@Olivianuzzi everything is awful -
@TheWilderThings@Olivianuzzi i want this lede to win a grammy, an oscar, a tony, an emmy, and a presidential medal of freedom tho - さらに表示
@Olivianuzzi So a normal Wednesday at this point? Our impending doom has now been normalized. -
@benparr@Olivianuzzi so long and thanks for all the fish - さらに表示
@Olivianuzzi@HowardBeck It's a bullshit story that most others who posted have pulled for poor sourcing and incorrect info. -
@mcintyremike Um, there is actual reporting in this piece and real people, quoted on the record. -
@HowardBeck Sure, the whole premise is a statement of conjecture by Michael McKenna. This piece prebutted absurd NYT hit piece:http://thefederalist.com/2016/12/14/yes-rick-perry-qualified-secretary-energy/#.WIAmzgW0uZw.twitter … -
@mcintyremike "prebutted?" -
@HowardBeck Ok, admittedly, I made up that word. Just that it anticipated the b.s. charge that Perry was somehow not smart or aware enough for the job. -
@mcintyremike@HowardBeck - Well, he may be neither, but that won't stop him. -
@SureReality@HowardBeck That article is fake news ==> Clickbait headline + entire thesis of article based on one on-the-record bland conjecture = a narrative born. -
@mcintyremike Your disagreement/disapproval of a *reported* story does not make it "fake news." Thorough misuse of that term. - さらに表示
@olivianuzzi so yeah… there’s that. -
@Olivianuzzi *evergreen tweet*