
January 16, 2017, is Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It’s not Human Rights Day, or Fast Day, and it sure as hell is not Robert E. Lee Day. It is a day that reminds us of a shameful time when we did not recognize one another as equals, and of a man whose life was snatched from him because of that. So, as protesters began marching in Washington D.C. Saturday, it was only natural for the President-elect to call a man who stood with Martin Luther King Jr. a liar and a failure.

On Friday, Rep. John Lewis, a civil rights icon and Wonkette’s 2016 legislative bad ass of the year (who even hashis own graphic novel detailing how awesome he is) had an interview with Chuck Todd about Donald Trump. Lewis skipped all the crap and got right to the point: He doesn’t consider Donald Trump’s presidency “legitimate.”

TODD: Do you plan on trying to forge a relationship with Donald Trump?

LEWIS: I believe in forgiveness, I believe in trying to work with people. It’s going to be hard, it’s going to be very difficult. I don’t see this president-elect as a legitimate president.”

TODD: You do not see him as a legitimate president? Why is that?

Beverly Hills surgeon explains at home fix for crepey skin around the arms, legs, and stomach.

LEWIS: I think the Russians participated in helping this man get elected. And they helped destroy the candidacy of Hillary Clinton. I don’t plan to attend the inauguration. It will be the first one that I miss since I’ve been in Congress. You cannot be at home with something that you feel that is wrong, is not right.

TODD: That’s going to send a big message to a lot of people in this country that you don’t believe that he’s a legitimate president.

LEWIS: I think there was a conspiracy on the part of the Russians, and others, to help him get elected. That’s not right, that’s not fair. That’s not the open democratic process.

That’s pretty damning, but it’s also true. All 17 U.S. intelligence agencies have confirmed that Russia did indeed play a role in attempting to influence the U.S. election. They might not have sent in some Soviet-era Eurotrash spooks in woolen trench coats to cast votes in some defunct Midwestern town, but they were certainly screwing around with social media and the Internet by inserting bogus stories to distract people from having honest conversations about public policy.

As he is wont to do whenever someone challenges his over-inflated ego, Donald Trump sent out mean tweets aimed at John Lewis first thing in the morning.


Before we go blind with rage and invent new words to swear with, let’s point out the extreme irony of Donald Trump’s butthurt about being considered illegitimate. Trump himself spent the past eight years bitching about President Obama’s citizenship, or lack thereof. It was only in September that he finally admitted that while Obama might be a secret black Muslim terrorist, he was at least born on American soil. “Hillary Clinton started it,” he lied to his sycophants that day, “and I finished it.”

Of course, Donald Trump could have just been angry that Lewis called Jeff Sessions, Trump’s pick for U.S. attorney general, a goddamn racist earlier in the week. Mind you, Lewis didn’t throw out insults or blame his disagreements with Sessions nomination on skin color; rather, he cited the historical fact of segregation in Alabama and his own beatings at the hands of the same authority figures Sessions once supported.

But then the 1960s were a different time. While John Lewis was being blasted with fire hoses and getting beaten within an inch of his life, while the rest of poors and patriots were worried about dying in Vietnam, Donald Trump was dodging the draft.

Donald Trump could also have been trying to get a little dig in at Lewis for sitting down on the job while everyone else in the House was trying to fuck off for the summer. Lewis, having been arrested 45 times as a non-violent protester, decided to rally Democrats for a sit-in on the House floor to force a debate on gun control legislation. When Speaker Ryan tried to kill the spectacle by gaveling out the legislative session to kill the livefeed from C-SPAN (possibly assuming people wouldn’t notice the absence of half of the legislative branch), Congressional members began joining Lewis on the floor to take a load off. Lewis’s aim wasn’t to force legislation that just happened to be supported by almost everyone in the country, but to simply have an open debate. Instead, they got slapped with fines for taking pictures. Bunch of criminals.

Donald Trump doubled down last night, with more flat-out racist crocodile tears for the hellholes where he thinks all black people live. He shouldn’t have bothered. Now there’s been a lot of backlash against Trump for his criticism of Lewis. People have been tweeting photos of Georgia’s 5th District, which Lewis represents. It also happens to be the city of Atlanta. Apparently, “falling apart” means having the highest median household income in the state, where the largest single sector of employment is construction, and the largest employers include Coca-Cola and Delta Airlines. Of course, all Trump has to do is tweet a series of sentence fragments and adjectives in order to screw a company out of billions of dollars, so maybe we should be careful about what we say.


As to the infuriating and stupid tweets from Trump, it’s worthwhile to take the measures of both men: While one likes to extend his hand to grab genitals, the other does so in an effort to keep you standing. Both have a history of causing a lot of trouble, although only one has caused “good trouble,” by risking his life, his freedom and his dignity for equality.


[ NBC / Reuters / WaPo / Vox]

Hell.No. Hats
  • FlemmishSpy

    To be fair, what DJT knows of Atlanta comes from watching the Walking Dead.

    • Shoto

      Rick Grimes Libelz!

  • Good_Gawd_Yall

    Fuckface von Clownstick is going to learn, if he’s capable of learning, that (to paraphrase)it’s going to be tough living in the tent when everybody outside it is pissing in.

    • LucindathePook

      Oh, come now. He’ll love it.

  • memzilla Ω
    • Tallmutha

      Nice, where’s that from?

      • memzilla Ω

        Unidentified Swiss newspaper.

    • They got it wrong.
      Trump should have the same smile in the second panel.

  • Shoto

    I’m proud / relieved to state that my own congressman is likewise going to be boycotting the inauguration.

    Oh, and for the record: Fuck that dim-witted, functionally-illiterate, mentally unbalanced orange man-baby fuehrer, and the Russian bear he rode in on.

    • Tallmutha

      No idea why any Democrat would lend cover to this shitshow. Resist, resist, resist.

      • Shoto

        “Resist, resist, resist.”

        What you said.

        • Tallmutha

          I mean, they’re sure as hell not going for the entertainment, so what?

          • sw19bender

            Business As Usual.

  • Blacktop Autumn

    I see we’ve reached the point where even a civil rights icon who crosses the Cheeto is to be attacked.

    That and we’re still talking about sending an army into the ghetto to deal with the crime problem. I’m sure that’ll work out well.

    • Tallmutha

      “Even” a civil rights icon? Of course a civil rights icon. If we’ve ever been given reason to think civil rights iconicity would mean a hock in a spitoon to this creep, I missed it.

      • Blacktop Autumn

        You’re right. I am expecting some sort of cordial behavior from the sorts of people who are eager to attack a man beaten by the police for daring to fight for his civil liberties.

        That’s apparently just asking a lot of cretins.

  • SayItWithWookies

    John Lewis is used to people who don’t understand understand humanity or dignity or even greatness, and who think of everything they don’t understand as trash. I’m not that awesome — I’m fucking appalled.

    • Serai 1

      and who think of everything they don’t understand as trash.

      Sadly, that is not only a wingnut phenomenon.

  • Martini Ambassador

    Lewis is pretty damned uppidy and also probably the real racist.

  • msanthropesmr

    Remember when Bush had his daddy’s supreme Court install him as president? People didn’t hate him nearly as much as the hate Donald.

    • Paperless Tiger

      They did at the end. They hate Trump going in. I think we may see just how bad it can get.

  • Ezio Auditore

    Let it just sink in that Donald Trump found it easier to attack a man who was nearly beaten half to death fighting for the Civil Rights of African-Americans than he was to denounce support from David Duke, a literal neo-Nazi and member of the KKK.

    • sw19bender

      I remember Trump pretending to not even know who this David Duke guy was or what he stood for.

  • Ricky Gay

    I believe Donnie could stick his dick into Jesus Christ’s holy mouthhole and his tribe would totally rationalize it.

  • Serai 1

    I love how the Annoying Orange assumes Lewis’s district needs help just because he’s black. Holy shit, I’ve never seen anyone dig themselves into a hole so enthusiastically. Let’s hope more famous people keep handing him shovels.

    • Shibusa

      His supporters don’t know and don’t care about the reality of Lewis’s district.

  • JustPixelz (((Ω)))

    Trump will fix it:

    The best fried chicken is made in Trump Tower Grill. I love the Blacks!

  • Naytch

    Is there a talented Wonker who can do a McNaughton-esque piece with Donald Trump and his hookers? They were so sad about the Kenyan Usurper it seems only fitting to rub their noses in it, so to speak.

    • FlemmishSpy

      Would it have all the… ahem, onlookers in the background?

      • Kiri the Resistant Unicorn

        Vladimir and a squad of FSB agents?

      • Naytch

        Could be shirtless Vlad on horseback with FSB on one side and all of the sad founding fathers looking on in horror on the other. To keep with McNaughton’s “sad onlooker to where our country has fallen” vibe.

  • FlemmishSpy

    Barron: What did you do during the civil rights movement, dad?

    DJT: I made huge sacrifices. I had to pay a lot of money to lawyers to defend myself and my way of doing business.

    Barron: Defend yourself from who?

    DJT: The clueless government, son. They wanted to ruin my business, said I had to rent to those people.

    Barron: Did you win?

    DJT: No. I had to pay the fine and change my practices, but I got my name and my views out there.

    Barron: So, you were a victim of civil rights?

    DJT: That’s right son, but I’m going to fix that now.

  • Daisy

    Newflash Donal: What you’re doing and saying is racist, and people will call you out on it, whether you like it or not, you pathetic, thin-skinned man-baby.

    • TJ Barke

      OT: IOnlyLikeCats said she tried very hard to peer pressure you into doing reckless things last night, did she succeed.

      • Daisy

        No. Although he decided that shower time was an ideal time to start talking to me, I guess because our stalls are right next to each other.

        • WomanInTheResistance

          Daisy, that is a signal. A big signal. For heavens sake, kiss him already.

          • sw19bender

            TBH I would completely miss that signal, but then I’m an ace.
            I’m not sure what Daisy’s excuse is ;p

          • WomanInTheResistance

            She’s young. And unused to this.

          • Daisy


          • WomanInTheResistance

            You are not dense. Stop that.

          • sw19bender

            The thrill of the chase?

        • BloviateMe

          You’re a sensitive soul, which is a beautiful thing. However, sensitive souls often tend to overthink things ad nauseam.

          Be careful not to overthink yourself out of a fun bit of college romance.

      • sw19bender

        Eating yellow snow?

  • azeyote

    trump is and has always been a racist – the end

  • TJ Barke

    Inventing new words is a lot harder than it seems.

    • Shibusa

      “Tell me about it.” ~ Sarah Palin

      • Bill D. Burger

        Nobody can toss a word salad like the Whore of Babble On.

  • Bill D. Burger

    I’m sure this is coming:
    Donald J. Trump ✔ @realDonaldTrump
    DJT knows more about civil rights than failed and racist Congressman John Lewis. Believe me. You can believe me. Lewis should spend more time helping African Americans like DJT. SAD.

    • DahBoner

      The African Queen : DJT

  • Shoto

    We interrupt this program for the following important announcement:

    • Mr. Blobfish

      Aww. Kitty needs a playmate.

    • WomanInTheResistance

      Sooooooooooohhhhh cute!

  • BloviateMe

    If John Lewis were to say something nice about Trump, he’d pivot 180 degrees and tweet about what a smart and gracious man John Lewis is.

    He’s much more an ignorant narcissist than anything else.

    • sw19bender

      Sociopaths can never admit to being wrong.

      • BloviateMe

        Oh no, don’t get me wrong, he’d never admit to shitting on him, he’d just pretend it never happened. And what scares me more than anything, he’d believe his own lie.

        • sw19bender

          Good point.

        • therblig

          and so would his flying monkeys. well, to the extent that lewis was now “one of the good ones”.

      • Pisciatoiojohn

        Trump will ask God for forgiveness of his sins – if he ever commits any.

  • DahBoner

    Fair and square. Fair and square. Fair and square.
    Fair and square. Fair and square. Fair and square.
    Fair and square. Fair and square. Fair and square.
    Fair and square. Fair and square. Fair and square.
    Fair and square. Fair and square. Fair and square.

  • Shibusa

    Bill Kristol (somehow, miraculously) said it best: “It’s telling, I’m afraid, that Donald Trump treats Vladimir Putin with more respect than he does John Lewis.”

    • BrianW

      Blind pigs and acorns, I’m afraid.

    • BloviateMe

      This, from Kristol?

      Fuck. Nothing makes sense anymore.

    • Rick Hill

      Only because Putin holds the notes on donnies loans

  • Good_Gawd_Yall
  • Ezio Auditore
    • Truck Fump

      I saw that somewhere else and laughed my ass of at the thought of trump’s butthurt!

  • Mr. Blobfish

    I really don’t think it’s worth the effort to capitalize ‘donald” and ‘trump’ anymore. I’m sure I’ll use my saved seconds doing some damn thing or another.

    • Rick Hill

      Way ahead of you…

  • shoeflyin
  • Shibusa
    • Rick Hill

      trump’s idea of making America great is to erase those gains

  • SayItWithWookies

    Scotland’s Sunday Herald has a straightforward approach to the inauguration:

    • ResistanceFighterCaptainHowdy

      Those people wear dresses, you know.

  • therblig

    so unfair. i’m sure that trumpy would have marched with MLK and John Lewis if not for the crippling agony of bone spurs in his feet. the same bone spurs that kept him from single handedly winning the vietnam war.

    • BloviateMe

      A true profile in courage.

    • BMW

      They were so bad, Trump can’t even remember which foot they were in.

  • WiscoJoe

    Meanwhile, I’m seeing that a lot of my friends whom spent the summer attacking John Lewis have now decided to spend this weekend ignoring John Lewis so they can instead focus on attacking Cory Booker. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    • sw19bender

      Your friends have weird hobbies

      • WiscoJoe

        That’s McCarthyism!!!

    • WomanInTheResistance

      These are your friends?

  • Ωbjectifier
  • BMW

    People say Trump just goes on these twitter rants to distract people from the shady stuff he’s doing. That’s a good theory except there’s no way to prove it, since Trump is always up to something shady.

  • Granny Sprinkles

    I was in Atlanta for Festivus, and missed the hellscape entirely. next time maybe!

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