy@realDonaldTrump squawk little parrot squawk -
@heronimous@ParkerMolloy@realDonaldTrump I think you've missed the heavy dose of mockery. -
@joobleblob@ParkerMolloy@realDonaldTrump perhaps I did. Sarcasm don't track well on the old twitters. -
@heronimous@joobleblob@ParkerMolloy@realDonaldTrump Tim Wood went through Trump's Magic 8 Ball of responses.
@ParkerMolloy@KevinMKruse I'm more curious how Obama is going to take all of our guns today... -
@ParkerMolloy@realDonaldTrump His fans will ignore his lies and worship his stupidity like a god. -
@ParkerMolloy I can't imagine life with@realDonaldTrump as president.#frustrating -
@ParkerMolloy@KevinMKruse@realDonaldTrump He's leaving for his honeymoon the minute he's done getting married to Putin on Friday. -
@ParkerMolloy didn't you hear, he's not starting until monday -
@ParkerMolloy Especially if he doesn't start doing actual work until Monday, which he also said ... tall order, bud. -
@ParkerMolloy@realDonaldTrump You have to listen to his HEART, donchaknow? He didn't mean it literally, because he's illiterate.