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cded94 No.8829214



CNN: If Trump is Killed During Inauguration, Obama Appointee Would be President


CNN has been criticized for airing a report which revealed that an Obama appointee would become president if Donald Trump was killed during an attack on the inauguration tomorrow.

Entitled Disaster could put Obama cabinet member in Oval Office, the report admits that there is no specific threat targeting the inauguration, but goes on to speculate about “who would be in charge if an attack hit the incoming president….just as the transfer of power is underway”.

An individual named the “designated presidential successor” will not attend the inauguration as a security precaution, “but it won’t be a Trump cabinet secretary….it will be an Obama appointee,” reports CNN.

The report emphasizes that “a president from the prior administration” will take power if there is an attack due to the fact that none of Trump’s cabinet secretaries have been confirmed yet.

According to CNN, the designated presidential successor is likely to be Tom Shannon, the Under Secretary For Political Affairs, and an Obama appointee.

The report teases the potential for an attack on the inauguration by asserting it would create “chaos” and “high theater,” before airing clips from ABC’s Designated Survivor show in which Kiefer Sutherland plays an obscure cabinet secretary who is “unexpectedly thrust into the presidency after an attack at the capitol during a State of the Union address.”

Given the huge number of death threats leveled at Trump – including one family friend of Hillary Clinton who was arrested after he threatened to assassinate Trump at the inauguration – is CNN irresponsible in drawing attention to this issue?

Respondents to the video on YouTube, which was heavily thumbed down, slammed CNN for almost encouraging a violent attack against Trump.

“Totally not suggesting anything here, huh CNN?” commented one.

“So leftist terrorists know who they need to take out, so that dems can stay in power? This is irresponsible journalism,” added another.

“I flagged this video as dangerous to the president elect, and that it might foment violence,” wrote another.

The charges are not without precedent. After Thomas DiMassimo tried to rush the stage to violently confront Trump during an event in Ohio last year, CNN gave him a platform to denounce Trump as a “bully”.

03d572 No.8829235


>Respondents to the video on YouTube, which was heavily thumbed down, slammed CNN for almost encouraging a violent attack against Trump.


Hah. Also, nice archive faggot.


0e23e4 No.8829243


>If Trump is Killed During Inauguration, Obama Appointee Would be President

There will be no more presidents or "America" if they do go through with this.

The whole world is undergoing a paradigm shift and this little stunt will just bring it full force with many dead.

cded94 No.8829248


my apologies. I meant to archive.

0ad9ea No.8829254

>lol hey errybody, dis you lnows if Trumpum gets got dat da Kang gets to picks out his replacement awwwww

Apropos of nothing of course. Just a totally normal news story.

97b707 No.8829266

File: 965fe86ba90bfd3⋯.jpg (128.87 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 1457472934268.jpg)

File: c96a778c68ee892⋯.png (273.2 KB, 475x398, 475:398, ClipboardImage.png)


1fcd71 No.8829273


Why does CNN still exist? The American people have the power in their hands to destroy it. Let it be destroyed. It is a subversive, Anti-American organization that no longer has a place in the new America.

744b8d No.8829276

If every anchor and writer at CNN was murdered, no one would mourn them.

c0e678 No.8829284


Wasn't there a prophecy that nigger in chief would be the last president?

c0e678 No.8829287

9d12e3 No.8829289

Yes - Cnn is exactly doing this.

We are in such a dangerous time right now. A major media group is LITERALLY calling for the death of our new president.

Its hard to believe that these people are doing this shit - but its there.


Archive is a datamine honey pot..don't use archive.

c0e678 No.8829297


There is no better option than to use Archive.is. AFAIK it only datamines the person that makes the archive, so the cleanest among us should be the ones making the archives.

31030c No.8829307


73590d No.8829311

File: 6a799b54316e49c⋯.png (312.76 KB, 401x547, 401:547, 1471317077726.png)

If they kill Trump, people better wake the fuck up to this dog and pony show. Then it's time to vote from the rooftops, and guess who's got the most votes(bullets).

cbb5f4 No.8829315

I'd be fine with this

If it's a civil war that they want it can be given to them

0f9111 No.8829321

Isn't this a fucking lie anyways? I thought the power goes the VP pick of the Prez Elect if anything happens to him during the transition

91c1b5 No.8829325

I mean if they assasinate Donald Trump, it's going to be even worse for them, civil war between whites with guns and niggers who can't count to 3 in control of kikes? it's pretty much one-sided

6569af No.8829334


who exactly do you fight tho?

You dont have to answer that but its an ideology infecting many people. A vague elusive enemy.

d29cae No.8829342


>It was lone shooter, goyim. Unfortunatly jewish gangster killed him before interrogation.

6060db No.8829343

File: 58dff96dc05e78e⋯.jpg (40.88 KB, 600x466, 300:233, rooftopkoreans.jpg)


K… koreans?

744b8d No.8829345


That's predictive programming, let's try to be specific with our memetic sub-fields.

c0e678 No.8829352

Now we just have to wonder which Obama appointee will be holding the gun that will assassinate Trump?

260af9 No.8829367


My money is on Biden

da162c No.8829374

And what happens if Obama is killed?

0f9111 No.8829377


We throw a party?

6b080b No.8829379

Trump just needs to remove CNN’s press credentials and give them such a hard time that they close shop. They are an odious operation, almost as bad as the BBC

6569af No.8829393



"There's another beauty."

One corrupt brainwashing factory at a time

0ac366 No.8829395

this is inciting to attack a person.

this is criminal, illegal and punishable by law

113de6 No.8829403

At this point CNN will have cannibalised themselves into a media outlet only read by communists, niggers and antifa degenerates.

7b45ef No.8829405


Yes, which is why they're pointing all this out and saying "these are the people you need to kill" basically trump, pence, ryan, and whoever the fourth guy was… if they all die at basically the same time (and mind you will all be in the same place at once), the "survivor" would be the obama appointed one hiding out in a fucking bunker with HW bush, his cunt wife, and probably chelsea clinton or something as we speak.

Which is why this is dangerous, I dont ever recall them reporting these sorts of things prior to any other presidents coming into office.. which is basically their way of trying to meme people into killing those four people so that the new government is effectively dismantled before it can take power, leaving some obama puppet in charge who.. if the event is big enough.. probably would do something like declare martial law and a national state of emergency and start clamping down on civil liberties to stop the uprising that would happen in response to this shit

Naturally they're to fucking stupid to realize you cant stop tens of millions of pissed off americans who would immediately realize what just happened and who is to blame. They're all armed, they're all ready to burn this shit to the ground and round up all the marxists and murder them in the swamp that is DC and use that entire place as one mass grave and leave it, never to be touched again, because fuck those people and fuck DC (it would probalby turn into a tourist spot where RWDS go to piss on the remains of their enemies)

But this is also probably why nothing will happen. Even the fucking kikes realize that would be going a step to far, and they'd lose all control instantly. They're insanely hungry for power and control, but they're not complete idiots.. its one thing to cut off your nose to spite your face, its another to stab yourself in the fucking heart to spite your body.. ones gonna be bloody and painful and is completely stupid but you'd survive, the other is that except itll kill you… they're at LEAST smart enough to understand that

CNN is just showing its true colors is all this really is. They're pathetic and desperate for someone to stop Trump from ruining them and their propaganda machine and taking away their power. So they're praying if they put all this out there some group will use the info and do their dirty work for them. It wont happen though. Shits to well protected.

1fcd71 No.8829409


I don't believe anything bad will happen to Trump. I believe he will be protected and go on to fulfill his and our destiny of transforming America. But if for some reason it did happen, Revolution will follow and we bring down the Establishment by force. Either way, we win. Kek wills it.

705e4a No.8829414


Oddly specific Obama would do this, almost as if he had planned… hmm

1863f5 No.8829420


Dubs confirm, /pol/ party in Anon's house. Don't bring weed you degenerates.

618736 No.8829427







They will try, but that will fail.

see >>8828055


1fcd71 No.8829434


I'd love to see CNN removed from the white house press pool, but if they are allowed in, Trump should refuse to answer a single question they ask. He should purposely pass over them every single time until they get the message.

b4bb62 No.8829438

They're trying to activate their lunatic liberal sleeper agents.

6569af No.8829445



2079d3 No.8829446


Your local democrap office of course, or CNN. It feels good to live in Georgia, I may be part of the siege on CNN HQ.

ab6944 No.8829448


>predictive programming

That's exactly what it is. Get people familiar with an idea beforehand and it'll go down easier.

705e4a No.8829454


Only got a couple rules. No drugs, no attitude, no condoms

ab6944 No.8829455


>don't bring weed


I had to point this out for you, anon. Kek may be trying to tell you something, or he's just having a laugh.

1919ff No.8829458


Except that's not even true. Pence would be made into president.

1863f5 No.8829460

>>8829455 (checked)

I chuckled too anon. What did Kek mean by this?

5351f6 No.8829465

File: b96f065b9a1ff36⋯.gif (433.92 KB, 1108x1108, 1:1, United_States_Space_Comman….gif)

US Space Command should simply seize control of CNN satellite assets.

0f9111 No.8829466


>ts another to stab yourself in the fucking heart to spite your body.

Yet this is exactly what CNN did to themselves with this. Do you think Trump isn't going to completely destroy them over this? This is much much worse than their usual slander and lies, they are literally advocating the assassination of the president in a massive display of public high treason

298388 No.8829500

File: 793e26b563dd8c7⋯.gif (785 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 793e26b563dd8c7479027a1cd7….gif)


I blame the "good goys"

32491f No.8829501



52e880 No.8829502



Not only her, I was with a bunch of Indians once a few years ago for something work related, and one of the women told me in her culture, the prediction was a Black President in the US would be the last.

7b45ef No.8829509


Plausible deniability anon, thats what they're thinking they have here in the event nothing happens. If nothing happens, hey its just journalism, just something people would like to know about and made an "interesting piece"

If on the other hand something does happen, they're hoping trump dies and it goes down the list far enough at least that they arent targeting cnn for this, and instead focused on the chaos so cnn can slip under the radar at that point.

The worst case in their minds for them is someone tries, and fails, but then that can just be chalked up to a "crazy lone wolf" or something

The TRUE worst case though, is there is a coordinated effort to take out those people, but it fails to kill Trump but DOES kill say pence or ryan or something… and evidence is found that they watched the cnn video and coordinated an attack based on that. But honestly, how likely is that?

In the minds of the CNN faggots, they're in the clear. Either its "just a story," or nothing happens, or something happens and trump gets offed and they're hidden in the fog of war that will follow, or someone does something and fails and it cant be traced to them because they fucked up their planning so much that "obviously they didnt have a detailed map of who to go after, they must not have even SEEN the piece." They likely havent even considered the true worst case for them. In all honesty, I kind of hope that one happens. I HOPE someone tries to off trump/pence/ryan/etc all at once, and maybe wings pence and kills ryan but completely fails to get Trump.. then Trump goes after CNN with all the fury of an angry wrathful god

7b45ef No.8829515


We can only hope it actually means "the first black president will also be the LAST black president" because fuck niggers, they cant run shit and should never be given any kind of power or authority and we should have learned this a long time ago

01cad0 No.8829555


I like the option where they get lynched once Trump makes moves to push for legitimate journalism.

6569af No.8829556



5a2c98 No.8829568


instead of archive use megalodon.jp

instead of archive use megalodon.jp

instead of archive use megalodon.jp

6416cb No.8829574




Vanga's predictions have been mostly correct over the years. There was one that didn't, was it biological or chemical weapons in a new European war?

She predicted China to overtake the US as a financial superpower, I was planning to buy some Yuan based on that

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