I've been hanging around on this planet for half of a century now and I've learned a few things. And, a number of confrontations with feminists over the past few years has led to a need to really understand gender relations. I've always been extremely interested in psychology and sociology so it was more an extension of that. Lately I've had the urge to write/share my thoughts. Usually, I imagine how I would explain it to my nephew. I've never been married and don't have any kids and he is usually the the only other male when family gets together.
I knew from a very young age that I would never get married. That was long before the internet or MGTOW. While I strongly identify with the MGTOW philosophy, I have never been the type join groups or take labels. So in the spirit of GNU, I decided yesterday to be FIM (Fim Isn't Mgtow)
I considered posting in /puplepilldebate and/or /mensrights but I'm not really interested in changing anyones mind or changing the world. I just want to share and refine ideas with like minded people. If there's a better place for this please let me know.
So, to start, I would like to share my thought's on patriarchy. It is at the root of the gender wars and the basis for many arguments. My main problem is that most people use the feminist definition for patriarchy. And, it's not so much that their version is wrong, it's that it's only half of the picture.
I believe in the balance of nature theory. It proposes that ecological systems are usually in a stable equilibrium. As such, we evolved with a balance between men and women. Obviously, the pendulum swings back and forth but overall, a balance is maintained. I often hear people say that patriarchy is civilization but that's still missing the other half... gynocentrism. For me, they balance each other out in the end.
I recently heard about someone who was working with girls from the middle east who were going to school in the west. They were astonished at how these girls could demand money from males back home. I looked into it more and found that there is a very high expectation for males to provide for females there. This lead me to the idea that a culture with a high level of patriarchy will have high gynocentrism. And, in the west, feminists can't seem to reconcile the fact that as they tear down the patriarchy, they are also killing gynocentrism.
I feel it is disingenuous to discuss patriarchy without acknowledging the gyno-patri balance.
Any thoughts? Agree? Disagree? .......should I go post somewhere else?