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Do You Really Want To Be A Patriarch?

Happy marriages are the bedrock of civilization.
Lucas Temple
Husband. Father. Aspiring Patriarch. I spend my time working, raising my son, preparing for my next one, and helping my wife become the woman she strives to be. Never back down. I write at Visible Text
(A.k.a armenia4ever)
January 7, 2017 Family
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The ultimate question about marriage each man here needs to honestly ask himself is, “Do the pro’s outweigh the cons for me?” especially if you wish to have a family in the future.  What do YOU as a man want to get out of life? If you go down the family path of life, you will find yourself hanging out more with men who married, older, and wiser as you try to navigate having responsibilities and a wife. That ole’ friend circle of single dudes on the prowl will be be replaced by other married men.  Video game binges, “Me” time, and much else will take a backseat.

Why a wife?

Stumbling upon the red pill can bring you all the hedonistic immediate pleasures of the flesh, mind, and reputation.  Encountering Roosh’s work and many others in the manosphere helped me learn the game I would need to find a quality wife. It also taught me that there is a price to be paid for a long-term player lifestyle—namely not being able to bond with a woman anymore.  Every man needs to sow his wild oats, but for how long?  When is he ready for the next season in life?
I was determined to absorb the lessons from the experiences of those in the manosphere and avoid player burnout.  My focus shifted to seeking wife material—as did the venues I spent my time. Self-improvement was a must if I wanted a marriageable girl, especially since I was and still am an asshole, I don’t have a great job, and I’m not exactly a son-in-law that every father wants for their daughter.
Even though I knew what REALLY made girls tingle down there, I still wanted love and romance that my ancestors had, but a successful marriage that will last has to be built on much more than just that, something older generations understood with the much despised “arranged marriages.”  I had to be logical before I was emotional in my mindset.
She is a gem who shares my values, has strong sexual and physical attraction for yours truly, and even though both of us aren’t currently church going Christians, we understand the necessity for our kids to grow up as with Christianity being at the core to their identity. 
In fact, I had to be absolutely sure that she had the same goals and expectations for the future that I did. She also knew of my high sex drive and the expectations I had for married life.  (I’ll emphasize that not ONCE has she turned me down for sex.) This allows me to invest my time in other areas, which is quite a bit once you consider how much time you had to devote to getting laid.  It’s allowed me to write more, acquire new skills, and sharpen iron with other like-minded men in my area.

A New Set Of Responsibilities

Being married, my hunting mindset when I was single dissipated—my thirst being quenched by my wife.  I’ve put down my bow, picked up my plow, and my wife and kid are a new responsibility in which I have shoulder the leadership of my family which has lit a new fire inside me.  When my son smiles at me now,  I realize that it’s all been worth it.
Being any kind of Patriarch is very HARD work—much harder than pumping and dumping plates.  Much of what you need has to be learned along the way and experienced. Leading your family by example is ridden with difficulties and often you won’t get any immediate appreciation.  The fruit of your labor won’t be realized for a while.  Long and hard hours are apart of the burden.
As TheFamilyAlpha points out, “Married men and fathers, look upon your wife & kid(s) as fuel, not an anchor. Recognize that your role in life is different than the single guys out there. They can travel in a moments notice while you are raising the next generation of men and women who will raise the standard of masculinity and femininity in our society.”
You will be changing a few of these.
You will learn by experience. For instance, I failed several comfort tests when our son was in the NICU because of my own selfishness and inability to see that instead of comforting words—what she desperately needed was a hug.  I’ve learned that my wife’s self confidence is just as important as my own.  I had to experience several fights before I figured out they were best ended by escalating to sex.
One time, I was so lost after a fight with my wife that I called our own Quintus Curtius for wisdom.  The piece of wisdom that still stands with me now was a simple one, “Persevere.”  Do this even when she is a bitch, as she’s still your wife and the mother of your children.
You will adopt a new lifestyle in which your wife will need a break, which she will need often. Rest assured, you are going to have to get your hands dirty and change some diapers.  She’s not a strong independent woman, she’s your wife that needs help. You have chosen a new burden and responsibility.

The Requirements For A Legacy

The importance of children to our future can’t be understated.  A culture war can’t be won  purely by memes, chaos, edgy statements, and triggering male feminist SJWs desperate to virtue signal. To ensure our feminist progressive opponents suffer a demographic winter, we must do what they refuse to do; have kids.   We need a multi-generational demographic strategy.  The Quiverfull movement understands this and progressives hate them for it.  Marry a woman who also understands this and the time investment and priorities toward building that legacy.
Imagine instilling in your sons from a young age – of which I will very soon have another son—the wisdom of Cicero and the classics, the archive/treasure trove that Quintus Curtius is compiling, the nature of women that men like Roosh, Aurini, and others have spent so much time experiencing.
Men like this are creating the platforms , literature, and media to birth a new cultural renaissance that can be appreciated and devoured by our offspring. The tools are now here for us to equip our sons with wisdom, game, and knowledge to find quality women while ensuring they are at the top of the pack when it comes to competition and to forge their paths in life.
Your kids will be able to stand on the shoulders of those in the manosphere who have lit the way – and who some have paid dearly for both in their reputations and lives. It can’t be allowed to go to waste.  They have lit the torch, and we must take it and pass it down with even more fire to our children.  If America is to be great again, this is how it will happen.

Prevent Leftist Indoctrination Of Your Children

If you want your kids to end up influenced by progressive ideology, then by all means send them somewhere which is completely controlled by progressives.  This is no exaggeration.  The American public school system was intended since it’s inception to indoctrinate your children and to specifically shape their behavior and moral development by its founders.  Don’t let them.  Take the time and utilize whatever resources you have to prevent this—whether it’s homeschooling or private schools.
They want your kids.
They want your kids.
No, it IS NOT enough to “red-pill” your sons. You will of course give them great advice, wisdom, and as much time as possible, but consider the amount of time you have with them vs their teacher and school.  The school has 8+ hours a day with them, far more then you will get while you are working or even if you are home after they get off.
They will of course label this propaganda, indoctrination, etc. but public education is their own form of those labels. Education isn’t neutral.  We should never forget it, because the left certainly hasn’t.   If you don’t want your kids to become progressives, don’t send them somewhere for where 8+ hours a day they are being taught by people who’ve gone into education to churn out progressive soldiers.
Essentially, why have kids, if you are just going to let your enemy raise them? Marriage is the only relationship in which kids can be raised in a healthy and stable family. You can be sure public schools will introduce and emphasize every other family structure besides the nuclear one.  Do not let this happen.
Your future is in your hands.  Carpe Diem
Lucas Temple
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      • Lucas Thomas 4 days ago
        I like being a family man. It is for me, rather than playing the field .. but it is each to their own!!
        Sure I want to fuck the 19 year old barmaid in my local pub, but as much joy as that would bring, my 8 year old Daughter beating me a Chess 1 year almost to the day after I bought her the board in a weird way is much more, and more deeply satisfying.
        But at the same time I have to run hard game on my wife almost constantly. There is no easy life for the player, or non-player.
        Different strokes for different folks. But, I love being a family man. A patriarch.
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          • Hubert Cumberdale > Lucas Thomas 4 days ago
            Chess, Cooking, a worthwhile second language and a musical instrument are great skills to impart on a daughter as early as possible.
            Such things were pretty much the hallmark of a well-to-do girls classical education back in the 18th-early 20th centuries when young girls grew up to be women who were actually worth marrying.
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              • jammyjaybird > Hubert Cumberdale 3 days ago
                You forgot dance training. Ballet in particular helps women move SO attractively.
                I occasionally play a game in public places where I pick out the older women who were dancers in their youth. It's pretty easy once you know what to look for.
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                  • John Galt > Hubert Cumberdale 4 days ago
                    "Chess, Cooking, a worthwhile second language and a musical instrument are great skills to impart on a daughter as early as possible."
                    Complete agreement.
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                    • JohnRose > Hubert Cumberdale 2 days ago
                      My wife makes sure our daughters know how to cook, clean, garden, sew, and budget.
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                        • Jim Johnson > JohnRose 2 days ago
                          Make sure they know how to not be a slut. All that is good (and we do the same), but if she hops on the carousel for a decade, she will be the same as every other bar hag.
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                              • JohnRose > Jim Johnson 2 days ago
                                That goes without saying.
                                The dilemma I'm in right now is that our youngest girl is talking about being a teacher. I want to encourage her but teachers need masters degrees. And there's nowhere within an easy drive from home where she could go to school.
                                I don't want her living in a dorm with all those sluts, but I can't keep her chained in the basement, either.
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                                  • Jim Johnson > JohnRose 2 days ago
                                    I had some decent room mates that I found through the church. If she doesn't have a network of good friends she can room with already, go to some churches in the area and look to see if there are any bulletin boards looking for room mates. I started out in this place I rented myself, and found some good friends to room with by winter break. If you taught her well, you shouldn't have anything to fear if she gets into the right crowd.
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                                      • icutrauma11 > Jim Johnson 2 days ago
                                        You're right, I know some young ladies that when they see that behavior from other women, it frightens them and they take offense when those type of girls suggest that their fall-down-drunk lifestyle will make them happy.
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                                          • Jim Johnson > icutrauma11 2 days ago
                                            Fathers everywhere really need to shout from the rooftops how a girl's SMV is so fleeting and depends so much on their virtue. Sure, a good looking skank can get all the sex they want until they hit their 30's, but that is all they are going to get. A virtuous girl, on the other hand, is in very high demand these days and will be able to pull most any guy they want just by not getting fat and having traditional values.
                                            Pity how early on (before marriage is on the minds of the young men), the skanks get most of the attention.
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                                            • JohnRose > Jim Johnson 2 days ago
                                              We're not religious folk, but you have an excellent point. She does have one or two friends talking about the same colleges that I could see her living with. I could talk to their parents and see about splitting the cost of an apartment.
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                                                • Jim Johnson > JohnRose 2 days ago
                                                  Do it, room mates make or break the college experience. If she ends up with random whores for room mates, she could very well become one herself. Personally, I became a more moral individual during college. I owe a lot of it to who I chose for room mates.
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                                                • jb > JohnRose 2 days ago
                                                  There are lots of good online teacher education programs. I've taught in a number of them over the years (as well as brick and mortar universities), and many of them are considerably better than their in-person counterparts.
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                                              • Bo Batchelor > Hubert Cumberdale 3 days ago
                                                Daughters should also be taught how to wash laundry and tend the garden, and also to pour your beer for you.
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                                                  • icutrauma11 > Bo Batchelor 3 days ago
                                                    Fuckin yes. Throw out the trash, wash dishes, bring in the groceries, fold your clothes, keep your room clean. How the hell will she ever appreciate a person that does hard work if she doesn't know what hard work is.
                                                    What this also does is it gives children the sense they are contributing to a team, a unit and giving them self confidence as well as self worth instead of using the family like an ATM. It makes for a well rounded mind in accomplishing and having strength rather than having a 13 year old girl that storms in the house crying and trying to end his/her life because everyone has more likes on FB.
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                                                      • Bo Batchelor > icutrauma11 3 days ago
                                                        There is no i in team, but there is an i in dictatorship. Honestly, I don't know how some parents struggle with their children. Even my own wife will sit there trying to hush the girls for endless hours. She'll eventually ask me to help (I usually just ignore it because it's her job). I tell the girl to shut the fuck up and drag her into my lap in a headlock and that's the end of it. Perhaps all she wanted was her da's attention, but my girls know full well that our relationship isn't a democracy.
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                                                          • icutrauma11 > Bo Batchelor 2 days ago
                                                            It's our job to keep each and everyone of his tribe in line. Dictator ship is necessary in specific and certain terms. We have to teach children to respect authority and hierarchy, including the female's role. Teachers are females, doctors are female, nurses are females, cashier's are female. Mothers are female. These are individuals that do things in our lives, our families and friends lives that add to society in one form or another. Do we want our children to disrespect hard working individuals that are contributing?
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                                                              • Bo Batchelor > icutrauma11 2 days ago
                                                                I teach my daughters not to respect anybody but me. The rest of the world is not us - not our family - and they're beneath us.
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                                                                  • icutrauma11 > Bo Batchelor a day ago
                                                                    When we get individuals that have no respect towards the medical assistance they need and the female nurses or female doctors or female x-ray technicians etc,(Appendicitis? Sepsis? Urinary Tract Infection? Unplanned Pregnancy? Broken Arm?) we call security and have them removed as a danger to staff and other patients that show us respect. As much as society believes they have a right to this or a right to that, businesses also have the right to refuse any service to those that are unwilling to follow the professional instructions and procedures that have proven to be for the benefit of the patient/customer.
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                                                                      • Bo Batchelor > icutrauma11 21 hours ago
                                                                        Unplanned pregnancy?! You make me vomit. You don't have to respect somebody to have to pay them money and get your broken arm treated anyway. I said I have no respect for naive idiots and simpletons that make this world go round. I did not say I walk around abusing them. What kind of dumb fuck are you to assume that?
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                                                                          • icutrauma11 > Bo Batchelor 19 hours ago
                                                                            "I teach my daughters not to respect anybody but me. The rest of the world is not us - not our family - and they're beneath us."
                                                                            Unplanned pregnancy? Really? Naive? They are all around you, little girls turning to sweet talking boys because they are "afraid" of their fathers. You said you only teach your kids to respect you, and everyone else is below you. You never said anything about "naive fucks". Wait till you get to a hospital with that ridiculous attitude and you'll learn the hard way, when security arrives. I've had many a patient taken out of the ED in cuffs that didn't show proper respect, male and female. Don't believe me, type in "man arrested in emergency room" and see how many stories you read about guys just like you.
                                                                            Here's one for you since I know you won't bother to face reality:
                                                                            Man arrested after throwing glass eye at doctor, nurse: police | fox8.com
                                                                            Oh one more thing that will cool your heels and quiet that mouth is that more and more states are enacting law that it is a felony to assault or commit battery to a healthcare worker. That includes female techs, female nurses, female doctors. Yes, we'll fix your arm with security present, but when we're done you'll leave in cuffs.
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                                                                              • Bo Batchelor > icutrauma11 17 hours ago
                                                                                You truly are fucking retarded. I say again, I NEVER said I go around abusing people. Thoroughly disliking a society does not equal behaving like a low IQ retard 24/7.
                                                                                As for pregnancies, whenever they happen, they're a blessing. There shall be a party the day my daughters fall pregnant, hopefully in their early teens. I don't think it'll be via sluttiness though, as you suggested, because I support my daughters properly.
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                                                                • MHC > Lucas Thomas 4 days ago
                                                                  "But at the same time I have to run hard game on my wife almost constantly. There is no easy life for the player, or non-player."
                                                                  And this is why it is WAY more tempting to move somewhere where prostitution is legal and buy sex once a week. It seems that the joy that children bring is hampered by the fact that you still need to play games just to keep your woman loyal.
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                                                                    • Clark Kent > MHC 4 days ago
                                                                      I've always thought that if one outright eliminates the desire to marry and/or have children, life seems incredibly easy.
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                                                                        • Dave in Oz > Clark Kent 3 days ago
                                                                          Easy? Or meaningful?
                                                                          I married in my 40's to a woman 20 years younger, and sired 3 sons. I tried maintaining my old life style, but when I saw that need, hurt and longing in their eyes, during our divorce, it all changed.
                                                                          No more fast cars. It's a van now. No more collecting guns, etc. No more motorcycles or drag racing.
                                                                          As a dad, its not about you anymore.
                                                                          I am re-married now, to a woman even younger than my ex, and I have a 4th son by her. I am richly by Jesus!
                                                                          It all turned around that moment of pain in my little sons eyes, and the decision I made then. A good dad is self-sacrificing
                                                                          You young guys, if you find a good woman, being a dad is great
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                                                                          • lolknee✓ᴺᶦʰˡᶦˢᵗ > Clark Kent 3 days ago
                                                                            I don't know. I think you are just off target on a couple of things here. I don't believe one can eliminate the desire to marry and have children. It is either the case that you are the type of man that wants/needs those things or not. You can eliminate the natural instinct to assume what society tells you you ought to want and think about it for yourself, but in the end some men want family and some men don't and they will be unhappy if they wind up in the other box.
                                                                            As for easier: some things yes and some things no. I get home from a hectic day at work, close the door behind me and silence. The world is mine. That's nice. But remember, with a wife and children you have built in meaning. You know what you have to do. You take care of your wife and children. You raise the next generation. A couple of kids and next thing you know you have life with built in meaning. On the other hand, men without a family need to search out their own meaning and fulfillment. Is it in writing, making money, planting a garden, becoming a race car driver? Who knows.
                                                                            Being married is like taking a steady, good paying union job. You show up every day and what to do is obvious. Your responsibilities are clear. You do them to the best of your ability, keep your head down and retire one day. I am not saying you shouldn't find some hobby or something that is also meaningful to you, but at the end of the day your family will be the cornerstone of your life and your most important gig. This is left with a big questionmark for a man with no family
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                                                                              • Clark Kent > lolknee✓ᴺᶦʰˡᶦˢᵗ 3 days ago
                                                                                What you're saying makes sense. In the end creating a family is easier because you've lived and built a life that you can be satisfied with.
                                                                                It's a personal preference thing I guess then, who wants that kind of life and who doesn't.
                                                                                For me it's a conflict because I want my cake and to eat it too. I want the family and legacy aspect, but I value my personal freedom almost above everything else.
                                                                                If all I had to worry about was myself, I think life would be easy. Even if I was unhappy, it's just me and there are no real standards or obligations. And even if I get lost because I've lost life's meaning... Thoughts and feelings are ephemeral, I'll likely find some new thing to distract myself with. Without the sense that I must do right by others I only need to answer to myself, and hope to eventually meet my maker.
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                                                                                  • lolknee✓ᴺᶦʰˡᶦˢᵗ > Clark Kent 3 days ago
                                                                                    Everyone wants their cake and to eat it too but as you know if you try for both you will be successful at neither. Manhood and adult good is about making choices. I don't think there are better and worse choices here just the right one for you.
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                                                                                      • xxxxxxx > Clark Kent 3 days ago
                                                                                        Well then choose a vocation which you can simply come and go to and from, as you please. Things like mentoring fatherless boys or those "big brother" like stuff. You can do your brotherly, fathering thing without the 24/7 responsibilities of being an actual father. But for many men, players or not, they want an actual biological legacy. Then it is the case of working out what you really want, be sure about what price you have to pay, and then pay it and shut up. That is basically Masculinity 101.
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                                                                                    • Lucas Thomas > MHC 4 days ago
                                                                                      Sure, but men who need to buy sex are fucking losers.
                                                                                      Bottom line I'm afraid
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                                                                                        • MHC > Lucas Thomas 4 days ago
                                                                                          I'm sure the guy fucking a variety hot chicks and not having to deal with a nagging wife or girlfriend or worrying about divorce or false rape accusations from some chick he played doesn't give a fuck.
                                                                                          Hell, I could argue that you're a loser for getting suckered into a contract with a chick that is that much of a pain in the ass.
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                                                                                            • Hunn > MHC 4 days ago
                                                                                              For a young man, going to prostitutes is not advised. It is not good for your soul to feel that you have to pay a woman for sex as a young man. Makes you feel worthless. On the other hand, it does not challenge you. In the brothel you can select the best, and then you will not be able to relate to women in real life. It will fuck your mind up to have a 9 on your back and call in the brothel while in real life a 6 would fuck you off. And at the end of the day, your money goes to a pimp, meaning you had to pay another man to make a woman have sex with you, because you were not man enough to go out and get one for yourself.
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                                                                                                • Ravi Macho > Hunn 4 days ago
                                                                                                  MEN (doesn't matter Young or Middle Aged or Aged) essentially/often pay for sex; drinks, food, gifts, pampering and what not !
                                                                                                  "Fucking a variety hot chicks" doesn't mean going to "brothel" !!!
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                                                                                                    • Hunn > Ravi Macho 3 days ago
                                                                                                      "Fucking a variety of hot chiks" is definitely advised to young men or, indeed, to men of all ages and of all walks of life.
                                                                                                      I specifically advised against going to brothel/prostitutes for young males.
                                                                                                      Everybody does it, but you must be aware what you are doing in such a case and how it will affect you, mentally (or even physically, like STD possibility).
                                                                                                      I am not saying it is a negative experience, of course. It has its place in a man's life. But it is definitely not a substitution for sexual conquest, it is more like fapping to 3D porn.
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                                                                                                      • jammyjaybird > Hunn 3 days ago
                                                                                                        Totally agreed.
                                                                                                        P4P is much less damaging for older men. They've been through all the hoops with women, and are already emotionally formed.
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                                                                                                          • Hunn > jammyjaybird 3 days ago
                                                                                                            I speak from experience, and it is the same with you, isn't it? I also had a girlfriend once who was a hooker. The mistakes we make as young...
                                                                                                            But right now, even though I have the money, I force myself to game instead. I should have done the other way around, gaming as a young man, but I missed that part out (I was a total loser pre-Red Pill) and probably because of that, I get immense pleasure from game now. Gaming a 6/10 Jane Doe at a party is a paradise to my soul compared to paying a 9/10 luxury hooker in a brothel. I wish the Manosphere was around when I was young... I could have saved a lot of money, too...
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                                                                                                              • Dickie Doolittle > Hunn 2 days ago
                                                                                                                Thats the difference really between guys who would rather go fuck a hooker and the guy who would rather "game" a chick at a party.
                                                                                                                Some guys get off on the interaction, the talking, or whatever and other guys feel that is not just wasted time but downright boring.
                                                                                                                I will not tolerate that sort of thing so I am happy to go pay a hooker though I have struggled with the idea in past.
                                                                                                                I am at the point where I realize that alot of what get said about the current state of relations in our world is true and then some.
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                                                                                                                  • Hunn > Dickie Doolittle 2 days ago
                                                                                                                    Your schlong, your choice.
                                                                                                                    If you don't mind, I will borrow this phrase from you in future discussions.
                                                                                                                    Visiting hookers is better entertainment then staring at walls. For me, one of the gratest fucks in life was with a very good hooker. I left her feeling two feet taller, the king of men. I would have robbed a bank, would have spent the loot on her by the hour, and would have shot myself when I spent all, because nothing better would ever wait me in life as far as women are concerned... Unfortunately I fucked her only twice, then she moved brothels and I lost her track.
                                                                                                                    Be that as it may, going to hookers I find boring now. Maybe I hed my fill. These days I am strictly gaming.
                                                                                                                    So, your schlong your choice. All I advise is, beware of STDs, put that plastic protection on your sword at all times. Never risk bareback with a hooker.
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                                                                                                                • Dickie Doolittle > Hunn 2 days ago
                                                                                                                  Who really wants to relate to what women have to say anyways except for people trying to sell them shit and all these ass clowns for pussy.
                                                                                                                  Females are fine when they got their fake nice girl mask on but when that shit comes off this jew is taking his schlong and his wallet elsewhere.
                                                                                                                  My schlong my choice.
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                                                                                                                • Ravi Macho > Lucas Thomas 4 days ago
                                                                                                                  Guess you are probably elder than me, so I don't want to use any bad vocabulary. But the REALITY is:
                                                                                                                  Married MEN are doing the same; buying SEX from their wives ! Marriage (at least in the current generation) is essentially a PAID Prostitution (albeit one-to-one) !
                                                                                                                  There are no fucking losers here OR any where in the world ! MEN are ALWAYS forced to BUY Sex and females have ALWAYS enjoyed FREE Sex + Pampering + Perks + Entitlement.
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                                                                                                                  • Snake Justus > Lucas Thomas 3 days ago
                                                                                                                    You don't pay them for sex. You pay them to leave when you're finished.
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                                                                                                                Lucas Temple
                                                                                                                Husband. Father. Aspiring Patriarch. I spend my time working, raising my son, preparing for my next one, and helping my wife become the woman she strives to be. Never back down. I write at Visible Text
                                                                                                                (A.k.a armenia4ever)
                                                                                                                January 7, 2017 Family
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