
Here you can download the HDT-it! GUI tool to generate and browse HDT files for several platforms:

Instructions on how to compile/use the command line tools and libraries to create/query HDT files programmatically are available at the Development Page. The latest and experimental versions of the software can always be found at their respective GitHub repositories:

You will probably want to browse some Datasets in HDT format. You can get an overview on how to use the tool by watching this screencast:

Should you have any suggestions please let us know! We look forward to your feedback to improve our tool to fulfill your needs.

Acknowledgements: If you use our tools in your research, please acknowledge them by quoting the following papers:

author = {Javier D. Fernández and Miguel A. Martínez-Prieto and Claudio Gutiérrez and Axel Polleres and Mario Arias},
title = {Binary RDF Representation for Publication and Exchange (HDT)},
url = {},
journal={Web Semantics: Science, Services and Agents on the World Wide Web},

author = {Miguel A. Martínez-Prieto and Mario Arias and Javier D. Fernández},
title = {Exchange and Consumption of Huge RDF Data},
year = {2012},
booktitle={The Semantic Web: Research and Applications},
pages = {437-452},