I'm no psychologist, but I've been trying to do some reading to understand the entrenchment of the Trump supporters. The refusal to use critical thinking, to admit any evidence that might contradict their position, the mass banning of any dissent, and the absolute idolatry of Trump.
It's very cult-like. So perhaps in order to help break through to some of these people, we need to familiarize ourselves with some of the most effective methods for reaching out and eventually deprogramming someone who's under the spell of a cult.
Here's a HowStuffWorks article that gives a good primer. The next page discusses deprogramming. Deprogramming, or forced removal of a cultist from their cult, has fallen out of favor, and has been replaced by "Exit Counselling", which tries to coax the victim out.
Exit Counselling - "Exit counselors guide the family in the most effective ways to get a cult member to communicate with "outsiders." Family members must be non-judgmental, calm and loving, or else they'll only reinforce the belief that all outsiders are "bad" and dangerous. If they succeed, and the cult member agrees to participate in the process, what happens next is essentially the same "debriefing" that occurs during deprogramming, with long sessions that take place over a number of days, but the cult member is free to leave."
Debriefing -
- educating the cult member on thought-reform techniques and helping him to recognize those methods in his own cult experience
- asking questions that encourage the cult member to think in a critical, independent way, helping him to recognize that type of thinking and praising him for it
- attempting to produce an emotional connection to his former life by introducing objects from his past and having family members share their memories of his pre-cult existence
There are some obvious differences here between Trump supporters and cultists, to be sure. Using the "Exit Counselling & Debriefing" approach seems like it might be somewhat effective. Rather than being combative, we need to be supportive and try to earn an individual's trust. Offer them a way out that allows them to save face. Maybe they voted for Trump but have a little bit of doubt - that's OK! We're not going to judge you, but let's talk about that doubt... We can set up a subreddit for people who have come to regret their decision to vote for Trump, where they can share stories and start reaching out to other Trump supporters who are still in "the cult of Trump".