We Are Getting Worried About Paul Krugman

Tyler Durden's picture

When a delicate snowflake is suddenly faced with a perceived reality so devastating as to be an existential crisis, the mind's reaction to dealing with this cognitive dissonance can be disabling for some. Certainly for The New York Times' flip-flopping, hate-mongering, fact-twisting, Keynesian poster-boy Paul Krugman it appears coping with "no" is not going well and his tirade last night in Twitter has us gravely concerned for his mental stability, which is ironic given how he began yesterday...

But that was followed quickly by a six-tweet-rant nothing short of what we would expect from a dejected five-year-old who just got denied another scoop of ice cream...

Krugman once again blames the ignorance of the deplorable masses (who just don't get what a "fraudster" Trump is) in shunning him and his "know-it-alls", but he has been heading down this hill of manic-depressive lashing out for weeks now having recently suggested Trump will unleash a 9/11-style attack to legitimize his presidency.

Is he hoping to maintain a groundswell of "well, if he is not hitler... he must be worse" thoughts among those so easily led? Still, coming from a man who has prognosticated alien invasions as a global economic growth engine, we are not sure if he is mental situation is improving or deteriorating. We wish him well.

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thesonandheir's picture

He needs to change his avatar to a pic of him wearing underpants on his head with a pencil up each nostril.



Wibble Wibble! 

SandiaMan's picture

Fuck Paul Krugman

TeamDepends's picture

Don't worry about the Krugster, he has his pussy to keep him warm.

HumanMan's picture

He is pretty smug for a whore.

farmboy's picture

Live is to short for bad wine and reading dumb tweets of herr Kriegman. Ignore snowflake they will melt in time.

otschelnik's picture

Take to prozac and call me in the morning.

nmewn's picture


Oh...ow...damn, schadenboner #6,206 ;-)

sharingiscaring's picture

Krugman is totally unhinged. He's a manic depressive satanic drunk with the strangest delusions that there is something grand about Hillary and Himself. #LockTHEMUP !!!!! 

P'Od_Accountant's picture

Krugman is a keysnian idiot.  

rockstone's picture

Blah blah. Blah blah blah blah blah.

Toonces McGraw's picture

I see a straight jacket, padded walls and rubber forks in his near future.