The subreddit for diet popcorn, welcoming all kinds of drama from amusing disagreements, to the mini threads that had the potential but not the follow-thru.
Submission Guidelines
The drama must be mild, anything too big or exciting should go to one of the other drama metasubs.
All direct links to the domain should use the "no participation" link style (ie: -> Exceptions will be made for linked subs that intentionally break np links will. Archive links are acceptable as well, but any redirect or url shorteners will be removed.
Use the ?context=X
to display parent comments as needed, and try to link directly the part of the thread where the drama is with the fewest extra comments where possible.
Comment Guidelines
Offenders will have their comments removed and may be banned at mod discretion.
[–]bitterredspecialist of minor tiffs[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)