I feel like there's a new Trump scandal every other week. Between his falsities with his 'charity', possible marital sexual assault, possible pedophilia, stumbling into pageant dressing rooms intentionally, Trump university, false bankruptcy, ties with Russia and his tax reports etc. It feels like it won't stop; the reason is, it won't. The biggest problem is however that anything legitimate comes up, Trump just says something stupid and people break into a frenzy covering that instead of the original story.
"Russian ties? Oh nobody cares to see my taxes."
"Grab her by the pussy? Oh email scandal and taxes."
It's going to be like this for 4 years while his cabinet fills their pockets and the republicans try to rip down all progress made by Obama in the last 8 years. In the mean time, we'll all be occupied struggling to live and be happy because we have to work harder to get a decent paycheck, but all while someone can inherit 50 million dollars and become president because he's "an outsider."
Sorry for any mistakes, I'm on mobile.