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Noor Tagouri
Hi , I am NOT Omar Mateen's wife. Plz acknowledge/correct the errors. PS: same photo you used before...lazy
Rania Alhsouni 19 時間
yumi 🐦 19 時間
Oh God, and they call themselves journalists
Dianne Gallagher 19 時間
seriously? Not even a slight resemblance. 🙄🙄 sigh.
🦄✨ 19 時間
this is dangerous & irresponsible
Black Sankofa 19 時間
🦄✨ 19 時間
RawStory, you need to apologize. This is beyond reckless given the headline & the political climate
🦄✨ 19 時間
and this goes against journalism ethics. You ought to be ashamed.
Darth Sidious 18 時間
this to me has a libel and defamation of character lawsuit written all over it
Sam F. 18 時間
link to playboy article though? Asking for a friend.
Onlyayos 18 時間
Please get a lawyer involved
Mubin Shaikh 18 時間
Looks like it's been changed to OmarMateen's image now.
S 18 時間
Goodness. How reckless of them
Mehreen Kasana 18 時間
., are you responsible for the image selection on this Omar Mateen development? You might want to issue an apology on RS.
Luly Fernández 17 時間
How is it fake news?!
Luly Fernández 17 時間
Everyone makes mistakes.
Tahlil تَهليل 17 時間
Ginella Massa 17 時間
common Noor, can you blame them? All hijabis obviously look the same! I'm sure people can barely tell us apart 🙄
Rania Alhsouni 17 時間
the person in the picture is not Omar Mateen's wife and was not featured on Playboy
Luly Fernández 17 時間
Okay. But that doesn't mean the article is false. That's an error. Not fake.