全 36 件のコメント

[–]JustaTurtleFucker 34 ポイント35 ポイント  (1子コメント)

This is actually kinda hilarious to me. Every time I see some trans cult member bullying lesbians with a Consider the Penis pitch, I feel like linking them to job openings in the Christian conversion "therapy" camp that stole months of my life as a teen, because their ideas belong and thrive there.

I wonder if they know they're preaching the exact same homophobic rhetoric as Focus on the Family, the conservatiest of conservative Christian hate groups, who also believe men behave one way naturally and women another, who also believed I just needed a good dicking to change my fucking mind about who and what I could find attractive. They even both ask you to repent of your sins, sometimes publicly flogging yourself for stepping out of line.

The resemblance is unfuckingcanny.

[–]raulbikscubefloating ghost woman 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (0子コメント)

pointing out the existence of "biological sex" is pretty fucking basic, rooted in fact and empirical evidence. saying "that person is biologically male" is not in itself judgmental or coercive. it's an observation about the physical world.

this kick they're on of "i think your sexual preferences are morally defective, so they must be corrected" is neither a fact nor an observation. it's a fucking opinion. a subjective fucking opinion about what other people do, harmlessly and consensually and for the most part privately, with their own bodies.

much like the religious right, they are determined to make their shitty opinions law.

[–]frusteratedrant 48 ポイント49 ポイント  (10子コメント)

"Alt Right" is used in the U.S. as a modern rebranding of White Nationalism. I think it's less common for funfems to call GC "alt right" but they certainly call GC feminists rightwing. There's a variety of reasons for this including deliberate misinformation about GC positions e.g. they often try to say WE support gender!? There is also a meta awareness to this generation wherein fellow young people are araid of "being on the wrong side of history" like the pro-segregation white people of the 60s etc. In that regard they see trans ideology as a progressive social movement therefore anyone opposing or applying criticism are inherently rightwing.

Also, a less spoken issue, but one I've noticed as a young woman active IRL left organizations, is an ignorance if not utter disdain for any women of the "second wave" generation or those referencing second wave writing. Criticisms of second wave feminism stems not from reading the source material but from a reading Tumblr/Facebook/random manifesto etc criticism which gets their source from Tumblr/Facebook/random manifesto etc which gets their source......and it's turtles all the way down.

So to funfems second wave feminists ARE "old feminists", not relevant and angry and certainly not cool. TERF and RightWinger is just the tip of iceberg.

[–]ronnie_ray 27 ポイント28 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Totally. Part of my peak trans/lib fem was actually reading second-wave texts and being all like, "oh, this isn't the racist, pro-capitalist hate screed like everyone's been saying it is."

[–]-backdrifter 23 ポイント24 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Yeah, I agree. There's a real fear of being on the "wrong side of history," which I do honestly completely understand, but there are so many liberals who are so afraid of being seen as not "open-minded" enough that they'll defend absolutely anything that comes up in feminist/social justice/leftist circles because they're so scared of being perceived as a "bad" person. There's such a focus on being open-minded and inclusive that they're afraid to ever really stop and question anything, no matter how ridiculous or how harmful. There's then zero room for dissent, and anyone who doesn't immediately fall in line is cast out as bad, bigoted, right-wing, etc.

There really is so much disdain for the second wave. I've come across this both IRL and online. There are so many people parroting what they've heard without ever really deciding to check things out for themselves. I hear all of these third-wave and liberal feminists talking about how horrible second-wave feminists were, but I have to wonder if any of them have actually read any second-wave texts or if they're just repeating something they've seen on tumblr a few times. Even when I took women's studies (excuse me, women and gender studies -- eyeroll) classes in college, it was very rare to hear anything about the second wave at all...and when we did, it was usually at least somewhat negative or dismissive.

Regarding my second paragraph, I honestly used to be like that too when I was first getting into feminism. I fell for all of the "TERF" scare-mongering on tumblr. I parroted back what I'd heard without doing any actual investigating or reading for myself. I just had heard that the "TERFs" were evil and wrong, so I stayed away from them. Eventually, though, I decided one day to see for myself what they were all about, so I looked through a bunch of blogs on the latest "TERF" list and realized that they were nothing like I'd been made to believe. They weren't mean or violent or hateful or scary at all. They made perfect sense (which terrified me at the time!). Then I started reading actual second-wave texts as well. I've heard of other radfems having had similar experiences of one day deciding to actually check out some "TERFs" for themselves and then shockingly realizing that these "TERFs" were not at all like they'd been portrayed.

[–]annieareyouokayannieI am feel erased when we are not about me? 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (0子コメント)

there are so many liberals who are so afraid of being seen as not "open-minded" enough that they'll defend absolutely anything that comes up in feminist/social justice/leftist circles because they're so scared of being perceived as a "bad" person.

When "open-minded" means "100% opposed to and dismissive of anything that deviates from the party line" :/

[–]lonewomanbikerassigned seating at birth 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

"wrong side of history,"

This is a fear-mongering buzzword meant to force submission. They are literally telling you to shut up and obey the whims of men, because it is normal for men to dominate women, and they have- all through history.

[–]TegretolGo home liberalfeminism, you're drunk[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

there are so many liberals who are so afraid of being seen as not "open-minded" enough that they'll defend absolutely anything that comes up in feminist/social justice/leftist circles because they're so scared of being perceived as a "bad" person.

This used to be me when I was younger. I was never fully on board with trans, but I wanted to be a good liberal. Then I realized that supporting trans was like spitting in the face of my sisters and of course I'm going to pick my sisters over men.

[–]violetrevalesbian anarchist 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Also, a less spoken issue, but one I've noticed as a young woman active IRL left organizations, is an ignorance if not utter disdain for any women of the "second wave" generation or those referencing second wave writing. Criticisms of second wave feminism stems not from reading the source material but from a reading Tumblr/Facebook/random manifesto etc criticism which gets their source from Tumblr/Facebook/random manifesto etc which gets their source......and it's turtles all the way down.

Yes, the first thing they'll leap to is that 2nd wave was white feminism, or they'll come right out and say it was white supremacist.. Identity politics bingo, they have to come up with some reason to ignore the oppression of the class they hate and claim those people are oppressors and therefore had nothing of importance to say.

[–][削除されました]  (2子コメント)


    [–]gonnectionwhat are you talking about -4 ポイント-3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Its ridiculous how many people conflate Reddit with irl political groups.

    doesn't seem to be a problem when radical feminists and others do the exact same with twitter or tumblr.

    [–]songofthewormsassigned literal violence at birth 19 ポイント20 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Genderists use the term "biological essentialism" to refer to both radical feminists' acknowledgment of the biological basis of female oppression (our bodies, our presumed reproductive capabilities) AND the right-wing party line that "biology is destiny," i.e. that the gender [role] assigned to your sex is inescapably true and correct, and if you don't embrace it, and especially if you'd prefer to embrace the gender role assigned to the opposite sex, there's something wrong with you.

    And since they believe freedom from sexist oppression can [must] only be sought by expanding who is 'allowed' to perform which gender role (as well as who is 'allowed' to label themselves as which sex), they can honestly paint radical feminists and right-wingers as enemies of that freedom: Both groups are indeed opposed to the genderist view of it. For radical feminists, the opposition is based in our belief that sex is real and the construct of "gender" (especially where it is seen as intrinsically linked with sex) serves as a net harm to humanity. For right-wingers, it's based in their belief that "biology [sex] is destiny [gender]."

    But the weirdest part of this phenomenon is that genderists never admit that they share a hugely important trait with the right-wing nutjobs they claim to despise, too: faith in the notion that gender is innate, universal, natural, and inextricable from not just the kind of person you are, but the kind of person you can be. This diagram explains it well, I think.

    [–]-backdrifter 18 ポイント19 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I think there are a few reasons.

    It's an easy way for them to write us off so then no one (within feminist/social justice circles) will listen to us. If we aren't with them 100%, then we're violently against them 100%, and it's easy to write us off as "bigots" and therefore no different than right-wing conservative bigots. Never mind the fact that right-wing people don't want anything to do with us when we tend to be radical feminists, when many of us are lesbians and gay men, when many of us are gender non-conforming people.

    There really are not many mainstream or loud left-wing voices who are critical of gender/transgenderism/trans activism. If you hear anything negative or critical about any of this in the media, it tends to be coming from conservatives. It's set up as a real black-and-white dichotomy: either you're left-wing and a "good" person so therefore you support all causes, or you must be a "bad" person and therefore right-wing. There's really no nuance. I'm sure that there are a lot of people who don't even realize that you can be left-wing AND gender/trans critical at the same time like we are. Our voices just are not heard. There aren't enough left-wing gender critical pieces or websites out there. People are understandably afraid to speak up...and often when they do speak up, they get smeared and shut down and called things like "TERF," which has very effectively become a scary term, so then no one will listen to us because we've been labeled the Bad People with Bad Opinions.

    When they do realize that we exist, they don't seem to realize that right-wing people talking critically about trans issues and left-wing people talking critically about trans issues tend to be coming from very, very different places. We're talking about the misogyny and homophobia within trans activism, we're talking about how gender is oppressive and should be abolished, we're talking about defending female-only and lesbian-only spaces. Right-wing people tend to be coming from a very different point of view. Personally, I see more in common with trans activists and conservatives than with us and conservatives. They both want to uphold gender and they both cling to stereotypes and gender roles. Additionally, there even ARE some right-wing people who are fine with trans people but despise gay/lesbian people. Again it all goes back to a desire to uphold gender, which we strongly oppose.

    Trans issues are the big pet cause for liberals right now. MtTs have successfully convinced a lot of liberals and feminists that MtTs are the most oppressed group of all time (as well as the group behind practically anything and everything, like how they try to claim that MtTs started the gay rights movement, so therefore we "owe" them). There's just really not much room for any dissent right now, so if we don't fall in line, then we can't possibly be left-wing ourselves.

    In the end they just know that it's an effective tactic. If we get lumped in with the right-wing and if we get slammed with "TERF," they know that no one's going to want to listen to us because we've been vilified and people don't want to be associated with us (lest they become vilified and seen as "bad" people themselves too). It's much easier to write our criticism off as "bigoted" and "right-wing" rather than actually having to acknowledge and address our points. It's quite easy in our society to demonize women with opinions, and they know this and use it to their advantage.

    [–]Kalipest 25 ポイント26 ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Silencing/smear tactic because the "progressive" left will currently not tolerate debate, discussion or disagreement. The voice of the "oppressed" is sacrosanct and whoever is "most oppressed" holds most power (unless, you know, it happens to be women.) And of course, because of this perverse power stuggle, we are bombarded with hyperbole about who is being "literally murdered literally all the time" which muddies facts and prevents objective assessment of what is actually going on with regards to the experience of marginalised groups.

    It's interesting that we are accused of bigotry and facism but on this sub there is plenty of healthy discussion and disagreement, especially in comparison to many of the trans-focussed subs. We've seen this over and over, but the treatment of detransitioners or even just those questioning their transition in the trans subs is telling; anything not straightforwardly affirmative is removed or downvoted to oblivion.

    I don't mind that they behave in this way (aside from it being obnoxious.) Bully tactics rarely win. People come around to an idea when they can question it, and if you try to completely redefine current understanding of something as fundamental as "man" and "woman" without letting people question that, in addition to hurling insults when they do try to question it, then all you're going to get is a whole lot more "peak trans" moments.

    [–]-backdrifter 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Yeah, those are some great points. I think that people get really scared when they hear things like "TERFs have literal blood on their hands!!" and posts like that one on tumblr that tried to blame "TERFs" for the deaths of 50,000 MtTs or whatever it was trying to argue. They hear this, they don't question it even if they want to, they keep repeating what they've heard, and they desperately try not to be associated with these Bad People. I understand being afraid, especially when you're constantly seeing posts accusing "TERFs" of actual violence and murder, but I wish more people would question this stuff instead of falling for it every time. MtTs have done an effective job of convincing liberals and feminists that they're the most oppressed group of all time and therefore should always be listened to and never questioned.

    [–]nofreenamesleft 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Alt-right seems to be the new bogeyman that everyone gets called. It's just a less cheesy way to say you're "literally Hitler".

    [–]La_DiablaThe Princess of Darkness 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    It is incompatible to be right-wing and a feminist and they fuckin' know it. I don't think it is difficult at all to know the difference between religious right and Radical feminism motivation but when your delusional contentions have a foundation of quicksand you'll grasp at anything.

    The emperor has no clothes. We are women who refuse to defer and they hate us for it.

    [–]LilianH 24 ポイント25 ポイント  (6子コメント)

    It's a classic silencing tactic, trying to link an person/group with opposing views to yours to something society sees as bad (in this case the "alt-right") to discredit your opponents.

    Trump did the same at his recent press conference when he called CNN "fake news". It's exactly the same tactic.

    Most trans activists attacks on gender critical views are straight out of the propaganda textbook.

    [–]TheNewGarry2 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Yep! I believe Godwin's law applies here given that alt-right are considered literal Nazis.

    [–]Novemberinthechair 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (3子コメント)

    Excellent point; Trump co-opted the term "fake news." People respond to buzzwords --if they learn everything they know on Facebook and tumblr, that is. They teach themselves to have Pavlovian responses to words without applying an inch of critical thinking or undertaking deeper reading.

    [–]annieareyouokayannieI am feel erased when we are not about me? 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Trump co-opted the term "fake news."

    The term was coined and popularized to try to delegitimize his election. The mainstream media (especially CNN) do publish fake news (a lot of baseless propaganda) but they would like to be exempt from the criticism they themselves raised so that people once again rely on them and eschew alternative sources. I hate Trump but the mainstream media walked right into this one and I'm glad he called them out on it.

    [–]endofthelinerXX-Marks-My-Sex=Female 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    OTOH, Trump's crew (and he's the boss of them) threw out plenty of "fake news" themselves.

    [–]qwertypoiuytre 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    The term was coined and popularized to try to delegitimize his election.

    I would add as general pushback to growing distrust in mainstream media and interest in independent sources as well, especially among younger generations. There was a point after the whole "fake news" thing started blowing up and facebook and google announced their intentions to "help", where it was like a light switch was turned off on certain sources I'd post on facebook. Where before I'd get at least a few reactions or comments (not necessarily positive lol), at that point it went totally to zero, specifically on sources like Black Agenda Report, Eva Bartlett or Vanessa Beeley, or al Masdar News. I asked a couple close friends who still respond to certain things I share if they see these ones in their newsfeed and they said no. If they go directly to my profile they can see them but they appear to have been scrubbed from appearing in others newsfeeds. Staged channel 4 propaganda from child beheaders still going strong though. :/

    [–]sinnsar-teu 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    yah it's the new 'no platform'

    [–]wiseowl79 12 ポイント13 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    It's not an honest appraisal of the politics of the situation; it's just an evasion tactic to stall being taken to task for their attempts to turn the left as a whole into a haven for cultish irrationalism and patriarchal oppression.

    [–]wanderingwombAuntie Wanda 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Because Godwin's Law and stupid people who think if they just compare you to something bad that everyone agrees is bad they've made some kind of point.

    [–]TheNewGarry2 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Meanwhile I don't know about 'alt-right' themselves but MRAs, many of whom fall under alt-lite (http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/12/27/nazis-vs-trumpkins-the-prom-tearing-apart-the-alt-right.html) and are HUGE Trump supporters are largely cool with trans. http://thewalrus.ca/whose-side-are-you-on-anyway/

    Janet Bloomfield in the article is a racist Trump fan who believes women should not be allowed to vote, we should be forced to have abortions if men want us to and calls teenage rape victims 'dumb sluts'. I am NOT linking to her site, but it's easily searchable. She has a long post on how she has trans friends and telling her fanboys to be nice to trans people.

    The others female MRAs profiled in the article, eg Karen Straughan are also cool with MTTs. They frequently bring up 'terfs' to 'prove' how mean feminists are. Mancheeze, who I think is a radfem blogged about this a lot. http://mancheeze.wordpress.com/

    [–]mauritia 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    "Alt right" is racist conservatism with bonus memes. As a socialist feminist I have little in common with them. That said, I have seen nonsensical gender politics criticized by the alt right so I guess that's why we get lumped in with them.

    [–]lavenderamethyst 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Why? A very politically expedient, intentional association fallacy.


    Their world is divided by design into classic "for us" or "against us". Nuance in the latter category is of no use to their collective aims, and the image of the bible-thumping, narrow-minded conservative is the most efficient, evocative mascot around which their supports can gather with stones.


    Just another of the innumerable benefits of a movement founded on the calculated exclusion of critical thought.

    [–]chocoboat 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    They're so far gone that they can't even conceive of someone thinking "that man with a penis and facial hair does not belong in the women's locker room" for a reason other than "I'm a bible-thumping moron who hates anyone that's different from me".

    I mean, I can understand why they could make a mistake and default to that assumption. There are a lot of those idiots out there, and for many decades these idiots have been protesting cultural mixing, race mixing, homosexuality, and so on. But there is a massive leap between "there are a lot of idiots who hate anyone who is different" and "I am always right about everything, and anyone who argues with me is a hateful idiot!"

    [–]endthewooabolitionist 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    It isn't thought of as "alt right" at all. The libfems and trans cultists whine that radical feminists are "allied" with right wing/christian fundies etc as a way to try and get us back into line - it's an insult with no substance to it. Same as calling people "transphobic".

    [–]endofthelinerXX-Marks-My-Sex=Female 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    This is sort of like any "craze" that comes along in history. When I was 15, for instance, I was an utter Elvis fan, like tens of millions of others adolescent girls with raging hormones. I was over it in a couple of months since I had other fish to fry, like school, etc, but you can find some people who still think he's god. Every "god" has clay feet, and so do ideologies, since humans invent them and perpetuate them. This is why we think and become critical in our thinking when those ideas affect not just huge numbers of people, but ourselves personally, in negative ways.

    And the transgender ideology is affecting the majority of people on earth--women--in the most negative ways possible, even attempting to strip us of our sex and how we express ourselves and have done forever. This comes nowhere near to "alt-right" authoritarian thought since the foundation of women's liberation was brilliantly analyzed and firmly established during the second wave. Modern feminism and its stepchild, transgender, is a reaction against women's liberation.

    [–]qwertypoiuytre 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I think phrasing it as "thought of" as alt-right is giving them too much credit. Brainlessly labeled as more like it - because they've drunk enough koolaid to be too afraid to even go to the source of what they're criticizing and see what it actually is and so can't form any specific rebuttals, or they know what it is and know they have no credible rebuttal to it.

    [–]canering 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Well GC and right wing traditionalists have opposed measures like open bathrooms, using the same reasoning - that it jeopardizes the safety of women and girls by allowing potential male predators to falsely claim to be transgender women in order to gain nefarious access.

    But anyone who looks into GC should quickly realize it is absolutely not a right wing ideology.

    [–]violetrevalesbian anarchist 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    One thing I really want to know is whether there is a specific group of people (other than men, since men aren't specifically getting together in back room to come up with this shit) with a specific agenda who are coming up with these accusations and getting away with them, by taking advantage of women's lower place in society. Or is it really something more organic and intuitive? Perhaps it's just ignoramuses calling us right wing and alt right (since alt right is a buzz word now) because it's a way to get the misogynist left to attack because we've punctured their liberalism (speaking as a radical leftist) and they will throw whatever sticks to keep women down. And they'll do that, because by demanding our own security we threaten their status in society.

    Such accusations could only be well received by:

    • dogmatic young people indoctrinated into liberal unconditional tolerance and assimilation who don't want to judge anybody because being judgy is bad and also segregation is bad therefore we should have no boundaries maaan (talk about issues...)
    • the alt right and right wing themselves, who are invested in recruiting as many as they can to their cause -- and they would certainly like to use women's reproductive labor (read: enslavement)
    • anybody with a liberal arts or humanities education or who has taken gender studies or who knows someone who has and has been "educated" in queer theory and liberal feminism, among other things
    • misogynists who merely follow the rules of acceptable discourse but have no convictions themselves and will use any excuse to dominate women as long as it is deemed appropriate
    • women who are cowtowing to all these people under the threat of losing some significant things

    [–]triggermethis -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Lurker here. Just commenting to let you know the alt-right is all but finished. All their leaders, with the exception of Richard Spencer, have been doxed and shown to be complete frauds and the whole thing just one giant honeypot. You won't see this much on the r/altright sub because any criticism of them is met with harsh censorship but all the inner circles are falling apart and online forums are going 404 over it. Anyway, anyone that calls you or the subscribers of this sub alt-right should be met with mocking derision and contempt. The alt-right doesn't exist anymore and hardly ever did to begin with.