全 18 件のコメント

[–]tameonta 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (4子コメント)

  1. "Leninism" is basically a distorted version of Lenin's actual ideas. The idea of Leninism or Marxism-Leninism evolved after Lenin's death. Left communists see Leninism as the left-wing of capital (which is to say a right wing deviation). It professes the belief that state capitalism is a "transition phase" from capitalism to communism and is not simply pure capitalism. Also ML's see communism as a state of affairs to be established; left communists see communism as the real movement of the workers themselves to abolish the present state of things.

  2. Antifa and general "anti capitalist" groups tend to believe that fascism can be stopped through the actions of individuals (direct action, random street fights, etc.) and is not a systemic phenomenon that occurs in the wake of a crushed working class movement. Obviously left communists oppose fascism, but it must be seen for what it is and attacked at its roots: capitalism.

  3. Not too sure about this to be honest :/

  4. We are not pacifists, and we don't oppose tankies specifically because we think they're violent (though in general they make some serious moral leaps to justify their cults of personalities around dictators). We oppose them because they're basically capitalists who seek to lead and control the working class and are unable to see the importance of the spontaneous organization of the working class.

  5. There are lots of stands of anarchism, and I was originally an anarchist. In general I think anarchists sometimes fail to see themselves and their movement as existing within a particular historical moment. I'm also not necessarily opposed to parties, in the strand of Bordiga.

[–]xavierdc 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Left communists see Leninism as the left-wing of capital

Eh, I don't think industrial slavery, reinstallation of agrarian serfdom and state capitalism are "left-wing of capital". State controlled capitalism =/= Left or cooperative capitalism. No to mention that the wokes in the Soviet Union had no say in how the means of production should be handled. Based on that logic, the US is technically a social democracy since the have railways and federal jobs. Syndicalism and worker coops are technically left capital. Friedrich Engels, in Socialism: Utopian and Scientific, argued that state ownership does not do away with capitalism by itself, but rather would be the final stage of capitalism.

[–]tameonta 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Left communists have historically distinguished themselves from "leftists" and have often been ascribed the label "ultra left" as a distinction. Marxism-Leninism isn't really left, you're right, but because they call themselves leftists, ultras distinguished themselves from them. That's what I mean when I say the left of capital.

Engels argued that state ownership does not do away with capitalism by itself

I didn't really imply anything to the contrary.

[–]Polygnotus 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Are you a left com?

[–]CaptainToffee 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

left communism is a historical tendency, there are really no left coms left. no one here will "really" call themselves a left communist, more than likely they will just say "communist"

[–]Polygnotus -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'm in the same boat. Are left coms anti vanguard?

[–]BuildanArmchair -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, not necessarily. I would recommend reading Bordiga's Party and Class.

[–]xavierdc -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (10子コメント)


I'll try to answer all of your questions in detail.

My first question is, What are the main differences between left communism and other tendencies like “Leninism”?

The main difference is that left coms do not believe in a transitional society but in a transitional stage called the “dictatorship of the proletariat”. Leninists assume that what Marx and Engels meant by transitional stage is a separate stage from the revolution. This “Leninist principle” came out of the necessity to establish industrial capitalism in agrarian feudal Russia. Many tanks think that the same tactics the Russians used are applicable in other countries but trying to do so is pure revisionism and counter-materialist. The transitional stage is just the seizing of power during the revolution along with withdrawing legal protection from the non-proletarian classes and the neutralization of other forces of reaction e.g. fascists, monarchists, the police, organized crime, etc. Economy not yet socialist, a transitional economy because we can’t just abolish the bourgeoisie in one go. After that, we can start building communism and this will be the second stage of socialist development. During this stage, sometimes called socialism, exchange and money have ceased to perform their function. Labour vouchers or certificates will take their place. The voucher cannot be accumulated like money. The law of value is eliminated. And finally, the last stage is full communism where products are no longer allocated in limited amounts. There is no more rationing and everything becomes fully open source and almost entirely automated.

Left communist tendency believes that the second stage shouldn’t have money or law of value. The only difference between the second stage and full communism is that during the second stage, there is a plan for rationing and people will be obligated to work or else they will be censored from the means of production. The Leninists or “tankies” as some of us jokingly call them, believe that money could and should exist during the second stage of socialist development (i.e. “Market socialism”) and also believe that the first stage is already a new society and not a period of political revolution. They also tend to see the “state” as some kind of independent entity that will wither away on its own without actively trying to make it wither away. They are essentially reifying the state and believe that this abstract entity affects the material world even though the state in the Marxist sense should be the proletariat itself, not an apparatus separate from the masses. Another difference between left coms and Leninists is that Leninists have no understanding of historical materialism. They assume that communism is something that can be chosen or just built from scratch. Capitalism is a prerequisite for technologically advanced communism because not only will it collapse on itself; it will also allow us to inherit its advance technologies. You can’t just establish capitalism out of the blue.

Why do so many left coms oppose anti-fascism, anti-capitalist movements and activism? I see this a lot in subs like shittankiessay and shitleftistssay.

We oppose anti-fascism for various reasons:

  • Because when you try to “bash the fash” under the current epoch, you, indirectly, become a savior of the bourgeoisie and a defender of the status quo.

  • Because it is a waste of time, energy and resources. We should “bash the fash” during the revolution.

  • Because it’s almost always just edgy self-serving crap that just scares a few Nazis but does not acknowledge the hundreds of other fascists that are hiding. Why we oppose anti-capitalist movements? Various reasons as well:

  • Because it’s anti-materialist and idealist. Like I explained before when talking about the tankies, you can’t just do away with capitalism from one go or under capitalism.

  • Capitalism is, in a way, a necessary evil. It lays down the foundations and materials from which we will construct a new society.

  • It is utopian in many cases. Many anti-capitalists believe that you can just inspire people to not support capitalism and by “leaching off the system” they will make capitalism crumble. We oppose activism for the following reasons:

  • It is a form of idealism and mild utopianism. You are assuming that everyone’s mind will change because of a brochures and Twitter posts. It doesn’t achieve anything. Most people are too busy to even care about activism anyway.

  • Activism is a form of social reformism. Activism gives people false hope and makes them feel complacent under capitalism.

  • Activism under the current epoch is futile. You are assuming that the capitalist state is a neutral entity when it isn’t. Asking your oppressors to stop oppressing you has never worked.

I personally oppose all of these “movements” that try to make people in positions of power care like Black Lives Matter, #FreePalestine, “Video game journalism”, trigger warnings, etc. They are a waste of time and will never achieve anything under capitalism. Capitalism is the force that perpetuates and leverages these forms of reaction thus trying to get rid of these forms of oppression under capitalism is inherently reformist and even utopian. The state itself doesn’t care about people’s oppression so trying to make them listen to your sorrows is absurd. It’s pure idealism.

[–]BuildanArmchair 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

This sort of misrepresents the views of left communism. Left communists specifically state that communism is not a state affairs to be established. I don't think there are three distinct stages, but if you have leftcom reading which suggests otherwise I'd like to read it.

Also I think leftcoms definitely oppose antifa but it's a little ridiculous to oppose something like the the civil rights movement because it's "reformist"

[–]xavierdc 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

If you are the type that believes that communism will just happen someday when the economy collapses, you need to read Bordiga's 'The Fundamentals for a Marxist Orientation' https://www.marxists.org/archive/bordiga/works/1946/orientation.htm

Communism doesn't just "happen" by itself. That reeks of idealism. An economy can collapse and the capitalists can seize power once again. That's why you need a revolution. Also read Bordigism by Adam Buick. https://libcom.org/library/bordigism-adam-buick

it's a little ridiculous to oppose something like the the civil rights movement because it's "reformist"

Videogame journalism and Twitter slacktivism is "civil rights"? Activism is only valid when you are being directly oppressed, once reforms have already happened (e.g. women's suffrage, end of black segregation, homosexuality legalized, etc.) what is the point exactly for activism?

[–]BuildanArmchair 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I never said you didn't need a revolution but from the reading I've done so far I haven't read anything about a set of distinct "stages " leading to communism. But I'll check out the two readings you suggested

You criticized the BLM movement. Are you trying to say that black people are not oppressed in American society? Because if so that is wildly incorrect

[–]xavierdc -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (6子コメント)


Since I’ve noticed that many of you believe in “gender abolitionism”, why do you think gender should be abolished and what do you think about identity politics in general?

I fully support gender abolitionism because gender is socially constructed and it is a product of the environment. It is a label and a language we humans use to describe biological bodies and identify patterns in behavior which are in turn also a product of the environment. Even sex is socially constructed; The notion of two biological sexes was formulated during the 18th century and has been perpetuated as an objective truth by empiricists even though there is a variety of sexual differences in human bodies that go beyond just the penis and vagina. E.g. Intersex people.

What exactly is a female or a male? A man or a woman? There are people born with both sex organs, some men have very high levels of estrogen, some women have beards, etc. So what truly constitutes male or female, man or woman? I like Judith Butler's approach to this; Judith Butler refers to gender as, “the apparatus by which the production and normalization of masculine and feminine take place along with the interstitial forms of hormonal, chromosomal, psychic, and performative that gender assumes.” Her position is that biological sex is as much a socially constructed category as gender. She doesn't deny that there is such a thing as physical bodies which may or may not look like one another, but she argues that our understanding of sex as being either male or female is a product of the social environment and what is attributed to them through discourse. This begins with the assignment of sex by the doctor at birth, which is fundamentally what ends up making one a "boy" or a "girl". Humans just decided to call these specific humans with certain characteristics 'male' and this other group with another set of common characteristics 'female'. What do you think biological sex is? Here's a non-exhaustive list of possibilities: * You are male (female) if you have the appropriate gonads.

  • You are female (male) if your body produces the appropriate hormones.

  • You are male (female) if your body produces the appropriate gametes.

  • You are female (male) if your body is capable of fulfilling the appropriate reproductive functions.

  • You are male (female) if you have the appropriate chromosomal set.

If there is no real cohesiveness in the concept of gender and no way of telling what exactly is a man or a woman then why force it upon people and why even acknowledge it?

I do not support identity politics for various reasons:

  • Because I divorces identities such as woman, queer, trans, black, Latino, etc. form their historical context and reifies them, thus it is a form of idealism.

  • More often than not, most forms of idetitarianism such as intersectionality ignore the possibility that someone from an oppressed demographic can also be an oppressor.

  • It perpetuates the idea of “Oppression Aristocracy”. E.g. X race is far more oppressed than Z race; X sexuality is more frowned upon than Z sexuality. This type of line of thinking is what gave rise to the reactionary ideology of Third Worldism and the idea that nationalism is OK as long as it comes from an oppressed nation. That’s why you have the tanks supporting Ba’athism even though it’s pretty much just Arab national socialism.

  • Identities won’t even matter under communism. In a fully egalitarian society, forces of oppression won’t exist and therefore these “identities” won’t be acknowledged. These identities are just discursive, social, and linguistic symbols perpetuated throughout history for political and sometimes even traditionalist reasons. Only when we, the proletariat move beyond these oppressive and divisive labels that locate us in a matrix of power which constitutes us as such will we be truly free to be our true authentic selves. Just creating more categories such as genderqueer, triracial, demisexual, etc. will just put us inside smaller boxes. There is no essential self, only humans that are products of material conditions. Identity politics are as toxic for the worker’s movement as activism.

Here are 2 pretty good critiques on identity politics:



Should a revolution be violent? I ask this because some people tend to associate violence with the so called “tankies” so I’m curious.

Yes, absolutely. All revolutions are violent. Marx once said during a speech in 1872: "We are aware of the importance that must be accorded to the institutions, customs, and traditions of different countries; and we do not deny that there are countries like America, England (and, if I knew your institutions better, I would add Holland) where the workers can achieve their aims by peaceful means. However true that may be, we ought also to recognise that, in most of the countries on the continent, it is force that must be the lever of our revolutions; it is to force that it will be necessary to appeal for a time in order to establish the reign of labour".

Marx also once said:

"We must make clear to the governments: we know that you are the armed power that is directed against the proletariat; we will proceed against you by peaceful means where that is possible and with arms when it is necessary."

Finally from Marx again:

“No great movement,” Karl answered, “has ever been inaugurated Without Bloodshed.

“The independence of America was won by bloodshed, Napoleon captured France through a bloody process, and he was overthrown by the same means. Italy, England, Germany, and every other country gives proof of this, and as for assassination,” he went on to say, “it is not a new thing, I need scarcely say. Orsini tried to kill Napoleon; kings have killed more than anybody else; the Jesuits have killed; the Puritans killed at the time of Cromwell. These deeds were all done or attempted before socialism was born. Every attempt, however, now made upon a royal or state individual is attributed to socialism. The socialists would regret very much the death of the German Emperor at the present time. He is very useful where he is; and Bismarck has done more for the cause than any other statesman, by driving things to extremes.”

If you do not use violence, the ruling class won’t hesitate to use I against you. Also, just so you know, left communism =/= Pacifism. We believe in a fully armed mass strike and workplace occupation. The police and certain varieties of criminals will not like this. A good defense is a good offense. When the French overthrew feudalism and beheaded Marie Antoinette via guillotine, I’m pretty sure they didn’t do it because they felt edgy. Neither were the black slaves that killed their owners.

What do you think about anarchism?

I do like and respect many of their stances and anarchists also share their opposition against Stalinism and totalitarianism with left coms. I’m also a fan of Emma Goldman and Peter Kropotkin. The only thing I dislike about most anarchists is their idealism and the fact that most of them fall into the anti-fa and anti-capitalist tendency. Still, when a revolution happens, I’m willing to give them the benefit of doubt and am willing to collaborate with them to a certain extent. Better them than the tanks.

[–]Girl_Power666[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Hmm, interesting your stance on gender and it makes sense. But what would this mean for transgender comrades?

[–]base_model_android 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Lol, the person you're responding to doesn't know anything. Gender identity (as opposed to societally constructed gender roles) is something deeply wired into the brains of individuals before birth, and it's the same with sexual orientation. MRIs of trans individuals show a large degree of similarity between their identified gender and cis-people of that gender, particularly in regions corresponding to body mapping and motor learning such as the right putamen. Trans people didn't become trans due to socialization, and you can't socialize them out of gender dysphoria, because it's a real neurological brain/body mismatch.

[–][削除されました]  (3子コメント)


    [–]base_model_android -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Children pick up on small nuances in their environment and learn many things from gestures to how to behave; these things eventually become ingrained into their minds and this is where personality develops along with what is our favourite food, what is our favourite colour, hobbies, the way we walk, passion for art or music, our phobias, our accent, etc. thus giving the impression that people are “born” liking what they like or acting the way they act. Human beings are blank canvases. Gender identity develops this way too! No, people are not “born that way”, it’s just that this is the only way that LGBT folks can be taken seriously by society. Gender identity, similar to sexual orientation, develops based on how and where the child is raised, what type of stimuli they are exposed to, how many boys or girls they are friends with, etc.

    Wow, never expected to see "transgirls were just socialized into being trans, homosexuality isn't innate" bullshit in this sub.

    [–]xavierdc 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Ah yes, nice gender essentialism, just like conservative reactionaries! Did you even read my comment the article I posted?

    [–]Cariusi 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Transsexual = homosexual?