@Ali_Davis Trump could be paranoid about his #Inauguration having smaller numbers than the #WomansMarchOnWashington the next day. #JCCICpic.twitter.com/MPL18EkLd1
@zippyman818@Ali_Davis it no doubt will b smaller -
@HollyLynnNY@Ali_Davis Weather forecast is for the warmest Inaugural since Reagan in 1981. That will help with attendance, I think.#jccic -
@zippyman818@HollyLynnNY@Ali_Davis It's supposed to rain in DC on Friday. Good. -
@madame_snark@apriltombstone@HollyLynnNY@Ali_Davis Have you seen the name on the portable toilets?@Dons_Johns#TrumpInauguralpic.twitter.com/hb2fjxaRLZ - さらに表示
@Ali_Davis@heyprofbow he did the same thing for a rally in New York when he just started running. -
@Lost_NYer@Ali_Davis@heyprofbow I'm pretty sure Trump does this for all of his events. Trump rally photo on http://Crowdsforrent.com .pic.twitter.com/dOMPRyzcHd -
@tonydphotog@Lost_NYer@Ali_Davis@heyprofbow Content aside, that text style on that image is staggeringly bad. -
@NickStarrMusic@tonydphotog@Lost_NYer@Ali_Davis I gave up trying to read it. -
@heyprofbow@NickStarrMusic@Lost_NYer@Ali_Davis Here's the original screen shot I took.pic.twitter.com/wBz6Nvfg6w -
@tonydphotog@heyprofbow@NickStarrMusic@Lost_NYer@Ali_Davis What a SHAM!! Apparently Events have been paid by Trump team to look popular -
@breton_anne@heyprofbow@NickStarrMusic@Lost_NYer@Ali_Davis I think most of his twitter followers are paid for, too. Lots of Eggs. - さらに表示
@Ali_Davis I love when my TL lines up beautifully.pic.twitter.com/cHJtDFXAwQ -
@propertyofKJ@Ali_Davis She isn't going either.pic.twitter.com/jEJyXck8bn -
@riotwomennn@edgeoforever@propertyofKJ@Ali_Davis You should see the three-tweet thread by her. It's hilarious.
@Ali_Davis Highly doubt this. It's much too complicated to pull off at the last minute AND satisfy@SecretService security protocols.#JCCICpic.twitter.com/21xmNY3hMK -
@zippyman818@Ali_Davis Easy to fill the color-coded areas with stand-ins. Ticket gets admission, no background check required. -
@judahariel@Ali_Davis Color tickets are already distributed to all 535 Congressional offices. How would you coordinate this in <24 hours?pic.twitter.com/j5pj9f7nNj -
@zippyman818 1) Print more or 2) get people to take extra unallocated tickets from Congressional offices/PIC. -
@zippyman818 In any event, nothing to do with Secret Service security protocols, as you originally claimed. -
@judahariel@zippyman818 Democrats in Congress were saying they couldn't get tickets- before the John Lewis boycot. -
@3gr8k1ds@judahariel The winning party gets most of the tickets. It's not a 50/50 split. Ticket brokers are already reselling for $$$ -
@zippyman818@judahariel Kinda figured, but it said all 535 districts. Some said they couldn't get any. - さらに表示