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    Donald J. Trump Verified account @realDonaldTrump · 3h3 hours ago
    Intelligence agencies should never have allowed this fake news to "leak" into the public. One last shot at me.Are we living in Nazi Germany?
    28,119 replies 14,368 retweets 40,261 likes
      1. .@realDonaldTrump Oh good lord, hun. If you can't handle a tabloid kerfuffle, you can't President. I know it's hard. I know. Shhhh. I know.
        138 replies 257 retweets 2,748 likes
      2. .@realDonaldTrump And let's be extremely careful about invoking Nazi Germany in the same tirade you lament a free press.
        47 replies 354 retweets 2,740 likes
      3. .@realDonaldTrump Also because of how the American Nazis love you. You know what? Maybe address that now that you brought it up, dear?
        40 replies 208 retweets 2,014 likes
      4. .@realDonaldTrump There's a pattern to your furious rants, Don. Maybe going forward let's not make big President decisions in the mornings.
        87 replies 172 retweets 1,726 likes
      5. @bessbell You are an American treasure.
        9 replies 7 retweets 470 likes
      6. @MitchBeeee @bessbell Bess for President!
        6 replies 4 retweets 156 likes
      7. Show more
      1. @realDonaldTrump what was more of a fake scandal: pizzagate or peezagate?
        66 replies 135 retweets 1,968 likes
      2. @jnsanchez @realDonaldTrump how can you compare piss to child molestation?? Different ballparks
        129 replies 16 retweets 243 likes
      3. @fierymom3 I mean...It's more likely a rich slime ball likes getting peed on rather than Hillary running a sex ring out of a pizza joint
        55 replies 74 retweets 1,740 likes
      4. @jnsanchez still won't joke about anything referring to molestation or prostitution of children. Not even same country on this one
        78 replies 5 retweets 178 likes
      5. @fierymom3 You seem to be missing the point, darling. Fake news helped this man get elected. Now he's upset he may be on the wrong end.
        131 replies 191 retweets 3,081 likes
      6. @jnsanchez @fierymom3 I call bullshit I voted for him fair and square I am an American citizen! What about the three million illegals Voted?
        581 replies 28 retweets 339 likes
      7. @nascar14champ @fierymom3 Yeeeeeeeah, so there's no evidence for that but you openly accept it? See your hypocrisy?
        84 replies 52 retweets 2,818 likes
      8. @jnsanchez @nascar14champ @fierymom3 To see hypocrisy, TrumpChumps would need principles beyond raw worship of power. They have none.
        5 replies 10 retweets 187 likes
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      1. @realDonaldTrump You soon will be! That's pretty funny from someone who campaigned hard for the racist, white supremacist and Nazi
        15 replies 88 retweets 676 likes
      2. @jackschofield He campaigned really hard for the Evangelical vote. Is this who you are referring to? Endorsed by Border Patrol.
        15 replies 3 retweets 29 likes
      3. @MagaSmith2020 The evangelicals who supported a 3x married adulterer, sexual predator, pathological liar, con-man and atheist? Yeah,
        13 replies 33 retweets 343 likes
      4. @jackschofield @MagaSmith2020 And Clintons ( both) held such high morals? Cigars, cheating lying stealing and that was just one day 🙋🏼⚜
        51 replies 0 retweets 40 likes
      5. @RonLybrand @MagaSmith2020 They were both a lot more honest and more moral than @realDonaldTrump 
        15 replies 12 retweets 272 likes
      6. 12 replies 0 retweets 42 likes
      7. 7 replies 17 retweets 216 likes
      8. Show more

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