No hate speech. |
You are free to offer your opinion respectfully, but comments intended to demean a group, acontextual expressions of bigotry, and the pejorative use of slurs are disallowed. |
No personal attacks. |
This includes (but is not limited to) name calling and associating people with certain groups without their consent. Offenders will get 2 warnings before a ban. |
Do not promote acts of violence. |
Promoting and openly supporting acts of violence against civilian groups is disallowed. Also promoting acts of violence against our users are grounds to a ban. |
User Requirements |
You must have positive karma and an account older than one day to participate here. Contact the moderators if you'd like to post with a brand new account. |
Content Rules |
Do not editorialize or sensationalize titles of link submissions. Do not post low-quality or low-effort content. Memes, image macros and similar posts may be removed. Anything not related to Turkey will be removed. |
No spam, no advertising. |
If you want to promote your content, please contact the moderator team before doing so. |
No personal information. |
Regardless of intent, posting any information under the premise of being personally identifiable information is prohibited, and the person posting the information will be banned from the subreddit. |
Do not promote Terrorist Organizations. |
Do not promote terror, terroristic acts or organizations, doing so will be grounds for a ban. |