So I work in an office in IT. LOTS of guys around here. Maybe one or two women but they're HUGE and over 40
It's a pretty relaxed work environment. I enjoy it very much and consider myself fortunate to have found a job I enjoy so much.
So I have this cubicle neighbor. Nice guy. Seems to have his shit in order with regards to work and showing up, but his personal life is FUCKED.
This is what I know about him
- 39 (I'm 43)
- over 6 feet (I'm 5' 3")
- Completely bald *(I have a full head of hair)
- Just got through a divorce (I've never been married)
Goes on an on and on about how he's into all this kinky bondage / fireplay sex. Shit I don't need to hear. Shit I don't want to hear. Shit I didn't ask him to tell me about.
CONSTANTLY brags about his conquests and his height. Honestly, I've never been around a guy who mentions his height so often. Number 1, I don't really care as it's irrelevant to our job (we sit at desks). Number 2, he doesn't intimidate me at all. In fact, he kind of resembles an amphibian or that pepe the frog meme.
After a few weeks of working with him, I stopped providing him with the words for him to go on telling me about his sex life. An example would be: I come in to work and the first words out of his mouth are 'I'm SOOOOO tired. I was up until 3 AM' By now I fully know that he's hoping I'll ask him 'why' so he can go on and tell me about all the fucking he did last night. Instead I said 'That sucks' and took off my coat and fired up my computer. Later in the day, he starts complaining about how 'sore his back is' again, fishing for me to prompt him as to why. I ignored this. End of the day rolls around and he comes up to me and says 'What day is it today? Wednesday?" We document everything we do with the current date and time, so I know he's well aware of what day it is, but I stupidly say, "Yeah, it's Wednesday" and he immediately replies 'Hmm. I fucked my girlfriend on Sunday and she just told me that she's still sore from it.' Low self-esteem anyone?
Fast forward to a few weeks later. He goes on a trip back to his home town to see his mother. He gets a text two days into his vacation from his conquest/girlfriend
"I'm breaking up with you. Get all your shit out of my place"
He comes back all bummed and proceeds to find an apartment, move his shit out, etc. All the while he's got this 'other' girl he's been seeing. Immediately he starts focusing all his attention on her. She's like 28 and a student.
Over the next couple of weeks, I start hearing all the familiar things (note: I hadn't discovered MGTOW or even the word MGTOW by this time)
- "So Amber's moving in. She was basically staying at my place from the beginning anyways"
- "I'm co-signing a loan for Amber. I just need a copy of my pay stub"
- "All of Amber's things are moved into 'her room' now." I recall him specifically telling me that his spare bedroom was going to be his 'hobby room' and that's why he got a 2 bedroom apartment
- Today I just overheard him talking to HR to get her added to his benefits package.
Now, I've kept my mouth shut this entire time. It's like watching a car wreck happen in slow motion. When he hung up the phone, he started telling me about how he was adding her to his benefits.
I brought up how one of my exes basically moved herself in to my home and was still using my benefits (drug plan) like a year after we split up. I told him how the first thing she did when she moved in was try to convince me that she should go back to school I said no, you have a degree and a job. She quit anyway, went back to school and afterwards, spent a year trying to convince me that she was 'unemployable'. She never did use that new degree. When we broke up, she immediately landed a full time job and has held it down ever since. She was anything but unemployable
I told him all of this pretty much word for word.
His exact response "Amber's not like that" NOWALT!!!
I'm not going to try to save him. I'll let him watch as she sticks him with the loan after the money's gone. I'll see how he reacts when his usefulness runs out and the sex dries up. Hell, maybe she'll even get pregnant.
Thoughts? Opinions? Funny anecdotes?
SO happy I saw the light :)
[–]JStheHammer 3 ポイント4 ポイント5 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]wildfireboat 2 ポイント3 ポイント4 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]HIGHLORDOFSHITSTAINS 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]good_man_gone 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)