全 75 件のコメント

[–]hisperfectlittleslut [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

You've brought it up to him. He doesn't agree with you. Either learn to live with it (since it really doesn't effect you in any way), or decide if it's a dealbreaker. I think you're being pretty silly. This isn't negatively effecting his life or yours. Why make such a big weird deal out of it?

[–]nastydance [スコア非表示]  (20子コメント)

Just because YOU think something is childish doesn't mean other people do. It's pretty condescending to say he should be "doing something more productive" with HIS time. Ever heard the expression "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"? Is there anything you do that is time wasting?

I think you might have some control issues. You should look into it.

[–]weirdstrangers44 [スコア非表示]  (19子コメント)

She's on Reddit, so I'm sure she does a fair share of time wasting herself lol.

This is a great comment, OP should listen to this.

[–]weirdstrangers44 [スコア非表示]  (11子コメント)

I mean... you say he's able to still converse, be active, and do enough work at his job to still have a job. I'm not sure I see that much of an issue here.

I mean is it really as constant as you say? Like you're trying to initiate sex and he puts a finger up and tells you to hold on because he's checking the meme game for today? Or is he totally ignoring you in favor of these memes?

Because it doesn't sound like it. So I think you should ease up. Or don't. But if you don't, I'd say a breakup is inevitable.

[–]PhlemonySnickert [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

She definitely needs to ease up.... or do him a favor and leave.

[–]Iwishthiswasajoke2[S] [スコア非表示]  (9子コメント)

He doesn't ignore me really but it's more an issue of why can't he put it down when talking with me, when he's making dinner, etc? Does he have ADD or something?

Do YOU browse memes when you're talking with your SO? Idk does that not seem strange to you?

[–]weirdstrangers44 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Oh ffs, ADD?? No, this does not mean he has ADD. He likes memes. Like some people like video games or social media or idk, goddamn Candy Crush or some shit.

No, I don't browse memes personally when conversing with my SO. But sometimes I'm browsing FB, sometimes Snapchat, and I'm on Reddit a whole hell of a lot.

He doesn't sound like he's ignoring you or that this is some sort of raging meme addiction. You really need to ease up.

[–]IrisGoddamnIllych [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

don't bring ADD into this, people already give it enough shit for being over diagnosed

just let him look at memes

[–]dawnoffayt [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

I browse reddit when talking to my girlfriend sometimes, or if we are watching a show i'll read askreddit threads. She has instragram up and half the time it's those memes of dogs that look like muffins or other things, she will be over the giggling away at something and then look at me and look down because she can't keep a straight face. So I guess both myself and my SO browse things when we are just sitting around doing casual things, cooking included? Not all the time, but i'll usually browse reddit if nothing is going on and if we aren't talking much, but just my 2 cents. Never bothered me or her. If we want to actually talk and chat and have eachother's undivided attention I suppose we just make that more obvious with whatever we are doing.

[–]tomtom_lover [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

If I were in your shoes, I'd be equally irritated if my SO was browsing memes or reading the news or doing whatever else they are doing, if I'm trying to have a pointed conversation with them. It sounds like you have a communication issue more than a meme issue. Tell him you'd appreciate him putting the phone down/eye contact or asking for time where you can talk without outside distractions.

[–]ktnbc [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I don't think his meme habit is harming your relationship. But your attitude towards his habit is. From all your comments you seem to look down on memes and other internet use you don't agree with as beneath you.

[–]acekingqueenjack [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

If you don't respect this man, why bother being with him?

Your entire post has a 'holier than thou' attitude towards your SO. His hobby wastes time compared to yours, his work ethic isn't as good as yours, he doesn't work as hard as you do. This is what other redditors have been saying, and its feeding contempt.

No wonder he's been spending less time communicating with you! He needs more time to wind down and escape it. It doesn't matter if his hobbies are pubic hair counting or studying the stock market; you have little say in how he manages his mental health.

[–]galaxystarsmoon [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

People here are right in that most of your post is childish and immature, however him browsing the internet while you're in a conversation or at dinner is rude. I don't know why our current generation seems to think this is okay to do but being present is really important in those kinds of situations. Even if you're responding, sitting there scrolling through your phone tells the other person that whatever you're doing with them isn't enough to keep them interested.

I would approach him about being more present. Don't attack his browsing of memes, call them childish or comment on what he posts on Facebook. You're not his mother and he's an adult. But if you feel uncomfortable with him constantly doing it while you're talking or eating dinner, say that. Ask that he puts the phone down for a few minutes.

[–]Iwishthiswasajoke2[S] [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

Thank you, finally, someone seeing my point of view.

It's not just the meme part that bothers me but the fact that he does it when I'm talking to him or we're watching a tv show together. I don't understand why spending time with me or conversing isn't enough stimulus for him.

I can definitely try to approach it as being more present, that seems like the best idea

[–]fixxmyygrammarr [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I agree with galaxystarmoon's comment. I think you're getting a lot of hate in this thread because most people on reddit enjoy memes in the same way your BF does, and probably scroll through their phones while hanging out with their friends thinking it's not an issue.

I think it's totally fucking rude to be absent-mindedly browsing your phone in the company of other people, and I also think memes are kind of stupid. I actually broke up with a guy because his meme postings on FB were out of control (and other reasons, but he'd post albums of them daily) and I was embarrassed to have my account connected to his because he was so immature.

Ultimately neither of you is right because it's a matter of opinion, but you'll eventually realize you're incompatible and want to be with someone whose life doesn't revolve around their phone.

[–]laserchaser [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

I like that approach!

I mean, you see it in this thread, you said "memes are childish/a waste of time" and the response is "no, they're funny" or "lots of things are a waste of time." You don't want your conversation with him to turn into that argument, because it's unwinnable (just a difference of opinion ultimately) and not really relevant to the thing that's actually affecting the relationship.

[–]Iwishthiswasajoke2[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

You're right about that second part. I just don't know how to swallow that pill.. if my SO was super into playing with action figures, it'd bother me too because it's just objectively less of an intellectual experience than watching a documentary or reading up on current events. That's how I feel about memes. He's so smart, it seems like such a waste to turn off his brain and just mindlessly scroll through that stuff

[–]laserchaser [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Maybe this is just a thing that you can't stand, to the point where it becomes a dealbreaker.

But maybe you have this talk and he sends them to you less, and gets better at being present while you're hanging out, and that helps you let go of the frustration. If you see less of it, and have more meme-free conversations, it'll trigger that "what is he doing with his liiiiife" reaction less and less, get you out of the cycle of seeing it and getting mad and seeing it again and getting madder.

[–]laserchaser [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I'm not a big fan of most memes either, but I can't imagine you don't "waste" a lot of your down time scrolling through Facebook or watching TV or something equally unproductive. That's ok! We all need mindless down time!

So...it's not about the memes themselves, unless they just annoy you to the point where it's a dealbreaker. But there are also things you mention where his meme browsing actually affects your interactions so...have you asked him to stop sending them to you so often because you're not a fan? Or asked him to put the phone down when you're having a conversation in person? He seems to think you're fine with those things now, so let him know you're not.

In other words, if he were, say, reading a book and zoning out of a conversation with you, or reading it out loud even though you don't like it, you'd be asking him to knock it off too. Focus on the behavior, not the content.

[–]nastydance [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I totally agree that it is reasonable to ask him not to send them to you and to stay off of his phone when you are having a conversation.

[–]opheliamireille [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

The only thing I see here that would concern me, personally, in my own relationship is that when you're trying to have a conversation with him, he's splitting his attention between you and the phone. Doesn't matter whether it's memes or TV or a really good book, he should be capable of occasionally putting The Hobby down and focusing on you. Is it a constant thing? Like, every day, all the time, no matter what?

As far as this being his hobby in a general sense, yeah, I think you need to back off. My husband has some hobbies that I wouldn't be caught dead participating in, but that's fine. He's allowed to have his own interests, as am I. I'm mildly obsessed with onomastics (basically, baby names) and while I know my husband doesn't get it AT ALL, if he ever tried to shame me for my interest in it or insinuate that it's a waste of time/ridiculous/childish, we'd have big problems.

[–]Iwishthiswasajoke2[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I catch him on a meme instagram page at least once a day.

The part that concerns me is that I've told him I want him to stop and he just doesn't. I don't know if he does it all day, we don't live together but like I said, he sends me memes when he's at work which is concerning and means he's doing it most of the day, at least.

[–]opheliamireille [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Well, when you say you've told him to stop, do you mean just when you're trying to interact or have a conversation? Or do you want him to stop completely? One of those is a reasonable request, the other is not.

[–]stink3rbelle [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Sometimes, during the day when he's at work, I'll get a text from him with a screenshot of a meme he thinks is funny. And I'm kind of concerned because he's supposed to be working and he's sending me a meme? Or if we're hanging out at night and I'm talking to him, he'll respond but I'll notice that he's on instagram browsing one of those stupid meme accounts. I don't see why he can't just talk to me without also looking at memes. He'll also share memes on facebook sometimes which I think is kind of embarrassing for someone his age but I don't really say anything, I just ignore it and don't 'like' it. It's just sort of juvenile though, in my opinion.

You've tried really hard here to make this into a legitimate problem, but you only have the right to care about one of those things, and it isn't memes being "juvenile." If he is absent or semi-absent when you two are hanging out, you can ask him to put down his phone. If you don't put yours down, too, expect to get laughed out of the building. But people are allowed to take breaks at work, and there's nothing embarrassing about sharing funny things on facebook. Memes aren't going anywhere. There's nothing "juvenile" about getting joy from something. Furthermore, the immature thing is to try to pick and choose certain interests or media to make yourself seem mature. George Takei shares memes all the time, and he is both wise and quite mature. Quit trying to kill your joy, or your boyfriend's, to seem "mature."

[–]Iwishthiswasajoke2[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I'm not trying to make myself SEEM mature. Like I said in another comment, I watch mindless tv but at least I involve my SO, who also enjoys it from time to time. it's ok to decompress, I get that.

But there's a difference between the two hobbies. Where do you draw the line?? Is playing with action figures ok? No? Why are memes okay? They're both childlike. At some point, interests turn into adult interests and move away from the adolescent and I don't understand how an adult man can still think that looking at memes is time well spent

[–]stink3rbelle [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Is playing with action figures ok?

Yes. Anything that brings you joy and does not hurt others is okay. There are no other requirements, there's no such thing as an "adult interest" apart from sex.

Play and jokes are very good for humans, children and adults. They could become problems, but nothing you've described is a problem apart from his being overly-distracted (if he is). But that's an issue of phone etiquette, not what he's looking at on his phone.

[–]Rosa917 [スコア非表示]  (4子コメント)

aw man, I love sending and receiving memes. What's the big deal? memes are funny.....

[–]Iwishthiswasajoke2[S] [スコア非表示]  (3子コメント)

what do you find funny about them? I'm not trying to be rude i'm just trying to understand. They're so repetitive.

[–]ktnbc [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

People have different senses of humor. Some people get memes and love them. Some people think they are stupid. It's like all comedy. I don't think anyone can explain what/why they love certain memes or certain comedy.

[–]Rosa917 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Well I just think that in the world, especially the internet world there is so much hate and negativity and if you can look at a funny meme about something you and your friend/lover/whatever have in common and share a laugh, what's so bad about that? I also think that getting mad with your man over memes is quite petty. He thinks it is funny, thought you would find it funny and wanted to share that with you. Wouldn't you want to do the same with something you had an interest in?

[–]TheMortarGuy [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

If you boyfriend told you one of your favorite things to do to pass the time was childish and they resented you for it... What would your response be?

You need to leave this poor man alone, all you are doing is being judgy, self centered. And condescending towards him and it's going to tank your relationship.

And before you even start thinking this, it's not memes that ruined your relationship. It's your judgmental attitude.

[–]dawnoffayt [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

I'm 25, and my girlfriend is also 25. We both browse things casually like this, my girlfriend sends me memes ocassionally and i'll send her stupid shit while i'm at work so maybe i'm qualified to answer this. I browse reddit pretty often and she browses pinterest/instragram. It sounds like it's not the memes as much as just you dislike that he's not serious enough all the time, or maybe thinking forward instead of being a top memer. Difference in personality, but this is pretty harmless, don't take a man's memes.

edit: Just to clarify, I do talk politics with my girlfriend on occasion like you mentioned in another comment, as she does too, sometimes it'll be brought up and the other just shrugs and browses their phone (probably memes.) so that just isn't a time to talk politics for them, just a way to relax.

[–]Iwishthiswasajoke2[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Do you browse those things when you're together though? Why do you have to do it on top of spending time together? Can't you just enjoy the other's company?

[–]dawnoffayt [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Of course not, We go for walks and chat and hangout just together all the time, without our phones out or anything like that, we live together so we are around each other a lot. I browsed reddit a lot before the relationship, it was a casual thing I did when I was bored but didn't feel like looking at tv or doing something needing more effort, hell I browse reddit at work all the time just because my job isn't a very busy one. She browses pinterest a lot casually, and she did that prior too. It's not a boredom thing, it's just a casual sort of thing I personally have done for ages and it's a way I relaxed well before this relationship (2 years now) and the same I did in the one of 4 years prior. I think the big thing here is if you guys spend time together that isn't with a phone out, because I think I made it sound like we just stare at our phones and nod at eachother ocassionally, it's just instead of tv, sometimes we just do our own thing, but we do also cook and we won't have phones out (I mean if i was already cooking and she came in, i probably had mine out though.) or during dinner at home or a restaurant and such, no phones. I guess it really depends on if this is a constant thing, undivided attention isn't a bad thing just be sure it's not one of those times where you are just coexisting either.

One thing I would clarify, I think the only real issue here is if he's ignoring you when you guys are doing something together, like actually this is you and him time. The rest is well, that's his time to do with, and even at his job, it's just a harmless hobby on occasion. If you can't have actual time together too, then that's an issue to discuss, but I wouldn't say it matters what the hobby itself is, that's just feeling like your being ignored which would be an issue regardless of what they are doing instead.

Edit to respond to the edit in thread: I understand being upset, but if this really is a sort of "Only highschoolers allowed" sort of feeling towards a hobby and just browsing funny pictures casually, this may be more of a dealbreaker for you. I wouldn't ever expect my so to give up something they love doing as long as it didn't impact me (So discuss feeling ignored when having actual conversations/at dinner) but his free time is his. If someone asked me to never browse reddit again because they felt it was childish, I'd ask that person to leave because I wouldn't want someone that controlling a part of my life, especially with a harmless hobby. Adults do childish things all the time, but if your wanting someone with essentially a different hobby because you feel the one he does is not intellectual enough, that isn't something he should be expected to change, that's a bit controlling in my eyes.

[–]goma23 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

If you want to be with him you need to accept that it's his hobby. It may be childish to you but it's fine for him. The only problem I can see here is that he browses the memes while talking with you, which is disrespectful. Ask him to look at memes when he has time for himself and not to use his phone when he's talking with you. Just don't make it about the memes but about your feelings. The facebook thing and what he does in his work - you just have to deal with.

Edit: spelling

[–]mirababy [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Yes, you are being too critical. Although I understand where you're coming from, I don't think his memeing seems to be affecting his role as a functioning member of society or anything. He loves memes, you can't really change that about him.

Though I would be pissed if my partner was browsing his phone while I'm trying to have a good conversation with him.

[–]daria--morgendorffer [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I don't really get why his interest in memes is an issue. I'm 26 and my husband is 30 and we look at memes and send them to each other. Sure, we could be using those 30 seconds to be more productive, but who cares? Why would we want to? It's fun to look at stupid stuff sometimes. Not every second of every day needs to be spent being productive and doing adult stuff. Sometimes you just want to relax and look at some dumb pictures.

[–]Iwishthiswasajoke2[S] [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I wouldn't mind if it were 30 seconds but it's CONSTANT. Whenever he is at home, regardless of what he's doing, I know his phone is in his hand and he's looking at memes. It's TOO MUCH.

[–]flutterpulse [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

My SO spends a lot of time on Imgur. Sometimes it's mildly irritating when we're having a conversation and he's also scrolling through the app, but the few times I've outright asked him to put down his phone and chat or cuddle me, he has. He doesn't strike me as obsessed, so I treat it as an occasional annoyance instead of a legitimate problem. I'm sure I have habits that irk him at times as well. But if overall the relationship is healthy and loving, I wouldn't worry about it.

[–]BurnYourFlag [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Look he probably misses you during the day and memes are his way of communicating. He may feel hurt you dont appreciate his effort. Maybe text him back a meme or two. Or you could every time he sends a meme engage him in serious conversation. Or use negative reinforcement to break the meme habit he sends you a meme, oh no I forgot to get those chips you like. He dont send a meme all day give him a blowjob.

[–]Iwishthiswasajoke2[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I like this haha

I tried to get into memes at one point just to relate to him and I sent him one or two and he was so happy, he thought they were funny but i was absolutely forcing myself to do it and I didn't actually think they were funny.

I like your ideas though I'll definitely try engaging him in a serious conversation if he sends me a meme.

[–]dawnoffayt [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

He was really happy though, wouldn't it be worth doing both? On occasion, not all the time, but it's a way you are meeting in the middle for something he really likes, especially if he's at work and just trying to distract himself from the tediousness of whatever it is he does, a serious conversation all day may be the opposite of what he's wanting in that sort of enviroment.

[–]throwawaytoventtoday [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Op I used to have a similar problem with my ex husband.

It wasn't memes it was ESPN.com and sports news, and all his multiple fantasy sports teams. His nose was constantly in his phone or ipad on this stuff in all his free time. I don't particularly care for or follow sports but it was his hobby. The problem wasn't sports but his insistance on ignoring me, and everyone around him for sports.

So if you feel like your boyfriend is spending too much time looking at memes and checking out then you need to address it with him. But don't call it childish. Come at it from the angle of you want to spend more time with him.

Good luck!

[–]Iwishthiswasajoke2[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Did it ever get better when you discussed it with him? I've asked my SO to stop and give me full attention from time to time but he doesn't really do well at following through with that past the day.

[–]throwawaytoventtoday [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Not really.

And it wasn't just me. We would be at his parents house and they would ask him to put down the phone too. Or out to dinner with friends and they would notice.

I even tried like setting a time limit. Like 30 minutes after work or no phone during dinner. I had to treat him like a child. It was just one symptom of the relationship failing because I always felt like I was the only one trying.