Why are we not taking advantage of the new momentum around mens rights and using it to drive forward our movements like feminism did?
Do any of you have any idea how much the 'this is what a feminist looks like' t-shirt has earned for feminsm and had actually enabled them to change laws that now hurt men? They even managed to get world leaders to wear them!
All of the men's rights movements are stuck in the past with their secret memberships and Matrix references. It's not enough to go your own way or to demand Compassion. We are in a societal war where females are actually permitted to call for the culling of all males and the media applaud it. Yet blogs criticising feminism are blocked immediately.
It's time we start advertising our movement. I'm a Gay guy who went my own way 17 years ago. Not because women or Gay men are mean, but because I did not make wise choices. Period. I lead a full and entertaining life having gone my own way. That does not mean tho that I stop working to ensure females (or anybody for that matter) has preferential treatment or rights over myself.
Please help support our cause. And would you all please stop talking about Chad now? It really just makes you all look like dejected mingers forced to be on their own, rather than strong men chasing thier own path.
Cheers.... Captain Trunch